MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

*avoids hammers on her way in*
whoa! too many flying hammers! *gets baseball bats and hits em away from pac fans*

yesh el ya can call me mj. :lol: everybody does. :D ok then, if i know you got my back, ill start working on it right away. ;)

lynny nah... ill not blame ya always...just occasionally :p btw, where have ya been?! i missed you! and... i thought i was the only witch :lol:

ooh! yeah theres some Meyton vids on YT. i added one or two in my faves. theyre sweet... very sweet... *ggs*
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

*Looks for loose hammers***

I know, I love that video so much. There chemistry is driving me crazy. I hope we get lots of action from the two of them in season 4.

**RUN***Ouch, Damn hammers******, :eek: :eek: :mad:

Chapter three of story will be updated shortly. :D *However, if I don't get any FB over there, I'm not posting. So you guys take some hammers too and get over there". :p :p :p

"AAAhhh!!! :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

On my way LMH, no worries!! I just don't multi-task as well as you do.

nattybatty would you be the same nattybattyroe who's also done some fabulous vids on youTube??!! (*bows down humbly*)(how many of you can there be???:lol:) Love your work!
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

*Looks for Hammers*

Hiya guy's, I've got two hot poems on Mac/Peyton, they are just steaming. Will be sending out shortly.

Chapter three has been posted.

**Ducks** haha, you missed****

As I watched that video again, and you see them kiss, you can see them playing tonsil hockey, Peyton's cheeks move. :devil: :devil:

*Squee*** They are so hotttttt :devil: :devil:

***Owww, ouch,******

Have to run. I love Peyton and Mac :lol: :lol: :lol:
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

nattybatty i knew i know you somewhere! youre everywhere i go! :lol: ff, talkcsi, YT... am i right? or thats another person :eek:

LMH whats your name on YT? and do you have an account in ff?! tell me :D
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

My name on YT is the same as here, though I have not done any video's yet. :( It's also the same on ff, though I haven't posted there for a while. :)
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

nattybatty would you be the same nattybattyroe who's also done some fabulous vids on youTube??!! (*bows down humbly*)(how many of you can there be???) Love your work!

I would be that natty yes, I was nattybatty but I had to open a new account because it got deleted (I posted eps an non privite video i naughty :) )

I'm glad that you like my videos...have you got your own account?

nattybatty i knew i know you somewhere! youre everywhere i go! ff, talkcsi, YT... am i right? or thats another person

:lol: Whats your YT account name?
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

Sorry hun, I actually thought about that when I last posted.

This saturday Cold Reveal airs over her, I don't think there's much Pac in it!!
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

Sorry Mod :lol: *Big Hug* :D

*Chapter 4 is ready, comes with a beautiful, hot sexy PM. :devil: :devil: :evil


Back on topic, I think the two of them, could be the next Rhett and Scarlet Butler. They both have those dreamy looks and Mac has that sexy chisled look, at a mostache on him and we're in buisness, for the next "Gone with the Wind".

*Run, here come the hammers**
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

LMAO! that made me laugh!
i badly need my fluffy Meyton/Pac fix *cough*
any fix will do! :lol:

sorry moddie :D

natty im mjzerosixtwentyone. because the simple one was already taken. *grumbles*
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

Well thats aname and a half isn't it!!

I'm still laughing at that Moustache :lol:!!
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

(sorry Mod! :))

oh dear no no no mackie no moustache :lol::lol::lol:

(a goatee at the very least if it has to go that way, but I do hafta say I luv Gary with Sideburns...) :p

I suffered thru Nick in Vegas with a moustache, why were ever such things deemed acceptable...? Now you know I luvs my Mac, and all his pieces, but but but -

... I *just* keep seeing Peyton's hand rise up with a hankerchief to wipe his face... :lol::lol::lol:

here's a few Pac Piccies while I bide my time digging up a few more... (no moustaches...)

Who was talking about Silent Night and the Door-Lurk scene...?

Here we go...

i just remember the sound of her catching her breath short when he embraced her ...
*sigh* too sweet...

and our hot lil' Mackie letting himself be all vulnerable and stuff...

and the scene in Heart of Glass where Danny is the last one to find out all about 'em...

:cool: I've just gotten out of a meeting from hell, and am assuaging such an atrocious assault on a sedate Tuesday summer evening with an excess of pics, so check out our other threads, I'll be posting more tonight.