Mac #3: Slim Macky & The Taylor Girls

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I think there's room...just watch out for my cat LOL We just got her and she appears to like my bed at night.

*wanted to call her Stella but no one went for it*
*wanted to call her Stella but no one went for it*
awww that would have been so cute.

I know we where discussing about Mac having a nemesis, but anyone know who’s going to play him and when is he going to appear???
Fruitbat said:
Well he was mine last night and I think I will just hold on to him.....handcuffs come in handy :D :D :D :D :D

But then again that is rather selfish of me, tell you what whoever posts me the nicest Mac pic gets him next as long as I get him back next Friday. :devil:

serious Mac

szmandatogoholic Great picture
Where did you find it?
Neelie I am so im love with that pic I could lick my screen :p , but there's people around me and they migth think im weird or crazy :lol:.
That most recent picture is a promotion picture from last season's episode "Heroes".

:D I agree, I could lick the screen too, but it'd be too much work to clean it off again. :lol:
Oh my, that's one of my very favorite pictures of Mac. *licks screen without shame* I'm at home and the only other one around here to see me is my cat, and he ain't talkin'! :D

And I agree with the above poster (Mel?) Mac's nemesis this season will most likely be Edward Furlong's character, Shane Casey, since he is signed on for a recurring role. Personally can't wait to see what else they do with Shane Casey, and how the team handles it
*licks screen without shame*
If MBGrissom can do it...*licks screen, getting weird looks from nana :eek: *
Personally can't wait to see what else they do with Shane Casey, and how the team handles it
Me too, i think this is going to be the best season yet!
Fruitbat, I know I'm going to win with this one :devil:

Guys loved all the piccies but ranama you know me so well.
:D :D

ranama wins with one of my all time fav Mac pics.....*THUD*

He just looks so damn SEXY in it. Hands ranama Mac and the keys to the handcuffs....have fun :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil:
You guys have probably already talked about this a half dozen times by now, but did you guys see Open Season? I took my brother, our cousin and his friend to see it last night and it was so good. I thought Gary had just a little part in it, but he was the main hunter. He will never cease to amaze me with what he can do. His spectrum of talent is so wide! He was awesome as the crazy hunter! It was kind of a shock though to think of him currently as Mac, and then go to what he put out there last night. You think to your self the whole time, "Is this really the same person?" It was like, Lt.Dan on speed and with less teeth. It was great! :lol:
It was like, Lt.Dan on speed and with less teeth. It was great!

:lol: Great description! I just spewed my coke when I read that! Gary has incredible range as an actor, and he actually has a terrific, wild sense of humor in real life. I remember seeing him interviewed on "Inside the Actors Studio" and he had me (and the audience) practically peeing our pants. His rather lengthy (and surprising!) answer to the "What's your favorite curse word?" question was truly a classic. :D
Oh, he most definitely answered it! It was...well, the "F" word - and all of it's incarnations and forms that it can possibly take. Then he proceeded to ramble through a lengthy list of every possible way you can use that word, complete with a wide assortment of different voices and facial expressions for each one. It was truly hilarious, and he had the host James Lipton nearly falling out of his chair. I don't think anyone was expecting something like that! :lol: Normally the person just gives their one favorite swear word, and they're done with it. But Gary had to list every possible word combination and use for his favorite swear word that he could possibly think of! It was truly hilarious, and totally unexpected. Even though the censors had to "bleep" out half of what he was saying, you still knew exactly what he just said.
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