Re: Mac ♥ Stella # 17 -
:alienblush: Aww, thanks for the compliment on the welcome banner
Debbie posted the pic earlier in the old thread, and as we were coming close to the new thread I thought it would be a fitting pic for a welcome banner, glad you like it.

Sorry none of your choices made the poll, Debbie put the amount of votes each of them had in the old thread beside each of the choices, so the ones with most votes made it, I thought that would be the fairest way...
Aww, thanks for the adorable pics... :adore: The first one looks as thought they've been caught doing something they shouldn't... The look on Mac's face... If looks could kill... :lol: The second is just adorable beyond words... The third, well it sums up their relationship, they can finish each others sentences, and know what the other is thinking, nice choice of pics.
Hope you're all well. I'm heading to bed now, congrats on the new thread.
*Big hugs.*