MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

nattybatty55 said:
Hey guys there's a new Pac video on YT go and check it out its called......'Mac and Peyton Heaven'
I watched it, too. Thanks for the info. ;) I like the video of Meyton.

Aww, this pic from "Heart of Glass" is so great. I can't help myself but everytime I see it all I can think of is that they look like parents in that one. :D No idea where it come from but for me it could be a scene where Mac and Peyton searh for a nanny for their kid or someone like that.. :rolleyes:
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

nice caps :lol: made me laugh and choke :p

Hey guys there's a new Pac video on YT go and check it out its called......'Mac and Peyton Heaven'
im gonna check that out later :D thanks for letting us know.
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#


Antoher one of my Fav's from Silent Night. God! to have such chemestry on screen, is truely inspirational. I can see fire and emotion wrapped up into one beautiful, romantic package. :)

This truely makes Meyton/Pac, one of my fav's. :D
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

So do I. The pic shows so much emotion between Peyton and Mac. They're just too cute together though they had a few problems at the start.. ;)

Here I have a new video for ya all! I've uploaded it today so check it out.. :D Here's the way to it:

Edited to remove link to fan made video.
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

Hey Stel I love the video but you might want to remove the link before a mod does :)....just post the name so people can track it down!
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

Hey Stella ~ fabulous vid, loved it! Thanks for sharing your hard work :D

(working on a few pac pics I'll put up soon ;))
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

Awesome, I loved it Stella. I especially loved the way, you had it look like Mac was running down the hall and stairs, while Peyton was being hurt. Almost as if he knew, someone was going to hurt her. Great job. And I agree, Mac and Peyton, are another true love couple destine for forever.

LMH :)
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

Stella said:
So do I. The pic shows so much emotion between Peyton and Mac. They're just too cute together though they had a few problems at the start.. ;)

Here I have a new video for ya all! I've uploaded it today so check it out.. :D Here's the way to it:

Edited to remove link to fan made video.

It is against board rules to link to any fan-made video. You can say where it is, but you cannot link to it.
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#


Out of all the Silent Night Pics, I love this one the best. The hug was great too. But it's what lead up to it, that gave me goosebumps, and that was the tears, as Peyton cried.

So in honor of our couple, I've brought this for us all to enjoy
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

*sigh* after a very busy week (and week ahead), I definitely need the fluff. plus i owe LMH reviews on the fics :( gonna check 'em out promise! *hugs*

btw, how many vids did you guys mention? was it two? i need to list the things im gonna do :p
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#


**A Smile Filled With Love and Trust** Now their look is saying kiss me please!!! :devil: :p

btw, how many vids did you guys mention? was it two? i need to list the things im gonna do

I think there is like 19, maybe more. I have four in my fav's, that are awesome. I hope that helps. :p :lol:

*New Poem in the Poetry Thread*

*Also Natty helped me put together a video on You Tube, it's really awesome, I found the most sweetest pics I could, and Natty put it all in video form for me, along with a few motion pics of her own. Go have a look :) It's called, "Destine for Love"

**Big Hugs** :D
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

^ you didnt tell me your name yet! :lol: (on YT I mean)

aw fluffy piccie... *gg* did i tell you guys that i dreamed of Peyton last night? (actually it was early morning)... i hope that was a sign XD
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

Mj LMH's YT name is 'luvingmyHoratio' :lol:

Linda i'm glad you like the vid but you did a lot of the work by getting those pics :)

Mj I made that video you challenged me to make,hope its OK the names

CSI NY- Why'd you lie to me?
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

:lol: *blushes* yeah thanks again for reminding me. I have a prob though... i cant seem to see LMH's channel at YT! *sobs* i cant see hers...

OMG! NATTY! I just saw the vid you made (cant get online there *grumbles* so ill leave a comment next time i go there)... it rocks! seriously, i was impressed with your vids before but now YOU ROCK! more than before! seriously! :lol: you didnt mention the song though, i wanna know, i like it :D imma add it when i get a chance to log in *hates maintenance* you even added MY FAVE SCENE in that vid *gg* just guess what ;) FLUFF! straight fluff! *tackle hugs* maybe i shouldnt challenge you... I want to make requests instead! :p cant make vids yet cause i dont have s3 eppies :( im kinda stuck with s2 eppies. *sighs* anyway *tackles natty again* you the woman! ;) made my day totally! i wasnt expecting it today so you really made me smile! :)