Love or the inevitable: a sara/cath fic


Chapter 50 con't

Lady Katherine looked at the airhorn that she held in her hand and said "I think this is too cruel." She dropped it and stooped next to Jayne. "Jayney?" She said softly. "Jayney...we're at the hotel." Lady Heather walked in and said "I dont hear an airhorn." She smiled and walked to the back room to wake the 2 girls up.

"Sara?" Lady Heather said softly as she entered the back room. Sara had tears streaming down her face. Lady Heather sat down next to the 2 girls and said "Hey, what's wrong?" Sara sniffed and looked down at Ann Marie. "She's my daughter and she's sick...I dont know what to do." She said as she stroked some tears away. Lady Heather smiled softly, and said "We're at the hotel, so you can wait in here while we get the rooms." Sara nodded and crawled under the covers with Ann Marie. As Lady Heather walked out of the room, Sara snuggled closer to Ann Marie and sighed. She looked at her wrist watch. "8:00 PM." It said.

"I get a room with Cath!!!" Rissa called. Jayne held her head and said "Shut up please?" Rissa stuck her tongue out at Jayne and said "Your just jealous that Cath likes me more!" Jayne and Cath both rolled their eyes. All of the girls minus Sara and Ann Marie were in the lobby of the holiday inn. In the end they recived 4 rooms. As Lady Heather handed the keys out, she said "Shack up...2 in each room. And in one case we have 3 to one room." She looked at Jayne and winked. Rissa rolled her eyes. Sofia took the key and said "Gotcha." Lora was slung over her shoulder and her hands hung down low.

"Ann?" Sara said, when Lady Heather came to give her the key. Ann opened her bright brown eyes and smiled. Sara placed a hand on her forehead again. It was still boiling. "We're at the hotel, Im gonna take you inside okay?" Sara said softly just in case Ann Marie had a headache. Ann nodded and sara said "That's my girl." Sara wrapped Ann Marie in the blanket and carried her into the hotel, with lady Heather following behind.

haha awww!
Katie, how can you say you're not good? How do you think the fic kept from going completely belly-up? I'm Canadian too, I've definitely mentioned that somewhere in here *searches* Yep, couple pages back. And CAN'T say eh at all. Ever. Then again, I've got the weirdest Newfie accent IN THE WORLD. It's like Newfoundlander mixed with American mixed with French because J'ai un famille bilangue et mes parents parlent la francais a moi souvent.
*shakes finger at Katester* now, listen here young lady.. I do not want to hear anything like that again from you, you understand? What do you want me to do?? You've been complaining to me that I keep saying how much I love this fic.. isn't that enough?? :( *passes chewed carrots and empty cup of tea* sorry, was the only thing I have left in my room.. :rolleyes:
Chapter 51

Sara smiled at Ann Marie as she rolled over in the hotel bed. "Go sleep." Sara said softly as she placed a kiss on Ann Marie'e forehead. She smiled and closed her eyes. She was floating in a dream realm soon. Sara pulled on ehr bathing suit and walked to the hotel room next to their's and knocked solidly on the door. "Ready cath?" Sara called softly. Jayne came bolting out of the room. "Paaaaaaarrrtttyyyy!!!" she screamed. Rissa walked out of the room and said "God...I need to kick her or something." Cath walked out clad in a black bikini. Sara's eyes nearly bulged out of her head.

"Rissa no!" Jayne screamed as Rissa splashed her. rissa laughed evily and dived under the water. Jayne slid in slowly and Rissa came up to her feet and pulled her under. Jayne came up sputtering and said "Rissa!!! I hope your happy! Im cold now!" Rissa laughed and swam off. She looked under the water and noticed red numbers. "Hey Jayne?" She called. "Is this a water gauge?" Jayne swam over and said "No, usually they have those on bombs." Suddenly it hit her. "RISSA, CATH, SARA GET OUT NOW!" She screamed.

its about time ive updated.