Love or the inevitable: a sara/cath fic

hee hee :lol:

chapter 56

After Sara was finished being prepared to go into surgery, both she and Ann Marie were visited in the hospital. Cath walked into the room with 2 bouquets of beautiful roses. "For 2 of my favorite girls." Cath said, as she dropped them into 2 vases. Jayne and Rissa dropped their jaws and said "Ahem?" Cath giggled and said "Don't worry...I have 4 favorite girls." Jayne smiled mockingly and Rissa whispered "For 2 of my favorite girls...ugh." Lora and Sofia walked into the room with 2 teddy bears. One had a little plastic gun and the other had a mini police badge. Ann Marie smiled and said "You didn't need to get me anything." Sofia smiled and with her strong accent, said "Your worth it sweetheart." Cath sat next to Sara in the bed and grasped her hand. Sara trembled lightly and said "Hon, Im so scared." Cath smiled and ran her slender fingers through Sara's hair and said "You should know how Ann Marie is feeling." Sara nodded. "Your doing a good deed, sweetie." Sara looked over at Ann Marie and noticed that her cheeks were streaked with tears. Lady Katherine sat next to her in a chair, and she held Ann Marie's clammy and ghastly white hand. Her grip seemed so strong that her knuckles were white as snow. Sara looked up at Cath and a tear made it's escape from Sara's eye and began the slow descent down her face. Cath reached down and stroked the tear away and said "You're saving her life." Cath leaned down and pressed a soft kiss on her lips.

end of the first part.
Second mom's comp doesnt like too long
The final minutes until the surgery had arrived. Ann Marie spent the whole time staring at the roof of the hospital room. This was all too familiar for both of them. Sara reached over to Ann Marie and grasped her hand. Ann Marie looked over and said "You really dont have to do this for me." Sara shook her head and said "I have to do it for my little girl." Ann Marie smiled slightly and said "I love you momma." Sara's heart jumped into her throat as tears threatened to flow. Her little girl called her momma. The visitors were escorted out, and they walked to the mini dominion. Jayne walked over to Lora and rested on her lap. "Looorrraaa?" She said in a child like voice. Lora, rolling her eyes with a smile at the call, said "Yes Jayne. You can have a heinekin." Jayne smiled and said "Thank you." Sofia looked at Lora and said "I thought that was your stash?" Lora shrugged and said "Im just glad that she asked first instead of just raiding it." Sofia shrugged and laid down with her head in Lora's lap. Her bright blue eyes gazing into Lora's brown peepers. Jayne pulled open a bottle of heinekin and took a sip. She crawled beside Sofia said "I love you guys. Gimme a hug." Cath lifted a brow as Rissa finally fell down for the night, clunking her head softly against the floor. "My baloney has a first name...its baloney has a second name it's J-A-Y-N-E." Cath covered Rissa and walked over to Jayne. "What is wrong with this beer?" Cath said as Jayne collapsed into her arms. Her breathing slowed down right to the point where Cath thought that she wasnt breathing at all. Sofia sat up and took the beer bottle from Jayne's hand. Cath sat down and rested Jayne in her lap. Her head flopped back and she breathed lightly. "I think this bottle has been dosed, guys." Sofia said after sniffing the contents of the bottle. "It could have tranquilizers in it." Cath smiled as Lora glanced towards her. "Tranquilizers? You mean a drug that depresses the central nervous system, which causes calmness, relaxation, reduction of anxiety, sleepiness, slowed breathing, and slurred speech?" Cath raised an eye brow and said " did you know that?" Lora smirked and said "I went to medical school." Sofia looked over and said "We won't know for sure until we get this to the lab." Cath nodded. Jayne's head flopped to Cath's shoulder and she drooled slightly. Cath made a face and said "It's for the best.
okay update!

Chapter 57

Ann Marie stared at the ceiling while both she and Sara were being wheeled into the operating room. A tear slid from the depths of her eye and dripped onto her cheek, before it dried to a perfect tear shape. Sara reached over to Ann Marie and touched her hand. It was soft, but cold to the touch. As they parked the stretchers side-by-side, Sara reached over again and, this time, grasped her hand. "I love you Ann." She said as the doctor placed the gas mask on her face. Sara's grip weakened as the anesthetic started to kick in. Soon, Ann Marie's hand was beside Sara's limp hand.

