MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

:D yay!
you write more than I do! :lol: but my buds sorta gave me threats when i said i was gonna write a Pac fic :p

:devil: does he eh? I have to talk to him then :devil:
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

great beginning to your pac-fic LMH - pleeeeeease write more soon :lol: :D (anything that puts "mac" and "nibble all night" together has me completely at its mercy :devil:)

(LMH ~ I'm polishing a few pac pics, and thought maybe I'd also look for a couple other ship pics for ya, seeing your snazzy icon there. I'll post when I can, some of those I don't have. Not like you need inspiration or anything, but you've got me hooked and I wanna make sure you've got lots to write about... :p)

:lol: P.S. i'm happy to provide diversions and safe haven from any pac-scowlers out there :lol:
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

Thank-you all so much, for the wonderful feedback. *BIG HUGS all around :lol: :lol:

@ Elwood, I love any pics you have polished. It's actually the pictures that do inspire me to write the words. That and making others happy. :)

*Watch for the next chapter very shortly** :devil:
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

Okay, for LMH and anyone who likes 'em - here's a few more pac pics, may they bring lovely things to mind. (I do have more, but I think I'm only supposed to post 3 max at a time here? How am I supposed to choose?? :D)

~ Brooklyn Bridge from People With Money
- two bridge pics I stitched together... maybe there was a story in my head :p

~ opera kiss ~ from Murder Sings The Blues

~ one I kinda painted from Not What It Looks Like (well, what *does* it Look Like he's checking out? :lol:)(I got kinda carried away with this one; hope it's not too big, its under 30kb)

In any case, other ships are coming, eventually. I guess I'll put those pics on their related ship threads, but I'll let you know.

Hmm. I think I'll go throw a few mac pics on the wet line too, 'cause I just cannot help myself with that man.:lol:

Enjoy ev'rybody :p
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

*drools over pic*
im gonna snag a few...scratch that..all of them... you mind El? (do you mind me calling you that? :D)
that's it, im taking your offer El! I need that diversion! :lol: i wanna write a pac/meyton fic! now! LMAO. cover me! :p
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

GReat, I snagged them all for my poems. *BIG HUGS**

@ mj, hurry and start writting, just watch out for the flying hammers, they hurt :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Chapter two has been posted. :)

***Runs from the flying hammers******
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

LMH- ooh! you updated? dang it i have no more time.. ill have to check it later or tommorrow.. *sobs* yesh, imma start writing on draft... but I post on take note. ill just link maybe...
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

everybody, :lol: call me El. (or whatever you like, :lol: I even answer to Hey You on occasion...)

Sharing piccies is good! Spread the Pac Luv, I says!! :cool:
I didn't cap 'em, I just polish em up to look pretty (er, prettier??) I will be capping soon once I figure Nero out. I just like sharing pics with people who like 'em too, especially in the Mac & Pac realms. Snaggle away.

:D No worries, I got your back, mj (...can I call you mj? :lol:)

and you know there's at least one reader for a new pac fic, so *puhlease* write one if you've got even the smallest inclination - ...I'll even try to dig up more nice piccies... (i'm shameless i know) ;)

OK! Ready?? Go! GO! GO!! :p
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

@ LMH and MJ -- Oh sure, blame me.. I love yall, really. :)

@ Natty -- Wow, we all follow each other alot, don't we?

@ El -- Thanks for the pics, hon, very hot. :)

She is so lucky to not only be in London with him, but to be with him. *sighs* Lucky witch.
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

We would never do that, we loves ya to much. :lol: :lol:

@ El, thanks again for those pics, I'm playing around with them.

Hey, has anyone seen the PAC video's on You Tube, you should check them out, they are awesome. You'd love them El. I'll PM you the links. Now I know how to do it. :lol:
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

^LMH ~ re: youTube ~ :lol::lol: Been there honey!!! Long ago and far away... (but thanks for thinking of me :p :D)

I should have thought to mention them again (i think i might have on the claire forlani thread a while back) shame on me for not sharing properly... for those who haven't yet visited, type in the search window

mac peyton csi:ny

and about a dozen will come up, maybe a few less I haven't check recently.

Typing in Mac CSI:NY will also keep a girl happy for awhile too... ;) There's also lots of compilation vids, and some good ones with Snow Day footage. Enjoy. (I can only hope what I'm starting to work on will meet similar standards).

well it is very late for me and getting up for work's really gonna hurt... so g'nite all, and believe me I'll be having some sweeet dreams tonight after all's been read and done...:lol:
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

Okay, coool El. I'm glad you seen them. The one really touched my heart. It was called 'Mac and Peyton- Look after you". It was so beautiful and gave me goosebumps.

Also rewatched Silent Night las night. I love the compassion and love, Mac showed Peyton at the end.

*Ducks from flying hammer*** :lol:

You can see their chemistry pour out, God I love that scene

***Runs from loose hammers**** :lol: