Love or the inevitable: a sara/cath fic

ohh I didn't! Well it happened last Thursday, but I heard about it on Sunday. Several weeks ago he went in for open heart surgery, recovered rather well, but complications followed, infection followed and then slipped into a coma. *crosses fingers*
Thanks Katester.. and uhm.. just preventing this from going belly-up!

It's my friend's brother actually :lol: Yeah it's sad news, haven't heard since then though.. but she's quite busy, cuz she also have to take care of her mother who's ill and babysit her nephew all the time when her sister-in-law is at the hospital.. meanwhile she has to work (she works/lives in Florida but her family lives in Boston).

Perhaps if you poor a pure Heineken down my throat I will come back out of the coma :lol: I can only guess it will work lol
Righty.. I was in such a mood that I actually wrote an ode to my Heineken.. :rolleyes: You may - if you really want to that is - read it at my LJ.. I'm so pathetic really :lol:

Chapter 59

"This isnt good." The doctor said, her accent slipping out a bit. Cath was at Jayne's bedside, holding her hand as tears slid down her cheeks. The doctor walked over to the Cath's side and said "I will try my hardest to save your daughter." Daughter. Cath liked the sound of that. A tiny smile sneaked on her devastated face.

Cath walked into Sara and Ann Marie's room to see that Ann Marie was awake. "Hey angel." Cath said as she walked to Ann Marie. She smiled and said "Hey." Her voice was so weak sounding, but she looked like she was recovering at least. The paleness flooded away from her cheeks, and her brown eyes glittered brightly. Rissa had gotten tired of the hospital scene that she left to go back to the mini dominion, after tripping and falling out of the bed. Cath crawled onto Ann Marie's bed and rested her head on her shoulder. "How are you feeling?" Cath said with a smile. Ann Marie shrugged and closed her eyes. She was obviously still weak. Cath placed a kiss on Ann Marie's head and got up and crawled into Sara's bed. "How's Jayne?" Sara said softly as she wrapped one of her arms around Cath. Cath dropped her head and said "She's in a coma." Sara's jaw dropped. "But the funniest thing happened." Cath said with a laugh. "The doctor called Jayne my daughter!" Sara smiled and said "Are you serious?" Cath nodded and said "But the serious thing is, I really want her as my daughter." Sara nodded and hugged Cath, then placed a kiss on her lips. "You never know. It might happen."
Awww! Jaynie-poo, isn't this ironic?? :lol: We both found a momma! :lol:

Sara, less talking, more snuggling with your adorable daughter *cough* :p
Ohhh SQUEEEEE.. *dumps bio mum* *runs with arms wide open to Cath* MUUUUUMMMYYYY!!!!! *stops abruptly* *thinks* WAIT! I'm in a coma.. *drops on floor* But yeah, I can imagine the Doc mistook me for her daughter, I mean, come on, I have strawberry blonde hair and blue eyes too :rolleyes: I actually suspect the Doc, I bet she's going to make the next move!
Aww don't worry Katester! I mean, come on, I'd gladly dye my hair strawberry blonde and *pops out brown eyes* *puts in blue ones*.. What? I can do that.. I'm like a Borg or something :rolleyes:
ew ew ew jayne contacts will i like strawberry and blue eyes are cute. plus ann marie already has brown hair...btw ann marie might be your little sister soon lmao.