Love or the inevitable: a sara/cath fic

Sure, take your time Katie :D The girls are not going anywhere.. well, yeah into the broom closet.. but hey, at least we'll know where they are.

Good luck with your finals *crosses fingers*
grr okay...the school screwed up the test first test is on im studying and watching my cookies (for the girls lol hope they like double chocolate chip!) lol...btw if i sneak a topic on japanese canadians in this update...its not my multitasking.

Chapter 15

Sara laid in the hospital bed, Cath snuggly lying next to her. "Can you believe this?" Sara said, Cath's arms wrapped around her. Sara loosely held a newspaper. "The grandchildren of Japanese Canadians are demanding more money for the imprisonment of their grandparents during world war II." Sara read as Cath rested her head on Sara's chest. Cath's had drifted to Sara's stomach. Her fingers gingerly stroked the rock solid abs of her lover. Sara groaned at Cath's touch and continued. " Japanese Canadians were interned in camps in the BC interior." Cath smiled and said "Those Canadians...What prime minister initiated the immigration to BC?" Sara scanned the newspaper and said "Um....makenzie king." Cath shook her head and said "Those canadians..." Sara smiled and leaned in. Her heart beat fast as their lips came in contact. Cath closed her eyes and kissed back. It was a passionate kiss that sara didnt want to end.

end of part one of that stuck...all i got is social on the mind!!! lol
HEY!!! Don't you go insult us Canadians!!! And..and...yeah. Great Story other than that!! pls stay in a good mood though!
grrr!!! sorry....i double posted again

Chapter 15.5 (math...gotta love it lol)

The dark encased the 2 girls as they ladi down in the hospital be together once again. "Mugs." A voice rang out. Cath's eyes snapped open once again. "Sam you son of a bitc*! What the hel* are you doing to us?" Cath snapped. Sam's profile slowly came to life. Cath reached out and touched his face. "Come." He said. "Walk with me." His hend was held out and, with a trusting look on his face, Catherine took it.

"Sam, why are you here?" Cath asked as she walked down the hospital hallway. Sam looked at her with trusting and loving eyes and said "I wouldnt hurt you. You know that." Cath looked at him and said "I want to believe you but...It's just that...that..." Sam frowned and said "It's the reaction I had when you told me that you were with Sara." Cath nodded.


Cath had walked into the casino with Sara hand in hand. "Cath, I'm scared." Sara said softly. Catherine lifted Sara's hand to her lips and kissed it softly. "Dont worry, your meeting my dad...hes completely normal compared to my mom." Cath said. A chuckle escaped Sara's mouth. Sitting at a table all alone in the restaurant, Sam sat. When he saw Cath walk up to the table, he stood up with a huge smile on his face. "Sam, this is Sara." Cath said. Sara held out a hand and said, "Nice to meet you." Sam's gaze drifted to Cath and Sara's hands. "Mugs, I need to talk to you alone." he said.

In Sam's office, his anger raged. "YOUR DATING A GIRL??? WHAT ARE YOU THINKING???" He snapped at the unsuspecting Catherine. She stood there and took every blow to her heart. Sara was her love, and her life. She would do anything for her. Suddenly, Sam took a swing at Catherine, knocking her off her feet and onto the floor. Wiping blood off her lip, Cath got up and walked out. She swore that she wouldnt ever talk to him again.

~end flashback~

Sam looked at her once again and said "Im sorry." Cath frowned and said "I need some time." She released his hand and walked back to the hospital room. She then laid down next to sara again and instantly fell asleep.
lol mayyybee!!! btw read my fic on my livejournal!!!

chapter 16

Before Sara had woken up from her slumber, Cath had slipped out of the bed and was walking down the hospital hallway towards the elevator. The cafe downstairs made great coffee, so Cath decided to go get some breakfast. Walking towards the elevator, Cath spotted a young girl in a wheelchair struggling to get into the lift. Being the good samaritan that she was, Catherine rushed behind her and wheeled her into the lift.

