Mac #3: Slim Macky & The Taylor Girls

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If he does, can we all take Mac away and hide him? We can keep him nice and occupied, I'm sure :devil:
:lol: Ahhh Melly so you :lol:, but yes all of us Taylor girls would be able to keep him occupied :devil: Do you think Casey would target Mac or someone else on the team???
hmm not sure...Flack and Danny and Hawkes were also involved... Hard telling. As for Mac, the only trouble is we wouldn't let him go when it was done. We'd keep him tied up :devil:
First off, Melly lets do it. :devil: secondly, I think Hawkes will be the first target for Casey.
feenx said:
^ :lol: were disscussing about Casey(can't remember his name) from the episode Hung out to Dry .
oh ok, he's the t-shirt pyscho dude. :lol: so what about him are we discussing?
^Whether Shane's escape will eat at Mac.

I dunno, in the last ep, he was oh-so-concentrated on Chopper's case. It seemed as if Flack was more into chasing Shane as someone mentioned above but, who really knows? Maybe he's obssessing after office hours :cool:

Has a case actually eaten Mac? (oh dear) I mean, apart from the Towers' disaster, have we gotten any hints of any case that really, really haunted him? I know he has a few unsolved files on top of his table but the man's so stoic it's difficult to see what/which cases has gotten under his skin.
Did it really haunt him or is it just because one of his team got involved too deep? *ponders aloud* So I'm thinking the ones that eat at him are personal, 'no? But yeah, I did love seeing Mac put up the pictures on his wall as well as seeing Adam and his ginormous Mac-crush in full force :lol:

Curious, do you guys think there ever was a time Mac acted the same way Aiden did with the suspect Mac talked about to Stella? (the one where Aiden's bite mark idea came from) or do you think he's too rigid and by-the-book to actually do that?
feenx said:
He was a marine so maybe he is all all about following the rules.
Everybody has a limit..Maybe he'll bend the rules to a point. just not crossing the line ;)
He's kinda like H very private and keeps things hiden under the surface but maybe what eats at him, keeps him going, and going and going (sorry couldn't resist :lol:)
oh,I saw a few scenes from that episode!...I love internet and youtube!.. :D

Aiden was his collegue and friend!..they were working together and they spent time with each other and the team a lot!..Losing her had to be something bad for him and everyone!..And in the last season's final episode about that marine who died in his arms..He is a person,and has feelings ,he just don't let the others see it! ;)
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