Mac #3: Slim Macky & The Taylor Girls

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:eek: that sounds kinda freaky,feenx.
Like I said it was an accident.

Oh yay...I might ask for 'em for Christmas but not sure yet.
I bought it already actually about 5 hours ago I was just watching it. Would have gone all night, but my mom kicked me out of the living room :lol:
Hey the corpse drawer sounds like a fun place to be in :lol:
Your mean, Feen!

Hey! *chases after Melly and trips her* Mac. Is. Mine. Nuff said.

I want season 2, Dangit.
Still figthing for him??? :lol:


I love this wtf expression, :D
Nim said:
I love this wtf expression, :D

:lol: I know this is a Mac (not Gary) thread, but Nim have you seen him in the movie Bruno? He does the best WTF expression ever in that one. When he sees his little boy coming down the stairs in a girl's nightie.
No!!! Awww, I missed a lot of Gary's movie :(
if you find a cap of the movie, plz, post it in Gary thread!!! :D
:lol: I think the WTF expression is from watching us figth over him :lol:
So anybody here heard any spoilers on tonight's epi???
Yep, some good spoilers for tonight in the spoiler thread, just recently posted - including some continuity from last week's ep! Woo hoo!
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