Mac ♥ Stella #16 - His heart will follow her home.

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Yay! The list's growing.

Added Deb (8), Pleni(9-11), and Karu's (12-14) additions:

1. Bring guns to his office
2. Sit on his desk
3. Come to the office uninvited
4. Come to his office without knocking
5. Touch his cheek
6. Kiss his cheek in public
7. Hug him in public
8. Being invited to live with him
9. Tell Mac he adores her... and he doesn't deny it.
10. Yell at him and question his authority.
11. Drag him out of his dear fatherland (even when he said he'd never leave it).
12. Takes off his tie
13. Unbuttons his shirt
14. Reads his fortune
15. Takes his earpiece
16. Tells him he doesn't have 'a game whatsoever' :guffaw:

The last two are my additions. More?

No, she didn't do the taking the tie, unbottoning the shirt and reading his fortune in public. She did them in his office. Sadly. :(

Hugs to all!

No, she didn't do the taking the tie, unbottoning the shirt and reading his fortune in public. She did them in his office. Sadly. :(

Unfortunately for us... *pokes TPTB* But she might straighten out his tie in public from time to time if we have our way. Or if we're really lucky, we can see her take off his tie at his place... *hears gio fall into the gutter* Think of the possibilities.

The last two are my additions. More?

Umm... oh yeah!

17. Is mistaken for Mac's wife (remember Reed?)
Hi Karu,

Added yours

1. Bring guns to his office
2. Sit on his desk
3. Come to the office uninvited
4. Come to his office without knocking
5. Touch his cheek
6. Kiss his cheek in public
7. Hug him in public
8. Being invited to live with him
9. Tell Mac he adores her... and he doesn't deny it.
10. Yell at him and question his authority.
11. Drag him out of his dear fatherland (even when he said he'd never leave it).
12. Takes off his tie
13. Unbuttons his shirt
14. Reads his fortune
15. Takes his earpiece
16. Tells him he doesn't have 'a game whatsoever'
17. Is mistaken for Mac's wife (remember Reed)
18. Throwing Mac's name as a possible name for an unborn baby

And, i added mine, too. :D
Hey Family!~

Maybe you're right being a brunette on CSI NY is a curse. As a brunette im officially worried about that!

Don't feel bad :) I'm a redhead...I've got the legacy of Quinn...Well, she actually didn't do anything so I'm okay.

Isn't that the second time Stella have walked into Mac's office with a gun?:lol: One time in officer blue, then this time.. and she's the only one that have done it and I think are allowed to do it:lol: If someone else would have done that I think they would get yelled at or something... so if Stella is the only one that can walk like that into his office, that do tell something doesn't it?;):D

I think that is the second time :) and of course she can get away with it :) She's his Stella :adore:

Hey Family!!!!!!
Also i am thrilled Mrs. Pam Veasey and Mr. Peter Lenkov are going to stay in CSI family!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. Could you imagine CSI NY without them?

Definitely not! I'm glad they are staying :) I love Pam Veasey to bits (Mostly 'cause she wrote RND :lol:)

My sweet Axel
---> OHHH I had forgotten the lions. When was the last time we use them? I remember you also suggested ants:lol: But i am happy after 5.15 we didn't need them anymore:drool:

I think the last time we used the lions was at the beginning of the season and it was actually MT who came up with the ants :) Either way, I am VERY glad we don't have to use them any more.

definitely, my fav lines from taht episode too.

"You know, playing with your crack CSI team, it’s been, it’s been fun. I gotta tell you, man, that Stella, she’s just. She’s smart. She never quite trusted me. Can see how she’d be an asset to you. Be a shame to see her die. You see, whoever comes that door is gonna take a bullet."

Definitely my fave part as well.

and talking about Virus Driscoll. I was watching 5.19 and i was ROTFLOL:guffaw::guffaw::guffaw: because Danny suggested "Clemenza" for the baby and Sheldon said
"Influenza. Kids in the playground will call him Virus":guffaw::guffaw::guffaw::guffaw:

Oh my gosh YOU'RE RIGHT! :guffaw::guffaw::guffaw::guffaw:That is too good.

The thing is I think this "yes but no" will go on forever and I find it extremely tiresome and frustrating.

