Mac #3: Slim Macky & The Taylor Girls

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Ya'll are sooo funny. I've missed a couple of days so I have a question. Feenx, how EXACTLY do you accidentally cook a pet? And since it was a crab, did you eat him afterwards or bury him?
Luveykat said:
Feenx, how EXACTLY do you accidentally cook a pet? And since it was a crab, did you eat him afterwards or bury him?

I'm still here. I like to watch. :p

I was actually wondering that, too, but I have this weird tendency to make things sound mean when I'm being nice. (And I am just wanting facts.)
Ok I’ll explain. Last week I was washing my crabs tank with hot water, after I was done I filled the tank with water, but I forgot to change it to cold :eek: :( And no I did not eat it :lol: I did burry it though.
I read the spoilers and i can't wait!!!!
Sad yes, but sometimes telling the story brings a smile to my face :) my crabs name was Montana :lol: I wanna post some pics, but i can't get into my photobucket. So some pics im in need.
^Guys, it's getting way too spammy in here, and off-topic convos should be taken to PM. Thanks.

There is some interesting stuff coming up for Mac!

Mac is going to discover he has a stepson, and also clash with Flack over a drug bust Flack was on where some of the stash goes missing. And I believe Peyton will be back for at least two more eps.

Also, how do you guys think Mac is going to deal with Shane's escape? Is it going to eat at him? How do you think he'll react if Shane kills again? Will he blame himself?
I liked Mac's comment about "if you're lying, you'll be feeling me" Gutter city :devil: I wanna feel him...we all will gladly feel him :devil:
it would be interesting to see Mac in another role!...I haven't seen season 3 yet here so I can't say anything about Peyotn and my shipper mind gets over me so I;lls top here!..the kid is supposed to be what age :confused: :p??
MacsGirlMel said:
I liked Mac's comment about "if you're lying, you'll be feeling me" Gutter city :devil: I wanna feel him...we all will gladly feel him :devil:
When i heard thet i was 0_0....:devil: now that's my favorite quote :lol:
And on your question athens i have no idea,they haven't said much on it.
MacsGirlMel said:
I liked Mac's comment about "if you're lying, you'll be feeling me" Gutter city :devil: I wanna feel him...we all will gladly feel him :devil:

My husband was in the room watching with me so i couldn't comment out loud. but i was thinking it. :lol: :devil:
That quote could be our new logo for the Taylor Girls banner :D
*starts working on it*

Love the scene when Stella is reading "In my darkest moment when all seems lost, You are at my side" and he said "I appreciate you too, Stella" :lol: :lol: :lol:
haha, Nim you should totally do that!

That was a really cute line.

Top -- I think it'll eat at him until he can catch the guy, especially knowing one of his own could be in danger from it.

Its going to be interesting seeing him clash with Flack. and see whats going on with Peyton and the stepson.
Nim said:
That quote could be our new logo for the Taylor Girls banner :D
*starts working on it*
hahaha :lol: please do, i miss my banner :(, but i'll probably put it back up next week :D
As for Casey, it seemed that Flack is more determined to catch him than Mac.
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