Heya Family!!!!!!!!!!
After Pharmacology i can go back home
That would be nice. I think Mac talking to Stella about Claire would be really special, because it shows that he trusts her enough to talk about Claire and his feelings for her and his grief for her. I loved that scene in The Closer (ep 22 in s1) where he talked about how powerless he felt on 9/11, Stella looked like she wanted to cry for him! But that was the first time since Blink that he'd opened up to anyone about Claire. That he felt able to trust Stella with the fact that he felt powerless is very important IMO because it is hard for Mac to talk about his feelings, admit to any weakness (feeling powerless) and that he did so to Stella in season 1 shows how much he trusts her.
That episode was very special to me. Not only because the direct reference to Claire but because Mac did it out loud. For the first time he could express his state of mind. You know, we have talked about this before, but if anybody pays attention to this episode and especially the Mac and Stella scene, it describes and explains why he does have the urge to be "SuperMac" (a denomination i disagree)
He said:
Something more than the truth and sincerety i see in Sullivan's eyes is d.... me to find answer here. When the Towers fell and Claire died it was the closest definition about what is injust and unfair in this world and i was powerless to do anything about this"
Sorry i can't remember the "d..." word and i can't understand my own handwriting! (I always copy my fav lines form the show)
I can imagine being very dedicated to his job and even being a workaholic before Claire died but me thinks he never felt this extremely need to "save the mankind" before. It was like the Talmud says "whosoever saves a single soul, preserves the whole world". In a certain way, deep down every victim is Claire and he tries to save every single soul because in that way he is saving her in that spiritual way. He doesn't feel that "powerless" feeling, that emptiness, when he is making justice
That would be funny. It would be nice to see her apologizing to him later, he'd forgive her, even if she hit with him with whatever she threw at his head. If Danny or anyone else threw something at Mac, he'd probably suspend them, but he lets his Stella get away with so much more. Seriously, bosses don't let their employees sit on their desks the way Stella sits on Mac's, or argue with them the way Stella does with Mac.
Besides "Taxi" only could have been written by a man. Only a man could put Stella on her boss' desk I would love a catfight and Stella losing her temper and the scene finsihing in passion
I agree. In FF, I think she needed to hear from him that she should look at things in the Diakos situation from his point of view. He told her he had to be responsible for everything that happened, and IMO that's why she hid going after Diakos from him, to protect him so if it all went wrong he wouldn't get in so much trouble because he didn't know about it and she went against his orders. She didn't want to put his career on the line as well as her own. She was willing to let Angell and Danny potentially risk their careers by helping her break the rules, but she seemed determined to keep Mac out of the loop, to protect him. Mac, of course, would risk everything for her, and she must know that.
The more i watch S5, the more i am convinced about what you have said darling. When i remember their catfight at the beginning of 5.24 you can tell Stella is very affected by Mac's words. It was like she was pelading with her eyes "Please, don't you realise why i did this?"
Of course the lecture went on and Stella lost her temper and evrything was solved later!
Dear Lori,---> first than all thanks for sharing your story with us I don't think Stella feels threatened by Claire's memory either. She loves Mac for what he is, for what he was, and for what he will be. And Claire always will be part of him
Other fav lines (I think they are from Sweet 16 but i am not sure because i didn't write it:alienblush

-Did you hear about Reed garret?
-Not, nothing. But that day in the dining room i described his mother, hhe led up his eyes.....of curiosity
He reminded me so much of her. I think he is coming when he is ready. I want this will be his decition
You know what he is going through. It's a kid and he needs space right now. I can't imagine spend all his time looking for his biological mother and finds out Claire not longer exists
-She exists Mac. In your memory...In your heart. You can show him how she was.
(besides we don't know if she knew Claire. Probably Stell did and she appreciated Claire for herself too).
And just for this time i need to recognize Virus didn't recent Claire. She pretended to because Mac rejected her when she saw Stella
Kayla, darling-->
The first scene was so intense. Stella looked like she was going to cry and then when she said that she'd do it again, Mac gave her this look that made me think HE was going to cry. It was so emotional and great
I swear i hadn't read your post when i posted my lines earlier my dear

Both of them seemed to be so affected by their argument. Their catfights have now a new meaning because they affected them in a different way they did back in S1
whereas she definitely knew why it was so important for him, but couldn't push the issue and that's why she did that little smile, because him asking her was about as close as she could get (for the time being) as him saying outright how much he values her. it was a lovely scene

She heard what she wanted...for now. Later she was all smiling and shining as a Christmas Tree LOL
People, i have missed you. I have been too tired to post as i like to post so i coudn't be here last days. However i will be back as much as i can when S6 starts!

(if this stupid PC allows me. Blue scren have started again grrrr Technitian said it could be hardware)
saying Hi to his love
The honeymoon master bedroom