Love or the inevitable: a sara/cath fic not gonna be online to update that often cause i have to work for my mp3 player...and keep my mind on the mp3 p[layer....sorry...just keep this from going belly up please?
OMG OMG OMG!!! I love this fic!! Teehee... Hmmm.. you render me quite well actually LOL.. I'm someone who crops things up and then it snaps all of a sudden :D Oh dear stupid Ecklie.. I'd have killed him if no one had stopped me! Dudette, Grissom is so lame for not giving us any protection.. BUT!!!! Now we're going to stay with our dear friend Lora!! YAY!!!! Oh and Katie, seriously, the dancing kitties.. they made my day :lol: I mean, only the word 'kitty' drives me insane after the "let's call Emily's cat Kitty" discussion we had in the drool thread some months ago when we couldn't remember the name of Kevin :lol: *dries tears* Keep it up, girl! I'm loving it!

We'll make sure this won't go belly up.. and good luck with that MP3 player.. I'm taking mine back to the shop today actually.. it died within a year :(
aw...seriously i randomly write things...and then i find out that the person says "How did you know i do yoga?" or "How did you know i like silver?" its creepy actually.
He He. I love that I now have a house full of company. I hope I cleaned up before you guys arrived. Nice to have you visiting Jayne. Katie! Your hilarious. Its nice to see you are having fun.
i dont know what you look like im gonna do the best to make you as awesome as possible. lol
im glad you guys all love it! lol im gone for sunday then im back late on monday so lol
grrrrrrr...bad mood katie is back!!! its a very long story but...stil......grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! i might kill someone never
ranting and a potential kill off comin up.....*growl*

Chapter 23

Cath laid Jayne on the couch of Lora's cushy home. Jayne turned over on her side, and her hand fell off the comfy cushions. "Get me some coffee and pickles someone." She said in her sleep. Lora looked at her and "She does that when she's with you too right?" Cath and Sara nod and Ann Marie laughs. Lora sits down and her long silky brown hair is flung over her shoulder. Her brown eyes glitter as she takes a sip from her drink. "'re friends of Ann Marie and Jayne?" She asks. Cath nods and said "They helped us fight off the duck man." Lora tilts her head and asks, "Duckman?" Sara smiles and starts the long story of how they became to be on the run. Lora nods and says "Well you can stay here as long as you want." Sara and Cath nods, while Ann Marie walks over to Sara and sits on her lap. "Tired?" Sara asks. Ann Marie looks up and nods. Lora leads them to their rooms and the girls settle down for a good night sleep. "I should stay with Jayne just in case she tries to punch herself in her sleep again." Sara laughs and says "That was pretty funny...." Cath frowns. Sara grips Cath's waist and says "Don't worry about me...ill make it up to you later." Cath winks and kisses Sara softly on the lips.

Sara laid down next to Ann Marie, who snuggled in close to her. She smiled at the girl who looked alot like her. "Its amazing." She whispered to herself. The silence that encased the room was perfect. All of a sudden, machine gun fire cracked the silence in half. In the other room, Cath sat up and said "Not again." Jayne sat up and said "monkey." Cath looked at her and said "Huh?" Jayne looked back and said "What?" Cath looked away with a smile and said "Nothing."

As the girls walked out of their rooms, Lora came bolting out of her bedroom with a shot gun in hand. She looked obviously ticked. Her brown hair fluttered behind her as she ran outside. She began shooting wildly in the night. "NO ONE SHOOTS UP MY HOUSE AND LIVES TO TELL THE STORY, BIT*H!!!" Duckman screamed a profanity and took off on his quad.

"Sara help." Cath said. Blood. Sara rushed to Cath and placed a cloth on her leg. "It just grazed your leg." You're going to be fine." She said lovingly. Cath smiled and placed her hand on the cloth. Ann Marie and Jayne looked at Lora, who was still standing outside the door. She still looked pissed. But when she turned around, she had a huge smile on her face. Ann Marie's and Jayne's jaws dropped as they got a glimpse of the huge shotgun in her hand. She smiled wider and said "Hi." She was the newest member of the team. just having bad days cause im still working off the thing...and i cant think of anything to write sorta at school with a huge workload...and im not eating wont get off my back about payment...and im not getting any younger!!! (17 in april)
Katie, hope things get better for you. Don't want you in a bad mood. Ha, I can see myself whipping a gun around. That is too funny! Got that image stuck in my head girl. You crack me up.