Love or the inevitable: a sara/cath fic

*jumps out of cake*

HAPPY BIRTHDAY KATESTER!!! *woots* I know you actually wanted me to forget your b-day.. but.. yeah right! *kiss* *kiss* *kiss* yeah, we have a kiss-culture.. three kisses.. *hugs* Hope you enjoy your day!!
Chapter 52

Sara, Cath, and Rissa scrambled out of the water with Jayne leading the way. All of a sudden, the bomb went off, sending an enormous wave of water into mid air. "What the hel*?!?" Sara said as Cath moved in closer to her. She was obviously shaken. "I can't take this Sara." Cath said as Sara wrapped her arms around her. Cath shook terrified. "I can't do this. We keep coming close to dying...It's just too much." Sara took her face in her hands and brought it level to her own. "Cat, You can't give up. You were raised a fighter." Sara said softly. A lone tear stroked Cath's cheek, and Sara's slender thumb came up and stroked it away. "Don't give up." Sara said again. She leaned in and placed a kiss on Cath's quivering lips. Her hands drifted through Cath's soaked hair, and dripped as it moved.

Lady Heather laid in bed as Lady Katherine walked back and forth across the room. "That was a bomb wasnt it?" She said. Lady Heather laughed and said "Katie kat, get back here. Sara and Catherine will be back and they will take us out of the this hotel and back on the road." Lady Katherine nodded and sat down next to Lady Heather. "We have civilian clothes dont we?" Lady Katherine asked. Lady Heather nodded and said "Half a closet full in the mini dominion." A knock came on the door. Lady Heather jumped out of the bed, just as Lady Katherine laid down. She listened attentively. "What??" Lady Heather cried softly, to avoid disturbing the other tenants. A click of the door was heard and Lady Heather walked back to the bed. "What? What's wrong?" Lady Katherine said as Lady Heather laid down beside her. "We're staying the night." She said.

"We're what??!?" Ann Marie said as Sara came out of the shower. "We're staying over night." She said again. Ann Marie sighed and said, "Jayne didnt see it did she?" Sara said "Wait for it..." Out of the silence came Jayne's voice. "MINI BAR!!!!" Ann Marie laughed and said "Good lord. Jayney poo and those mini bottles of alcohol!" Sara smiled and stopped drying her hair with the towel. She laid down next to Ann Marie and closed her eyes. Ann Marie rested her head against Sara's chest and listened to her heart beat slowly, as it lulled her to sleep.

"What are you doing with that hammer?" Jayne said in her sleep once again. Rissa and Cath laid in bed listening to Jayne's drunken ramblings. "Does she do this every night?" Rissa whispered. Cath nodded and said "Every night." Jayne crawled along the floor, a mini heineken still in her hand. She then screamed "SEA MONKEY HAS MY SUNDAE!" Cath shook her head and closed her eyes. Rissa smiled and took Cath's hand. She closed her eyes and to her surprise, Cath squeezed her hand softly.