4 hours later, the doctor goes out to the waiting room to tell the group how the surgery went. "They're both doing fine. Ann Marie needs to be under observation, but so far, the surgery was a success." The doctor said, his canadian accent being clearly hidden. Cath took a sigh of relief and took Jayne and Rissa into the hospital room. Lady Heather, Lady Katherine, Lora, and Sofia were all worn out and were sleeping soundly in the Mini Dominion. "Sara?" Cath said softly as she entered the room. Sara turned over and looked at Cath. "I saved her life, Cat." She said with a weak smile. Cath smiled and sat next to Sara, and softly, placed a kiss on her lips. Jayne and Rissa walked over to Ann Marie's bed, to find that she was sleeping soundly. Rissa pulled 2 chairs over and said "Sit. She needs rest." Jayne scoffed and said "Screw that! I'll sit on the bed with her!" Rissa shook her head like she had just seen the stupidest thing ever. Jayne crawled gently onto Ann Marie's bed and laid down next to her. To her surprise, Ann Marie snuggled up close to Jayne and let out a sigh.

cute eh???
:lol: Yeah.. should've warned you before I jumped into the bed with you actually :lol: But uhm.. don't (!!) put your arm around me!! I saw a bed and was just thinking of sleeping :p Nahh.. I'm not that horrible *huggles Ann* get well soon!! ;)
Chapter 58

"What the hel*?" Jayne whispered softly. Rissa just laughed, seeing Ann Marie snuggle up to Jayne like that was too cute. Soon, Jayne fell into a dazed like sleep. Cath walked over to her and said "Jayne?" When Jayne was non responsive, she gave Rissa a worried look and placed 2 pale fingers on her neck. "Dear God." Cath said softly, as a slow pulse pounded slighty under her touch. Sara sat up and winced in pain. The stitches on her hip were still fresh and obviously painful. Cath picked up Jayne and said her name again. "Jayne please wake up." She said softly into her ear. Cath's crystal blue eyes noticed some movement in the dangling limb of Jayne. She lifted it slightly and instantly it dropped, swinging lifelessly a foot above the ground. "Oh my God." Sara said softly as she laid back down. "What happened?" Cath's eyes connected with Sara's vibrant and emotion filled eyes and said "She's been dosed." Sara shook her head solomly and said "How?" Cath looked at Jayne and back at Sara. "What else?" Sara smirked, even through the gravity of the situation and said "Heinekin." Cath nodded. Sara smiled and said "It's time to switch to something else." Cath tilted her head. "Guinness." Cath whisked Jayne into the hallway in hopes to find a doctor. Rissa crawled into Ann Marie's bed and snuggled up to her. A sigh escaped Ann Marie's lips.
Second part.
Jayne was rushed to a near examination room, where Cath was able to meet up with a doctor. "She has a slight case of narcolepsy." The doctor said, her canadian accent clearly hidden behind the 'doctor' title. Cath shook her head and said "How?" The doctor smiled and said "Considering how many heinekin's she had, and how much the doser used of the drug, its pretty simple. Sleeping patterns become irregular and cause the 'vicitm' to fall asleep in the most inconvenient times." Jayne's heart monitor beat slowly along with her heart, as Cath looked over at the peaking lines. But to both of their surprises, Jayne's heart monitor flat lined. Cath rushed over to her side and said "Oh God do something!" Several nurses came in, one rolled in a defibulator. One shock. Two shocks. Three shocks, is all it took. Jayne's monitor was back to normal, but she was in a coma.

im really so my writing is worse than crap lol
^ :lol:

Honestly, I had 6 heineys tonight, and I feel like slipping into a coma right now... gawd I need sleep.. it's almost 2am.. and already I'm so far gone that all I can think of is SLEEP!!! *zzzzzzzzz* Keep me in this coma long Katester, you know why.. *zzzzzzzzz*
^I did?? :lol: *shakes head* Hey, I don't feel my brains banging to my skull anymore.. so yeah I did!! :D

I wonder how long I will be in this coma.. hmm.. I just realised this is awkward though.. since you know that friend's brother slipped in a coma recently.. hmm.. :(