Love or the inevitable: a sara/cath fic

okay update time is now lol

Chapter 53

In the early hours of the morning, Lady Heather, Sara, Cath, and Sofia all carried their little bodyguards to the mini dominion. Jayne had fallen asleep on the floor and by the time Cath came to get her, she was half under the bed. "I don't feel to good." Jayne said as she dropped the mini bottle of heinekin. Cath threw her over her shoulder with a smile and looked at Sara. "We good to go?" Cath asked as Jayne went limp and fell asleep once again. Sara nodded and said "I'll go pay the bill." They walked out to the lobby to see Lora fully awake. Sofia was the one that was sleeping. Lady Heather had already gone to the mini dominion with Lady Katherine, and Sara had carried the sleeping Ann Marie and the sleeping Rissa to the dominion also. "Did you have a good stay eh?" The man at the front desk said cheerfully. Even though it was 3 in the morning, he still managed to look presentable and act awake. Sara nodded and pulled out her mastercard. After they paid, they all grabbed who belonged to them, Cath carrying Jayne, and Lora carrying Sofia with Sara leading the way, and walked out to the mini dominion. "OH MY GOD! IT'S SO COLD!" Sara screeched softly as they encountered the chilly canadian air. By the time they made it to the mini dominion, the girls were all frozen right through.

After putting Jayne on the mattress on the floor, and resting Sofia on the couch, Cath and Lora both settled down next to the sleeping girls. Rissa crawled, half asleep, to Cath and rested her head on her side. Cath smiled and pulled a blanket on all of them and fell asleep. Lora fell asleep next to Sofia, who snored slightly. Lady Heather walked to the back and said "Sara are we good to go?" Sara nodded and said "Let's hit the road."

Back in the hotel lobby, the desk clerk's smile faded as he pulled a walkie talkie from his hip. He held it to his lips and pressed the button. "They're on the road, duckie." he said softly.

Lady Heather drove with Lady Katherine fast asleep in the seat next to her. Sara walked to the back of the mini dominion to where she had rested Ann Marie. She sat down next to her and placed a hand on her forehead. It was burning to the touch. She was still sick. "I don't feel to good." Ann Marie mumbled in her sleep. Sara frowned and took her pulse. It was pounding furiously under the touch of her fingertips. Sara became concerned and pulled the covers off of Ann Marie. She shivered lightly as she slept. Her pj pants were black and were covered in white hearts and she was wearing a black long sleeved shirt. Sara lifted the shirt up to reveal Ann Marie's stomach. To her surprise it was covered with bright red welts. Sara gasped and gently touched one of them. "Oh God Ann Marie...We have to get you to the emergency room." Sara said softly. She covered Ann back up and walked to the front. "Lady Heather, we need to make a stop at a hospital. Ann isn't doing too well." Sara said. Lady Heather nodded and said "Go be with her. She needs her mother." Sara smiled and nodded. She walked to the back and laid down on the bed. She slipped under the covers and snuggled in close to Ann Marie. She snuggled in closer to Sara and sighed.
haha i know what you got Ann!!!

Chapter 54

After a few hours of driving, the mini dominion finally cruised into the parking lot of the hospital. Sara sat up in the bed and monitored Ann Marie's progress. The red bumps had started to disipate, but she still continued to sweat profusely. "Why are we stopped?" Jayne asked in a sleepy voice. Sara came out of the room with the sleeping Ann Marie and said "Ann needs medical attention." Jayne nodded stupidly and clunked her head back on the pillow. "Want me to come?" Lady Heather asked. Lady Katherine was wide awake and had a cup of tea in her hand. "Sure." Sara said with a smile. Lady Katherine finished her tea, and Lady Heather grabbed her hand. Ann Marie tossed and turned in Sara's arms as they walked into the emergency room. As soon as the nurse saw them, she wisked Ann, and Sara into the room.

Hours went past as Lady Heather and Lady Katherine waited in the waiting room. They had managed to come up wtih some other places to go on the road trip during the wait. Soon, Sara walked out of the room looking extremely upset. Her eyes were red and puffy, and her face looked wet. Lady Heather walked over to her slowly, with Lady Katherine following behind her. "Sara, Is she okay?" Lady Heather asked. Sara shook her head and sobbed. Lady Katherine pulled her into her arms and held her as she cried. "What's wrong with her?" Lady Katherine asked. Lady Heather looked at her and said "You havent said anything in a while." Lady Katherine smiled and said "I know. It's a miracle. Anyways tell me." Sara sobbed and said "Ann Marie has Leukemia." Lady Heather put her hand up to her mouth and said "Oh God. Can we see her?" Sara nodded and said "follow me." The walk to Ann Marie's bed was grueling and painful. Soon they reached the bed and saw a sad sight. Ann Marie laying in bed with a respirator mask on her face and her sweating. "The only thing that can save her is a bone marrow transplant." Sara said softly. "Im her matching donor." She said with a smile.

awwww! sara's Ann's guardian angel!!! dont worry'll get your time with your own chicka!
Chapter 55

"Matching donor?" Lady Heather said softly. Sara slowly nodded as she watched Lady Katherine walk over to Ann Marie's side and grasp her hand. "The doctor explained it to me." Sara said. "Under general anesthetic, they will take the healthy bone marrow from my upper hip and transplant it into Ann Marie." Lady Heather smiled and said "If Ann Marie's anything like her mother, she's extremely strong and won't give up without a fight." Sara smiled and said "I wont let her give up. Should we tell the others?" Lady Heather looked at Ann Marie who was still sweating like crazy. "I think we should. We're not leaving until Ann Marie's healed." she said.

"SHE HAS WHAT?" Jayne said, shocked. Lady Heather giggled and said "Leukemia. She's gonna be sick for a bit before the transplant then she'll be all better." Lora smiled and raised a bottle of heinekin. Rissa, Cath, and Sofia all held up a green bottle, while Lady Heather held up a cup of tim horton's tea. "Canadian tea isnt that bad!" She thought to herself. "Here's to a speedy recovery for Sara and Ann!" Lora said as she lifted the bottle. Jayne had 2 bottles in her hand, so when she took a sip of one of the bottles, she instantly became drunk. Cath laughed and said "I heard about it, but I never thought I'd see the day that she would get drunk after one sip." Sofia got suspicious and said "This isnt right." She took a sniff of Jayne's bottles and said "Someone's dosed every one of these bottles."
:lol: That's me! Always concerned about the other.. but my heineys go before everything ;)

But nooooo.. something's not right, I'm never drunk after one sip!! :eek: Do something!!!!! *runs in circles*