I agree. I don't want SMACked to turn into another Horatio/Yelina thing :(

I can't add anything to the list but I will say something funny.

In my city, there is a Mac St. on one side of town and a Stella Cres. on the other side. Didn't Stella say something about them living on opposite sides of town in 3.08?
The "yes but no" situation is rather tedious and annoying as some users are commenting on. I think they are afraid that Mac and Stella will break apart thus destroying their beautiful friendship. But I think they are forgetting that they are already more than just friends. Why would they allow the 5.24 if they didn't want them to progress? Perhaps this is a sign that in season 6, they will become a couple. I hope we all see them unite as lovers soon, because we are all getting sick of waiting.
Axel, what a coincidente! *sigh* No Mac or Stella Road where I live, I'm afraid...
Mac/Stella = Horatio/Yelina? *grabs bucket and pukes. Repeatedly* Really, you can't say that to me! My imagination has reacted turning Mac into a redhead who... speaks... dramatically slowly...:guffaw: I don't like Mac's whole "I'm a Marine and Marines rule. Thus, I rule!" speech, but anything's better than Horatio's always-above-good-and-evil thing.

CSINYAddict (sorry, I suck at remembering names and dates. Can't do it for the life of me), you're right. It's getting old and boring. I'm not saying I'll quit if they don't so something about Mac and Stella, but I'll probably lose interest if season 6 equals season 5 bis. The cases didn't do much for me and the personal storylines were mostly blah. Really, they can do way better than that. And Stella's sudden 34 must mean something... I hope.
OH! OH! OH! Just read this:What is in store for the procedural in the fall? "Much more character," Lenkov said. "The mystery and the science are important, but people are just as important."
Looks like we may be in for a REALLY GREAT Season!!!
Yay for more character stuff - when Mac and Stella get character stuff, that usually means some great Smacked scenes.

Axel and udonna, thanks for the great Smacked pics.

I love the 'list' guys - I have two more.

Stella is the only one who

- can talk to Mac about Claire (ok, he talked to Danny about her once, but that wasn't the same, he was talking about having kids rather than Claire herself or her death. Stella is the only team member Mac talks to about his wife in that way).

- can walk out on him and have him follow her.

I am not worried at all about this Kaye woman as a threat to Smacked, if she's going to be anyone's love interest I see her as being Hawkes's or Adam's.

I saw Greater Good on Saturday and loved the Smacked in it - it was Stella who Mac first went to with his theory about who was really driving the car. Also, they looked so cute together with the DL Baby at the end, loved the way Mac was watching Stella with the baby, the hand touch when she passed the baby to him, and how she was smiling watching him hold the baby and when Danny and Lindsay asked him to be godfather. Also, Mac holding the baby was HOT, IMO.

Yay that PV and PL are staying, they're awesome. Hopefully next season will be more Smacked focused, as Danny and Lindsay were the focus of s5. I'd really love to see some 'developing Smacked' - lingering looks, hand touches, cheek kisses, confessions of feelings, dinner/coffee dates (minus eyeballs, please), even just them working on cases together. More fights and make-ups, all that stuff. I'd love to see them share things from their pasts with each other too. I'd love a kiss too, though not sure TPTB would go for that this soon.

Next Saturday GFD will show here, I can't wait!

Woo-hoo, 802 posts already, can't believe how fast this thread has grown!
Good evening, my dear family!!!!

Just came in to say hello and then I saw all these posts, you are soo diligent!!!!
Added yours

1. Bring guns to his office
2. Sit on his desk
3. Come to the office uninvited
4. Come to his office without knocking
5. Touch his cheek
6. Kiss his cheek in public
7. Hug him in public
8. Being invited to live with him
9. Tell Mac he adores her... and he doesn't deny it.
10. Yell at him and question his authority.
11. Drag him out of his dear fatherland (even when he said he'd never leave it).
12. Takes off his tie
13. Unbuttons his shirt
14. Reads his fortune
15. Takes his earpiece
16. Tells him he doesn't have 'a game whatsoever'
17. Is mistaken for Mac's wife (remember Reed)
18. Throwing Mac's name as a possible name for an unborn baby

And, i added mine, too. :D

My dear Gabi and all the others who worked on this great list,
thank you for it.
You know, I am still a little bit sceptic but these are all strong arguments
for our twosomes.................. I can´t deny...........

