Love or the inevitable: a sara/cath fic

no i wouldnt kill you off...i actually have some ideas that might make you reallly happy!!! hee hee and some other new people are going in too!!!
grrrrr...longest day ever...sorry i havent been able to update lately. Ive been avoiding the fic since my days have been sooooo crappy. I failed my math test, and i have been in a bad mood ever since. okay heres my new update...and i added someone new...maybe one of you will know who it is???

Chapter 17

Jayne listened carefully as Sara and Cath told her the whole story. The hospital attacks, the bombs, the darts. She was shocked to hear about the character that started all of these things. "Duckman, is very dangerous, and has tried so many times to kill me and Sara." Catherine said. Her blue eyes glittered with the tears that urged to get out. Sara lifted her hands up to Cath's eye and wiped away the tears. Cath smiled and closed a hand on Sara's. Jayne looked at them and said "The CSI's don't know who this guy is?" Sara and Cath both nodded together, and Cath said "We need our own team to bring this man down." Jayne smiled and said "Can I be the first member?" Sara smirked and said "Of course!" Out of no where, a cellphone ring broke the friendly conversation. Jayne reached into her pocket pulled out a silver flip phone. "Hello?" She said answering it.

After she shut the phone, Jayne looked at Cath and said "My friend was trying to find me, I told her what room I'm in, I hope you dont mind." Cath said "Nah, the more the merrier!" A girl walked into the room, with brown hair and bright brown eyes. "Good lord." Cath said. "She looks like you!" She said to sara as The girl walked up to Jayne. "Sara, Cath, this is Ann Marie." Jayne introduced. Ann Marie looked at Sara and said "My name means Quoth the raven." Cath smiled and said "That's very interesting, and its very nice to meet you." Sara was still shocked as she looked at the girl that looked amazingly like herself. "We were just talking about stuff." Jayne said simply. Ann Marie smiled and sat down on another chair for another chat session.

Just then, a rubber duck was thrown through the window. Cath had opened the window to get some fresh air circulating in the room. Jayne looked closely at the eyes if the duck. "Holy He*l!" She blurted quite loudly as she started wheeling out of the room. Cath pulled Sara onto her back, wheeled Jayne and pushed Ann Marie out of the room. The eyes of the duck contained red numbers, counting down the time until the initial explosion. BOOM. It went off, sending the room into a flurry. The girls took cover and were safe behind a desk. "Boy, you werent kidding when you said Duckman was dangerous." Jayne said with a snicker. Ann Marie sat shocked on the floor, tears falling down her cheeks. Sara crawled over to her and hugged her close. "It's okay." She said, as she stroked her hair softly. Jayne's anger grew. She couldnt believe the kind of man that would even consider trying to kill these girls. "Duckman???" She said, as anger filled her voice. "It's on."

I love this
lmao you will see more hugging....i might let you handle a gun and take down a certain someone...but there has to be a girly party
lol you are gonna be a bad ass for

Chapter 18

After the dust had cleared and Ann Marie was released red cheeked and calm, Jayne frowned and said "Well I think we should leave you 2 alone." Sara's hospital stay was up and Jayne was free to leave whenever she wanted to. Ann Marie turned around and was about to wheel Jayne to the elevator before Cath called them back. "Hey girls?" She asked. "Want to come over to our hotel room to hang out?" Grissom had reserved a hotel room with round the clock security to avoid anymore freaky surprises. Jayne and Ann Marie nodded excitedly and said "Yeah for sure!!!"

"Clearance Identification please." The gruff security guard said to Jayne and Ann Marie. They looked at eachother and were about to say something before Cath flashed a smile and said "They're with us." The security guard saluted and said "Yes Ma'am." Jayne tried to hold back her laughter as they all walked into the suite. "Yes ma'am." She mocked. Sara laughed at her as Cath went to the walk in closet to change into her pj's.

Changed and ready to hang out, Sara, Jayne, Ann Marie and Cath sat down on the couch together and put in a movie. Catherine and Sara sat together, Jayne sitting next to Cath and Ann Marie sitting next to Sara. "God I'm tired." Jayne said softly. Sara groaned and rested her head on Cath's shoulder. Ann Marie was getting tired to. "Do you mind?" She asked Sara. Sara smiled and said "Not at all." Ann Marie rested her head on Sara's shoulder. Jayne was already conked out on Cath's lap, so they all drifted to sleep.

At around 2 in the morning, Sara awoke to the sound of an AK-47 at the front door. Her head snapped up. "Cath." She whispered hoarsely. "Something's wrong." Cath woke up and Jayne sat up still sleeping. "Don't touch my sundae...It's mine, I plan on eating it." She said with a snort. Jayne's eyes snapped open and she said what's going on?" Ann Marie woke up and she said "Duckman." Cath stood up and ran to the walk in closet. "This is not the time to change into evening wear Catherine!!!" Jayne said sharply. A digital noise came from the closet, then a grinding noise. Catherine had a hidden gun vault in the closet. "Grab your gear, kevlar vests and dare I say it...guns." Jayne and Ann Marie's face lit up. "We get to hold a gun???" They both said in unison. Cath nodded and threw them a vest each. Sara showed them how to do it, while the AK 47 blasted outside the door. soon they were suited up and ready to go.

Slowly opening the door, Cath nodded for backup. Silence. "What the hel* happened?" Sara asked. Both of the security guards were at the door, dead. "Oh God." Ann Marie said. It was...indeed...duckman that had struck again.
How dare did Duckman interrupt my sleeping on Cath's lap!! :mad: You don't want to piss me off!!

Jayne was already conked out on Cath's lap
*Jayne thuds into fantasy-land and slowly dies.. the Shakespearean way* :devil:

"Don't touch my sundae...It's mine, I plan on eating it."
I know Cath said it, but it sounds like me LOL.. the other day I woke up and said to my friend who was just awake: "You're awake early.. considering your age" :lol: Or: "Sanders are sweet" (Sander is a Dutch name)

Oh Katie, I have the black belt in Kama Sutra.. I mean, Kung Fu.. do I get to do that?? :D
haha it...

Chapter 19

Jayne sat in a corner of the room rocking back and forth saying "Oh god...oh god...oh god." and shaking. Ann marie was on the couch crying her eyes out. Sara and Cath looked at each other and decided which one they were gonna comfort. Cath walked over to Jayne and pulled her into a tight hug. The shaking that she was experiencing, dissipated, and turned Jayne into a blubbery mess. Sobs escaped her mouth as Cath comforted her. "It's okay." Cath said softly. Cath looked at her like she was her daughter from a previous marriage. Jayne looked up at Cath and to her surprise, Cath placed a kiss on Jayne's forehead. Cath wanted to protect her injured little angel...and she wasnt going to let Duckman screw it all up and kill them all.

Sara sat with Ann Marie and wiped her tears. Ann Marie's eyes were puffy and red. She felt like she was going to die inside. Sara pulled her into a hug and stroked her hair. Ann Marie buried her head into Sara's strong and muscular shoulder and cried until she couldnt cry anymore. Soon, the 4 girls were all cried out and they were ready to leave.

sorry for the weak chapter guys...i have a huge writer's block right im just gonna make it a bit sappy until i see some good shows with great plots and twists to toss into this...sorry again.
sorry for the weak chapter guys...i have a huge writer's block right im just gonna make it a bit sappy until i see some good shows with great plots and twists to toss into this...sorry again.
What do you mean.. weak chapter.. dear gawd, it's the best thing that has happened in my entire life.. being comforted by Cath.. *wanders back into fantasy-world*