Love or the inevitable: a sara/cath fic

Haha no I didn't mean it like that :lol: but just because I have everything but no younger sister :lol: I know, I should actually delete the 'yet'.. ewwww no no no no no no.. *shudders at the thought of mum being pregnant* UGH! That's gross :(
*boosts up thread* whoaaa.. it almost scooped to page 3!! :eek:

Soo uhm.. Katester.. I won't be on MSN for the coming three weeks because I really need to finish Uni before half of July :( But I'm here on Talk on a regular basis though.
Chapter 60

Bullets. Blood. Sounds thundered through the sky. Jayne's eyes opened to a horrible scene. Blood, and death. "What's going on?" She asked herself as she looked into a mirror. Her bright blue eyes have turned to a deep chocolate color, and her normally blondish red hair was brown. Silky and brown. This wasnt her at all! Some one tapped her on the shoulder. "Yes?" She asked as she twirled around. She faced the imfamous man. Duckman. "Ive killed them all, and now Ive come for you." He turned to the side and revealed a gruesome sight. Catherine, and Sara were on the ground, with deep gashes in their abdomen and legs. Blood pooled all around them. "Wait, you have to see this." He said with a hint of suspicion. He took his bloody hand and grasped Jayne's. He yanked open a closet with such force that she thought that it would come off it's hinges. "Look at where your friends are now." Jayne looked into the closet and gasped as she turned away. Lady Heather, and Lady Katherine were hanged. Hung by the leather of their own whips. This couldn't be real. This can't be real.

"She's dreaming." The doctor said as Jayne's face screwed up in fear. "It's a common anomaly that comatose patients can dream." Cath sat next to Jayne and held her hand softly and occasionally stroked it softly. "Jayney. Please. Come back to me." She said.

Jayne gagged. Tears fell down her cheeks. Duckman lifted his bloody knife and several drops fell. "Ann Marie." Jayne thought. Rage filled her veins as she turned to face the killer. "WHAT THE HEL* DID YOU DO TO ANN MARIE???" She screamed. Duckman laughed. Sinister and scary. "The little girls are my best work!" He dragged her to the back room of the mini dominion. Kicking open the door, Ann Marie's head fell off the bed. Her throat was slashed. Rissa laid on the floor with her legs in a seperate location. "No." Jayne said as she brought her hand up to her mouth. "No." She turned to the duckman and screamed. "You bastard!" Duckman lifted his knife.

"This doesn't seem right." Cath said as Jayne began shaking violently. The doctor rushed in and said "No it isn't." A few nurses rushed in and began to stabalize Jayne. Her eyes popped open. "CATH!" She screamed. Her breathing was erratic, and she was trembling. Cath lifted both brows and said "Is she out of the coma?" Jayne looked over at her. The doctor looked at Cath and said "I think so." As the nurses left, Cath crawled onto the bed and hugged Jayne tight. "Oh my God Cath, I can't believe what happened." Cath smiled and said "Don;t worry, I will never leave you. I actually wanted to ask you something." Jayne smirked and said "Go ahead!" Cath ran her hand through Jayne's strawberry blonde hair and said "Would you like to live with me, Sara, and Ann Marie?" Jayne lifted her brow and said "As a tenant?" Cath shook her head and said " a daughter."