Mac/Lindsay--All Dressed Up and Ready to Dance

aw! I Bet they do all the lame Touristy stuff, but then Mac takes her out to some secluded Jazz club that only people that have stumbled upon it accidentally know where it is.

I wonder if he's taken her to the statue of Liberty?
^I could definitely see him taking her to a jazz club.

And the Statue of Liberty...she'd totally want to go and kind of drag him there, but then her enthusiasm would totally make him smile. :D

I could also see them going to a play or a musical. I get the feeling that Lindsay is really into theater, and I bet Mac is, too.
Hey guys I just wanted to let you know that in fanfiction area I have put up a Mac/Lindsay RPG if you would like to join it. I am Mac of course but there are the other ones I still need.
I love how Mac lights up around Lindsay. He is naturally free with her. He welcomes her presence with glee. Think Lindsay can be the woman to break through to him.

Thanks HCfanforlife.
^Not really into RPGs, sorry! But thanks for starting one. :)

bklynCSIfanatic said:
I love how Mac lights up around Lindsay. He is naturally free with her. He welcomes her presence with glee. Think Lindsay can be the woman to break through to him.

Yeah, he's not like that around anyone else, is he? Mac is much more laid back and just happy when she's around. He obviously enjoys being around her.
Hey Guys

Just thought that I would say hello, and I'm deffinatally a Mac/Lindsay shipper. Pleased to see that we have a thread here.
Welcome Big_B! :D Glad to have you here! I love your banner, btw. That was a great scene at the end of "Stuck on You" when Lindsay blew Mac's cover on his Wednesday night plans! :D Yes, Lindsay, you do know Mac best. ;) :devil:
Thanks TopI'm glad that you like it. I haven't seen that episode yet, but I've looked at the pictures and it does look really good.
Hey Big_B glad you could join us here. I am happy to see another Mac/Lindsay shipper here.

I haven't been able to start my Mac/Lindsay RP because noone wants to join it. Oh well if anyone should decide they want to join mine or start one let me.
I'm not that into RP's. sorry HCfan. :(

hmm this coming up episode has Mac bcoming attached to a child witness, I wonder how Lindsay will react. i wonder if she feels comfortable enough to say something.

BTW wouldn't Mac just make the cutest Dad. He's all strict and rule abidding at work but i Bet he would be a push over as a dad.

Going back to the guardian angel idea, I think Lindsay will be there for Mac, drawing him out and helping him to figure out why the child has such a profound effect on him.

I definitely think Mac would make a great dad. And Lindsay would be a totally cute mom!
Oh man, I can see Mac and Lindsay being Parents Americana. Mac would take his boys out and teach them how to play baseball and would be totally willing to play Barbies with the girls. Lindsay would be the loving, attentive mother with the no-nonsense attitude. Aww.

I skimmed a little bit of the interview with Anna...the guardian angel thing was cute. Now all we need are Gary's thoughts on the Mac/Lindsay thing. I mean, there's obviously some sort of chemistry between the two characters, I'd love to hear Gary's side of it.
Yeah when I read the interview with Anna it was very sweet. Bitten I would love to hear Gary's side also, it would be interesting to read,.
Hi All,

Big B has put in a suggestion for a ship name over on the Ship Names? thread and I thought I'd share it with you for your consideration - Eternal Flames

I'm ashamed to admit, I still haven't seen anything from this season of NY, so I don't know what it refers to, but I think it's a cute name.

As ever, if you come up with a name for your ship which you would like to have added to the Ship List, please let me know. Likewise, if you would prefer for your ship not to have a name, let me know that too, and I'll add the ship to the list as character names only.

Many thanks :)