Love or the inevitable: a sara/cath fic

bwahahahah....some one's gonna dieeee...

Chapter 21

Gun shots broke the morning air. Ann Marie awoke to the sound and jarred Sara awake. Her brown hair was messy and her eyes were puffy and red. Her hand gripped the hand of Cath softly. "What what is it?" She said groggily. Ann Marie looked out of the window and said "He's back." The feathers flew off his duck costume...this was the day. Sara sat up and walked to the window. Her arm slipped around Ann Marie's shoulders and said "This is it." She nodded and walked over to the bed. "Jayne...Jayne get's the day." Sara said while softly poking her. "Seriously dude...I like cheese." Jayne said in her sleep. Ann Marie's eye brow raised and she said "Huh?" Jayne's eyes opened and she said "What?" Sara laughed and said "suit up. It's time." They had all talked about this day for a whole couple of hours. The Air force base security was doing their best to keep Duckman from entering. Sara woke Cath and they pulled on their kevlar suits.

Looking around the corner from the flying feathers, Jayne began humming the james bond theme song softly. The gun in her hand felt sooo good...she wanted it to stay there forever. "Back to business." She said. She aimed, and fired. Direct hit. Sara Cath and Ann Marie ran over to Duckman and held their guns at his stomach. His leg was shot, and was bleeding. "Did you see what i did???" Jayne said happily. "Yeah very well done." Ann Marie said softly. She was obviously still tired, and needed to sleep. Cath placed her hands on the mask and pulled. A gasp of shock rang through the las vegas terrain. The duckman was.....

duh duh duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh!!!!
Right that Miami-dream.. for some odd reason I play some CSI-girl there and for some reason I always carry a gun, whereever I go.. but everytime something exciting happens the team is there before me and shoots.. so I get to carry that friggin gun but never use it! Once I even dreamt I was in the train and there was no CSI around me.. and I noticed something happening, so I grabbed my gun and I was all giddy because YAY I was finally going to use it and when I looked up there were Horatio and Calleigh and Eric, maybe even Ryan, and they had it all under control.. where did they come from.. they weren't in the same train, I was sure :confused: So not really exciting dreams, just weird..
lol haha!!! jeez jayne...your dreams are funny as hel*...but....WHOOOOOOT! NEW CHARACHTER!!!!

Chapter 22

"ECKLIE?" Cath exclaimed as she pulled off the mask. Ecklie's smile was bright but seemed evil. "I just wanted to see what would happen if i walked up to the base in a duck costume." Sara rolled her eyes. Jayne walked up and said, "Can I put a round in his head please?" Sara shook her head and said "He's our boss....we can't do that to him even if he did give our position away...." Ecklie smiled and winked at Jayne. She wacked him in the back of the head with the gun.

Back At the lab, Grissom was sitting in his office examining some key pieces of evidence when the girls stormed in. "Grissom, we need a new safe place." Grissom looked up at Cath and said "Well, does your new friend have any friends?" Jayne's eyes opened widely and she snapped. "EEEEEXCUSE ME???" Grissom looked at Jayne and said "Im just saying...." Jayne interrupted saying "Im just saying i will wack those glasses off your face." Grissom looked at sara and was about to say something before Jayne said "DONT LOOK AT HER! LOOK AT ME! THIS IS BETWEEN YOU AND ME, BUB!" Cath dragged Jayne out into the hallway, and Sara and Ann Marie talked to Grissom. "I have a friend we can stay with." Ann Marie calmly stated.

The drive to Ann Marie's friends house, in a different car with a steaming mad Jayne other Jayne was ready to hit someone, if Cath wasnt there to stop her. "I CANT BELIEVE GRISSOM WHAT THE HELL IS HIS PROBLEM WE COME TO HIM FOR HELP AND HE WONT GIVE US ANY..." She ranted. She went on and on until her head got light. "ooooh....dancing kitties." She said softly as she passed out in Cath's lap. Cath sighed and said "Good girl." As Ann Marie drove up in the driveway of her friends house, Sara jumped out and helped Cath with the passed out Jayne. Ann Marie rang the door bell and a young lady with short brown hair and brown eyes opened the door. "LORA!!!" Ann Marie exclaimed, but not loud enough to draw attention to themself. She hugged Lora who took one look at Jayne and said "She had another B.F.?" Sara looked at Cath who shrugged slightly. Ann Marie sighed and said "Bit*h fit." Sara smiled and Cath carried Jayne into the house.

lmao hahahahahaha new character...see if you know who it is!!!