#5, he pushed P's hand when she did that (i'm repeating my self again. Can't help it, that's the exact moment i got hook up to SMacked - 1st epi i watch. :lol: )

I remember that very well too for as I said before I am really no P-Fan, but at this moment I felt a little bit sorry for her for I think this must be so offending......... ( enough mercy for her!
If you look at her face and body language , that looks like BASTA for me ( and his face too:guffaw:)

Hi, dear udonna, cute pics and the first really looks as if Stella says something like "BASTA" :lol:

And my dear Ghawazee, I have that impression of Stella, too: she´s wearing the pants and she´ll always have the last word- well, just BASTA!!! :D

Love and hugs :)

My dear Andromeda,
Yes, we share the same opinion again!!!! I have to hurry for a have something to do before VOX starts!!!!!

Hey Family!!!!!!

my Dearest udonna--->yep, i guess our Stella will need some moment to breathe
:lol: And i guess we can expect if they start a relationship it will be very interesting to see Mac's behaviour. Because usually we know "shy Mac" or "Passionate Mac for his job" but what about " Passionate Mac for the love of his life a.k.a Stella Bonasera" Definitely I can't wait!

Udonna mou---> I think Stella will be saying "But Mac you said it was remarkable. But you didn't mention it was ENORMOUS":guffaw::guffaw::guffaw::guffaw:


My dearest Debbie,

yes I think we all here are convinced about Mac´s power in every direction
And to see a passionate Mac can only broaden our minds!!!!!!

At last my favorite pic of them:


I hope you like it, I love it!!!!!

Hugs to all of you.......

Gala, Axel, Debbie, Gabi,karu,Andromeda, Plenilunio,Gio, Lil, Jenn and all the others

Wow you guys its been ridiculous that I havent been able to get on here. I have been working on my finals for school, graduation is coming up in less then 2 weeks, the only CSI:NY that I have been seeing is basically the ones that I can watch before I go to school (GOTTA LOVE SPIKE :D) and I havent had any source of interente what so ever because TEH SKOOL'S network apparently crashed and they had this big drama about it and I have been super busy and I hate it :( I hate not being able to do what you guys have been basiclaly doing the past couple of days (Great list by the way, I wuv it :) ) and I dont like it....but I guess its just gonna get worse once I head off huh? :( :( :(
Good evening, family!
Udonna - you are the Queen of pics today:bolian: and smilies too:lol:. This pic is awesome. I don't remebmer what's epi this pic belong to, but it's looks like one of Basta pics, ha?. Or something like - Stella - Will you dance with me, Mac? Argentine tango, for exsample? Here and now?
Love and huge you all
Hey Family!~

Mac/Stella = Horatio/Yelina? *grabs bucket and pukes. Repeatedly* Really, you can't say that to me! My imagination has reacted turning Mac into a redhead who... speaks... dramatically slowly...:guffaw: I don't like Mac's whole "I'm a Marine and Marines rule. Thus, I rule!" speech, but anything's better than Horatio's always-above-good-and-evil thing.

:guffaw::guffaw::guffaw:Sorry Pleni, but when the whole "will they, won't they" thing is brought up I always think of Horatio/Yelina. I like that couple and I actually think it would've been the best couple on that show but stupid TPTB MASSACRED it :( Okay, enough H/Y ranting...I'm sure TPTB can't screw up SMACked. Gary and Melina won't let that happen :adore:

OH! OH! OH! Just read this:What is in store for the procedural in the fall? "Much more character," Lenkov said. "The mystery and the science are important, but people are just as important."
Looks like we may be in for a REALLY GREAT Season!!!
Yay for more character stuff - when Mac and Stella get character stuff, that usually means some great Smacked scenes.

YES! :):):):) I have now become about a million times more impatient for September :guffaw::guffaw:

the only CSI:NY that I have been seeing is basically the ones that I can watch before I go to school (GOTTA LOVE SPIKE :D) and I havent had any source of interente what so ever because TEH

Sadly, those start at 9 here so I'm at school BUT School just ended today :D so I can now watch them...if I get up early enough...

Udonna, I love that pic as well :adore: I always get it when I search Mac and Stella on google :guffaw: Speaking of google, here's another one of my google finds:


Evening all :)

Hey Family-!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

Deb, I'll be happy that they stay only if they give us something more... or something less. You know my position in this one: no UST, pwetty pliz! I want them together or apart so I can dance around or imagine what it would be like if they didn't have someone else. The thing is I think this "yes but no" will go on forever and I find it extremely tiresome and frustrating. It was so nice of Mac flying to Greece... only to say "I care about you". No shit, Sherlock. If you didn't care about her, would you have taken the first plane to Greece? Oh, I beg you pardon, I forgot you despise your job and are always looking for an excuse to leave without notice, my mistake...:shifty:
i know what you think, my dear. But 5.24 has changed me completely. Melina made her miracle:lol: It's obvious to us why he went to Helenika (I miss my Helenika word;)) and what she wanted to say when she read his coffee grounds. But now i think we can wait a little longer. I mean, i don't expect the BIG SCENE (the kiss or revelations of their feelings) happen too soon at the beginning of Season 6. If it is at the end it could work because if it happens right away in 6.02 or 6.03, what's next?what kind of expectations we could have? I guess it would be better for all of us to enjoy how they build the romance between Mac and Stella, full of special looks, caresses, unspoken word. Because if they start now you know they will have a catfight inmediately. Honeymoons doesn't last forever i am afraid;)
And Stella's sudden 34 must mean something... I hope.

Future Taylor diapers? (not Mac's in Season 52!:lol:)

Aww, thanks! Glad you like Beastie. Hmm, I still have those old SMACK penguin scenes... maybe I should expand on them and make a fic! And I can draw Mac with a penguin... *rushes to write down ideas*
LOL you can leave penguins aside:lol: They reminds me my former president and i am sick at this point:lol: but you MUST write.

Mari mou--->
The "yes but no" situation is rather tedious and annoying as some users are commenting on. I think they are afraid that Mac and Stella will break apart thus destroying their beautiful friendship. But I think they are forgetting that they are already more than just friends. Why would they allow the 5.24 if they didn't want them to progress? Perhaps this is a sign that in season 6, they will become a couple. I hope we all see them unite as lovers soon, because we are all getting sick of waiting.
They will be , we must trust they will be. However remember how much joy we had during 2 months previous 5.24 and how much many of SMakced fans have loved that episode. The waiting will be worth in any case:thumbsup:

My dear G--->
Also, Mac holding the baby was HOT, IMO.

Yay that PV and PL are staying, they're awesome. Hopefully next season will be more Smacked focused, as Danny and Lindsay were the focus of s5. I'd really love to see some 'developing Smacked' - lingering looks, hand touches, cheek kisses, confessions of feelings, dinner/coffee dates (minus eyeballs, please), even just them working on cases together. More fights and make-ups, all that stuff. I'd love to see them share things from their pasts with each other too. I'd love a kiss too, though not sure TPTB would go for that this soon.

Next Saturday GFD will show here, I can't wait!
as usual i agree with you with all my heart :D My knees were melt with Mac holding Baby Lucy and Stella looked more a mom than Lucy's real one;) I still wonder why Stella wasn't called Lucy's godmother:confused: Because if Lindsay has her mom but her mom is already the grand mother so it doesn't make sense to me:confused:
I hope more catfights in S6. They are hot when they argue and with their new feelings any catfight would be different:drool:

Are you really ready for 5.24???? Because you will feel you heart is not in the right place. I swear you!:drool: Be ready for falling in love with Mac Taylor and of course i bet you will like more and more Stella mou:thumbsup: Have a nice week my dear :D

And I agree on PV and PL too. without them we wouldn't have Snow Day. THAT would be terrible:thumbsup:

My special Udonna--->
I remember that very well too for as I said before I am really no P-Fan, but at this moment I felt a little bit sorry for her for I think this must be so offending......... ( enough mercy for her!
LOL i think you won't feel pity for her anymore when you read these crazy people pretends Kaye Sullivan to be like Peyton:eek: I said i am at ease with the world and i will be but the fact one of her personalities or sides could be like like my beloved Virus forces me to run to the first love to terminate with this Virus:lol:
Dear, I need to send you a PM but it will be tomorrow. I am totally disconnected at home so i ahve to go to a cibercaffe again:shifty:

My sweet Galina-->
Udonna - you are the Queen of pics today:bolian: and smilies too:lol:. This pic is awesome. I don't remebmer what's epi this pic belong to, but it's looks like one of Basta pics, ha?. Or something like - Stella - Will you dance with me, Mac? Argentine tango, for exsample? Here and now?
Love and huge you all
I owe a PM to you too:bolian: Tango? well they can dance Horizontal Tango too:devil: I any case it would be very sexy if this year they go to some part together and they dance:drool::drool::drool: I don't care what as long as Stella is in his arms:drool:

Nat---> Cheer up dear! we will be always here when you can post back my dear:thumbsup:

my hugs to all Debbie :D
Do you think if i threaten to chew off my own hand. Do you think they will make SMacked happen? :lol:

How is the lovely SMacked family?
At last my favorite pic of them:



Hey everyone,

some might remember me from loooong time ago, when I used to regularly post in my most faved thread, but lately, I've just been lurking. And what there is to lurk about! :eek::eek: So much SMACK, eventually. Totally love it. Melina, you totally rule!! :devil:

So, why now delurk? Actually, to say that the pic above (and it made me really chuckle that this thing is still alive and you gals saved it somewhere) was a bit photoshopped by me ages ago for this forum, when there was not much SMACK on screen back then. The actual pic is that one:

The "close-up" from our favorite detectives above has (very unfortunated) never occured on the show. What a shame... But recent developements totally have the right directions. I've just seen the Greece episode but it was totally awesome and especially the last scene made my heart jump several times. Melina totally ruled the show. SHE is into SMACK as much as we are. How awesome. :D :thumbsup: :adore:
And what I've read so far, the final episode must have a blast as well, not just SMACK-wise.

Hugs everyone!
*back to lurker mode*

PS: Axel, I totally love the Gary/Melina pic. Didn't have that one yet! Thanks a bunch for sharing :D :adore:
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Good evening, my dear family!!!!

Added yours

1. Bring guns to his office
2. Sit on his desk
3. Come to the office uninvited
4. Come to his office without knocking
5. Touch his cheek
6. Kiss his cheek in public
7. Hug him in public
8. Being invited to live with him
9. Tell Mac he adores her... and he doesn't deny it.
10. Yell at him and question his authority.
11. Drag him out of his dear fatherland (even when he said he'd never leave it).
12. Takes off his tie
13. Unbuttons his shirt
14. Reads his fortune
15. Takes his earpiece
16. Tells him he doesn't have 'a game whatsoever'
17. Is mistaken for Mac's wife (remember Reed)
18. Throwing Mac's name as a possible name for an unborn baby

And, i added mine, too. :D

#5, he pushed P's hand when she did that (i'm repeating my self again. Can't help it, that's the exact moment i got hook up to SMacked - 1st epi i watch. :lol: )

I remember that very well too for as I said before I am really no P-Fan, but at this moment I felt a little bit sorry for her for I think this must be so offending.........

Hugs to all of you.......

Gala, Axel, Debbie, Gabi,karu,Andromeda, Plenilunio,Gio, Lil, Jenn and all the others


*hugs back*

Hey everybody! With the list of things Stella's allowed to do, I love it, but remind me again when she touched his cheek in public? I don't think I've actually seen that ep. *cringes*
And isn't there another ep where he's upset about something and she puts her hand on his shoulder to comfort him? I've never actually seen the scene except in music videos people have made but I really want to! I think Stella was wearing a green shirt (omg lol) and they were surrounded by statues or something?

And udonna? I felt sorry for Peyton in that moment too. I never liked her because of what she meant to us smacked shippers, but I think she was actually a good person (as much as i hate to admit it) and I know that if that had been me, I would have been heartbroken.
But I think it is significant that it was Stella that came around the corner in that scene. It could have been anybody. If the writers were trying to make it about him wanting to keep them a secret then anybody could have walked around that corner looking for him, Danny, Flack, a lab tech coming with results. The fact is, Peyton had her hand on his cheek, he heard someone, looked up and saw Stella, and THEN pushed her hand away. IMO, that means something :)

Hope you're all well. *hugs*
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