Mac #3: Slim Macky & The Taylor Girls

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I agree with what someone said, it seemed Flack was more concerned about Shane Casey in this past ep, but that could have been because Mac wanted/needed to concentrate on the case at hand, and trusted Flack to pick Casey up if he could find him. I think it will end up being one that eats at him though, for the simple fact that they haven't caught up with him yet. And if there's still a viable threat towards Hawkes, that'll definitely enter into the equation. Right now I'm thinking they're figuring that Casey will be satisfied just simply to be out and free, but it he shows signs that he's still after his last two chosen targets and plans on finishing the job, then yeah, Mac'll take it very personally.

Once again, partly because the case involves "one of his own". He took Aiden's case hard, and he also seemed pretty obsessed with putting Sonny Sassone away, partly of course because it involved Danny. I'd say both of those cases ate at him, and of course Flack's injury did, too.

I think the only case that really "got" him that didn't involve the injury or safety of one of his own team was the first one, "Blink". I think it really bugged him that despite the fact that they caught the perp and the last victim was still "alive", they could still do absolutely nothing to alleviate her suffering or stop the living hell the perp had put her into. Remember the "conversation" he had with her at the end? She's probably the only person alive who he has admit the story about Claire and the beachball, to.
I never saw all the episode but I was able to watch that scene...It was a much darker Mac and CSINY back then..It's really better the way he is now..he seems at least better than then ! ;) :rolleyes:
On season 1 Mac is always serious and sad, he never sleeps and those ties throttle his beautiful neck... and the show has dark colors, so it's all very sad :(
All the darkness was really depressing; yes those ties did hide his beautiful neck. Season 2 Mac looked more refreshed and happy he joked a few times.
True, nim...but he's definately hotter tie-less now :grin: And we never got shirtless in S1...COTP and PWM, Peyton or no..just...*THUD*
You're not missing much, season 2&3 Mac is the best....well mostly cause he came out shirtless in those so far :lol:
Nope, I've seen everything as well. Gary is a longtime favorite of mine and when I heard he was doing NY, I made *sure* I'm watching everything from the beginning. I have the dvds, too :D

I love S1 Mac coz he was pretty dark. He was still getting over his wife and his grimness was exhausting and refreshing at the same time (if that makes sense). Don't get me wrong, I love that he has lightened up as well but sometimes, I want to see that he hasn't completely recovered. Angst, unresolved issues, they make for good drama :D

Thanks for singling "Blink" out, MBK. I agree, that case ate him up (and with no one from his team involved). Yeah, that comatose woman was the *only* person he told --- I remember his line somewhat, "I've never told anyone, but I got rid of everything that reminded me of Claire...too painful."

And that beachball story. So sad :(
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