Love or the inevitable: a sara/cath fic want to see more of the love?
*nodds head* uhhuh uhhuh uhhuh uhhuh!!! Why not write a whole chapter on how Cathy strokes Jayne's hair.. and I won't mind her stroking other parts either :lol: Just joking, girl! Just letting you know that I feel so honoured that I'm still part of the story *wipes forehead* phew, I'm still not dead :D
*runs in circles behind Quoth* Oh no!! *meanwhile pulls own hair* what have I done???

I'd never do anything to tick you off, Katie! You have the real Calleigh, I merely have a clone! :D
Sara sat with Ann Marie and wiped her tears. Ann Marie's eyes were puffy and red. She felt like she was going to die inside. Sara pulled her into a hug and stroked her hair. Ann Marie buried her head into Sara's strong and muscular shoulder and cried until she couldnt cry anymore.

Forgot to comment on this...*SQUUUUUUUUUUUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE* x100 That made my day! :D
Nooooo! *runs around in circles again* I don't wanna die! I'm too young to die!...I think! Hang on! *counts on fingers* I'm only...*thinks and mutters* This many! *holds fingers up*
oh yeah....btw i might not post for a while cause i had school term new subjects...and im sorta stuck for ideas...sorry...ill be back soon!!!
nah im back...i got an idea!!! make both of you

Chapter 20 (whoot!)

"Grissom he came again." Cath said over the cell phone. Jayne and Ann Marie slept like babies in the back seat of the denali. Sara sat next to Cath and listened as Grissom's voice came into the speakerphone. "Um is there anyother place you can go to feel safe?" He said. Gil's husky voice came crisp and clear through the speaker. "Actually we do." Cath said softly, to avoid waking the girls in the back. Cath hung up and started to drive.

A half hour later, Sara asked, "Where the hel* are we?" The terrain around them was rocky and uneven. They had entered the las vegas outlands. They pulled up to a base and Cath rolled down her window. "Ms. willows im glad we got your call." A man's voice said. Within a few minutes, Cath was granted clearance into the base.

Jayne awoke with her head resting on someone's lap. A hand, gentle and soft stroked her cheek and hair. She looked up and noticed the red hair of Cath. Jayne looked around the room and didnt recognize anything. The living room was dark with only the occasional flashes from the television. "It's okay. Go back to sleep." Jayne closed her eyes and snuggled in closer, the blanket and Cath protecting her from the doom of Duckman's reappearance. Cath held her close and thought, "I wont let you hurt this girl Duckman."

Sara sat in the bedroom with the now shaking and trembling Ann Marie. Sara wanted to know what was going on in Ann Marie's mind. She could have been having a nightmare. Sara thought until Ann Marie shot up out of the bed. "No! Duckman no!" She said. Sara pulled her back on the bed as she continued to shake and tremble. "It was horrible." She said. As she explained, Sara stroked Ann Marie's back with motherly love. "It's okay, Im here to protect you." Sara laid down on her back and rested Ann Marie's head on her chest. She could hear Sara's heart beat softly in her ear. It calmed her down just enough to drift into a deep sleep. Sara sat back as Cath brought Jayne into the bedroom and laid her down. Cath sat down next to Sara and rested Jayne's head on her stomach. "I love you and I love these 2 girls." She said. Sara smiled and placed a kiss on Cath's lips. "I love you too...and I love them too." Thank God for maximum security air bases.
*coughadoptioncough* did someone say something? expect a good thing to happen in the future...i knew btw that it would make you happy!!!