A vibrant smile lit the girl's face as she said "Thanks." Cath smiled and said "no problem." She looked at the girl's foot, which was in a thick cast. "What happened to your leg?" Cath asked as she pressed the button to the lobby. The girl looked down and said "This ole thing? I tripped and fell down a flight of stairs. Me and my 2 left feet." A giggle escaped from the girl's mouth as Cath smiled and resisted the urge to laugh. "Im Jayne." The girl said softly. She looked up at Catherine, her blue eyes glittered in the sunlight that bounced around the elevator glass. Her blonde hair, looking silkier as she shook her head. "Im Catherine." Cath said as she held out a hand. Jayne took it and shook it gently. "Can I call you cath?" Jayne asked. Cath smiled at the request and nodded. "Want to join me for breakfast?" She asked as the bell dinged at the main floor. Jayne nodded excitedly, and Cath helped her out of the lift.

Sara awoke to an empty space next to her. It was still warm and the pillow smelled like Cath's perfume. Sara frowned as the insanely bright sun shone in her eyes. Picking up her phone, she dialed Cath's number. "Catherine." Cath said in her usual tone. Sara smiled at the voice. "Cath...its sara...where are you?" Sara said, yawning slightly. A laugh came from the other line as Cath said "Im downstairs getting breakfast. I have someone I want you to meet." Sara and Cath said their goodbyes and hug up.

Cath wheeled Jayne down the hallway to the room. She smiled up at Catherine and said "Im nervous." Cath smiled back and knocked on the door. "She's a great person." Cath explained. Sara was laying in the bed reading a novel, with the blankets pulled up to her chest. Her black long sleeved shirt sleeves rested slightly against her skin. As Jayne was wheeled in, Sara placed the book down and smiled widely. "So you must be Sara." Jayne said smiling. "Im Jayne." Sara smiled at Cath. This was going to be an awesome visit. And a start of a brand new friendship.

(Jayne im sooo sorry...i dont know exactly what you looked like so i made you a bit like cath....sorry again.)
OHHHH SQUEEEEEEEE *wipes tears from eyes*... I'm soooo friggin' honoured to play a part in the fic now.. oh YAY!!! *wipes more tears from eyes* I'm soooo excited now about this whole new story line.. and I actually had breakfast with Cathy.. and meeting Sara now.. ohhh how precious life can be treated!! I love you Katie ;)

(Jayne im sooo sorry...i dont know exactly what you looked like so i made you a bit like cath....sorry again.)
You're alright there... :D I'm actually brunette with brown eyes LOL.. but I can pretend to be blonde with blue eyes :)
Oh I love that Sam already knows about them, and hopefully he truly accepts them. :)
And aww I could just imagine that scene between Jayne, Cath and SAra. thank goodness Duckman isnt around.. yet. :D
thank goodness Duckman isnt around.. yet.
*SHRIEK* omg.. what if... what if *starts trembling*.. I'm going to die!!?? Noooooo *pulls puppy-face* please.. :D
lmao! :lol: Hush, dont put ideas to Katie's head. lmao! it would be double disaster,, you're already in a wheelchair.. i dont think Katie will kill you.. right Katie?
thank goodness Duckman isnt around.. yet.
*SHRIEK* omg.. what if... what if *starts trembling*.. I'm going to die!!?? Noooooo *pulls puppy-face* please.. :D
lmao! :lol: Hush, dont put ideas to Katie's head. lmao! it would be double disaster,, you're already in a wheelchair.. i dont think Katie will kill you.. right Katie?
:lol: You're absolutely right Hottie.. I already broke my leg or something! *turns to Katie* I'll replace Calleigh with a clone and you won't even notice :lol:
Jayne, cool, you are becoming a fan fic character and how fitting that it is Cath and Sara that you get to spend time with..woo hoo..YAY for you. This is brilliant Katie. I have so much fun reading. Keep it up girl. :lol: