Mac #3: Slim Macky & The Taylor Girls

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MacsGirlMel said:
I thought of something...we Taylor girls are like the Finding Nemo seagulls lol. "Mine Mine Mine Mine Mine..."
:lol: Where all picking at Mac :lol: MINE! :lol:
So what did you think of Mac on last night's episode, besides that he looked hot.
I saw this and thought of you guys :lol:
Because I now consider my self as a lucky person I'll be able to watch the episode-and few more-these days!!.. :D :D :D

^^Mac is always hot!^and pissed Mac is even more! ;)
Actually, much as I love my Pissy!Mac, I'm glad he stayed calm with Stella, and approached her in that scene as a friend instead of as a boss. He knew what she was feeling and why, and he also trusted her enough to be able to work through it on her own, without him having to chastise her. He knows she and Lindsay are close, and that Stella wouldn't have been sassing at her just for the heck of it. He knew her emotions were waaaaaaay too close to the surface, and he knew exactly the way he needed to deal with it, and defuse her. That's a trademark of a good boss, one who knows that scolding or reprimanding isn't always the best path. Go, Mac!
I agree with MB. I'm glad he went to her as a friend, and yeah as much as I love pissy!mac. He knew not to go there at that moment.

and you wish, Melly!
Because I am now I able to say something on the episode I have to say that he was great :D!..I agree that the way he treated Stella was the best..He was not there as her boss but most of all as friend and ...a collegue! ;)
At first he went there to discuss something because he had a folder but he ended up walking in on stella and lins. The look on his face when lins walked out was kinda like WTF... i think it caught him off guard but then Stella confided in him. So he had to change his thinking. He gave her adivce first as a friend then as a boss. Which was really great. I wish i had bosses like Mac....
I wish I had a boss like Mac too, but then again I'd never get any work done, I'd be too busy drooling all over my desk :lol:
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