Mac/Lindsay--All Dressed Up and Ready to Dance

I kinda liked MeLty cause it has their initials in it. Eternal Flames is nice, though I'm not sure what it refers to. :confused: But I'm fine with no ship name as well.

I think we're getting some M/L in this upcoming episode, as they're going to be working together! :D
Bad Girl :lol:. Thanks for posting the name, I just hope they like it. Speaking of Mac and Lindsay I've been looking at some caps lately from Season Two.

I've compared how Mac is around Stella to how is is with Lindsay. He's more relaxed around Lindsay than he is with Stella, I know that Stella is a friend of Mac's and has been for a long time, but why the difference with her than with Lindsay. Shouldn't he be more comfortable with Stella?
MeLty is cute, I like that also :) Like I said Eternal Flames was just a suggestion, but MeLty seems more appropriate!
Whatever you guys decided to post let me know. You can PM with it. I like MeLty. It is cute.

I was wondering if there is anyone that would be intered in doing a Mac/Lindsay story with me. I have never done a CSI story before and I could use the help. If you want to do a story with me please PM.

I'd be interestd to help :) I've got a CSI sotry of my own underway but I'd like to help you :)
Oh man, I can see Mac and Lindsay being Parents Americana. Mac would take his boys out and teach them how to play baseball and would be totally willing to play Barbies with the girls. Lindsay would be the loving, attentive mother with the no-nonsense attitude. Aww.

AWWW! Mac would so be a daddy's little girl type of dad.
Lindsay would be an awesome mom. :D

are we going with MeLty? :D :D woo I helped with that. (lol i'm horrible with names...)

anyway.... I'm in a picturey mood.

I love this pic! where's Mac's hand??? Lindsay looked shocked. lol

Lindsay: "I said not at work!"
:lol: That sentance does go well with that picture, I like MeLty aswell I vote for that :)
Hey i wouldn't cross Lindsay. She may look cute and innocent but if she can take suspects down without a gun, well let's just say, i'd hate to see what she'd do to you...
Lindsay was simply flustered when Mac spoke of her love for bugs in jest. Mac has a fondness to tease her, so he can revel in her glowing smile. Though it was a short scene, I liked how Lindsay was enamored by Mac's affection towards the boy. Then at the end when Mac was sentimental over the boy leaving, when they pulled up the camera on Mac, I was hoping Lindsay would come up and put her hand on his shoulder. I Heart Mac and Lindsay.

MeLty would suit them. :D
aw when Lindsay was watching Mac and Sam she had this cute look on her face.

lol don't you guys think Sam could have been their son? lol her brown eyes, his hair.....

ok i'm grasping here. lol