Mac #3: Slim Macky & The Taylor Girls

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I wonder if Mac himself was a frat boy! They're not all crazy party boys. Maybe Mac was his frat's treasurer or something. :lol: I did enjoy that little tidbit, though--it shows a lighter side to Mac.
Yeah, I can definitely see Mac being the frat treasurer :lol: or the frat house Hall Monitor...or the head of the Ethics Committee. Just as long as he wasn't checking the sheets for dna samples, it's all good. ;)

Speaking of Mac and dna samples in the sheets (nice segue, hey? :D) did anyone see next week's TV guide's "Hottest" list? Claire Forlani made the list as "Hot Lover". Nice blurb with it, accompanied by an even nicer photo of she and (shirtless) Mac. I loved this line from it:

"She seduced Death [aka Brad Pitt] in "Meet Joe Black". Kid stuff compared to her latest achievement: Forlani has actually given Gary Sinise's scowling Mac a reason to flash his pearly whites." :D
*would rather have Stella get that mention*

Or me...can I be his hot lover? hehehe

*bets we'd all line up to have his babies....heh heh*
Well he was mine last night and I think I will just hold on to him.....handcuffs come in handy :D :D :D :D :D

But then again that is rather selfish of me, tell you what whoever posts me the nicest Mac pic gets him next as long as I get him back next Friday. :devil:
MBGrissom said:
"She seduced Death [aka Brad Pitt] in "Meet Joe Black". Kid stuff compared to her latest achievement: Forlani has actually given Gary Sinise's scowling Mac a reason to flash his pearly whites." :D

:lol: Thanks for sharing this!

Fruitbat, I know I'm going to win with this one :devil:

thank you so much for the pictures!...Look at Mac in season 1[ ranma 's pic]and in season 3![ chic 's pic] :D

I won't post a picture you are lucky!! :lol:
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