Love or the inevitable: a sara/cath fic

I dont know when it

Chapter 38

The morning was bright and sunny. The mini dominion was parked at the nearest walmart for the night. The inside was filled with sleepy yawns as the girls slept. Sara and Ann Marie slept silently, side by side, Cath and Rissa slept softly. Rissa's head slightly under the covers. Lady Heather and Lady Katherine were in the front of the mini dominion, curled up on the chairs and sleeping soundely. Then, all of a sudden a muffled sound rang through the mini Dominion. "Whatthehel*?" Jayne screamed, sound muffled by the gag in her mouth. Lady Katherine stirred and waddled over to Jayne. She then removed the gag and said "You really need to shut up. We needed to gag you because you were screaming for your monkey." Jayne looked at lady Katherine horrified. "Someone took Mr. Tails?" She said softly. Lady Katherine rolled her eyes and wandered back to the front of the mini dominion. Jayne crawled over to Cath and plunked her head on her shoulder. Lady Heather stirred a bit as Lady Katherine sat on her lap. A smile spread across her face as Lady Heather's arms came around to embrace her softly. Lady Katherine rested her head on Lady Heather's shoulder as she said "Morning Katie Kat."

The team stirred as the minidominion started moving again. Cath opened her eyes slightly and looked at both sides to see Rissa and Jayne sleeping soundly. She slid both of her arms around them and pulled them closer. Jayne opened her eyes and found herself looking into the bright blue eyes of Cath. "Holy...awesome wake up call." She said. Cath giggled and placed a loving kiss on her forehead. Cath crawled over to Sara, after resting Rissa's head on a pillow, and placed a kiss on her lips. Sara's brown eyes fluttered open and connected with Cath's blue eyes. Sara pulled Cath's neck down and passionately kissed her. Jayne turned away and said "Get a room." Cath and Sara laughed strangely.

Lady Heather drove the mini dominion down the highway, while Lady Katherine monitored the team while they ate their breakfast. After they ate, all of them plunked down for a nap. "Strange." Lady Katherine thought. She walked to the front with 2 cups of tea. "No sugar." She said with a smile. Lady Heather set the coordinates of the next night stop and put the mini dominion into auto pilot. To Lady Katherine's surprise the mini dominion drove on its own. Lady Heather turned to Lady Katherine and said "Thank you." Lady Katherine smiled and crawled onto Lady Heather's lap. She slid into a deep sleep. "California, here we come."

next destination....chose!!! whoot!
Yes... let's park the mini-dominion in front of Ann's home.. just a quick stop-over.. do you have Heineken?? Cuz I kinda ran out :rolleyes:

And where's Mr. Tails?? :eek: did you tie it to the back of the mini dominion?? :( Don't say it's true.. because it can't keep up.. :(
hee hee some fun coming in this next update!!!

Chapter 39

The sun began to set low in the sky, and the tired crew began to wind down. Lady Heather pulled the mini dominion into the walmart and put it into park. She grasped Lady Katherine's hand and pulled the sleepy dominatrix with her to the back. "Mr Tails!!!" Jayne called as she picked up a little sock monkey that was found on the floor. Cath looked at her and said "Mr tails was hiding under the bed. It took a little bit of work." Jayne reached over and gave Cath a loving hug. Lady Heather sat Lady Katherine down on the couch and said "Okay guys. Last night you didnt have a proper place to sleep. But as you know, the mini dominion is perfectly well equiped." She turned to a red button and pushed her slender finger onto it. All of a sudden, the top of the mini dominion came down and changed into a king sized bed. The couch changed into a bunk bed, and the floor popped up with a comfy mattress. Lady Katherine looked around. Her eyes began to droop. Rissa looked at Cath and walked over to her. Cath looked down and slipped her arm around her into a hug. Jayne, with a furious look on her face, walked over to Cath and hugged her. "Oooooookay?" she said as the hug broke. Rissa scowled at Jayne and turned her head towards Cath. She then placed a loving kiss on her cheek and lifted her brow at Jayne. Jayne felt angry tears burn her eyes, and she stomped away to the back bedroom. "Jayne?" Cath said as Jayne shut the door. "Haha." Rissa said mockingly.

"Sara?" Ann Marie said as she nearly slipped into a deep sleep. Sara turned to Ann and said "Yeah?" Ann smiled and said "Im so tired." Sara wrapped her arms around Ann and said "So am I." Ann looked up at Sara and said "Will the duckman catch up to us?" Sara looked down at Ann and said "I certainly hope not. We tried too hard to go and give up now." Ann Marie slipped under the covers of the side bed and Sara slid in next to her. Within minutes, the 2 girls were asleep.

"Rissa stay here, I need to talk to Jayne." Cath said as she began to walk to the back bedroom. Rissa tried desperately to stop her. "Cath it's okay, she's fine." She said standing in front of her. Cath pushed past gently and said "I need to know for myself." Cath opened the door, and left the jealous Rissa behind.

"Jayne?" Cath said as she walked in. Jayne was on the floor, legs crossed and holding Mr tails. Her head was down and tears streamed down her face. "Jayne?" Cath said again. She sat down in front of her and said "Jayne, please tell me what's wrong." Jayne lifted her head and bright, puffy eyes connected with Cath's blue eyes. "She wants you all to yourself." Jayne said with a sniff. Cath raised a brow and said "Is that why there's all this competition going on?" Jayne nodded and sniffed again. Cath smiled lovingly, and said "I didnt know that I caused this whole conflict." jayne smiled softly. Cath hugged Jayne and said "That's my girl."

heee heeee!!! major conlfict!!
You know, speaking of their only being one Cath/Sara...I think Jayne used to have a spare pair. She would take them with her to bed at night. He he. Hit her up for some help. :D Seeing as she has been such a huge part of this story. :p
im having so much trouble posting the update!!! its not going over

she had a clone calleigh

Chapter 40

As the mini dominion passed into the california border, the team began to arise again. Lora was up first, cleaning her gun. She had known what the environment in Las angeles was like, so she began to stockpile her ammunition and guns. "Better safe than sorry." She said as she was confronted by Sara. " many cups of coffee have you had?" Sara asked Lora. Lora thought for a second and said "Not many...about 5." She took a sip of the coffee she had in her hand. Sara smiled at her and Lora smiled back. "I think youve had enough." Sara said as she began to pry the cup from Lora's hand, being careful and fully aware that she had a few guns on the table. Ann Marie, hearing the whole coffee commotion, awoke and rolled her eyes. "Lora just let go of the cup." she said. Lora frowned and said "I want my coffee...I can't function without coffee." Ann Marie stood up out of bed and walked over to Sara, who pried the cup out of Lora's hand. She snatched it and took a huge sip of it. "Thanks Sara." Ann Marie said. Sara laughed and Lora began to cry. As Ann Marie walked over to sit next to Rissa, Sara comforted Lora and said "Have a cookie."

Rissa's eyes were red and scratchy. Her eyes drooped but she wouldnt let herself sleep. "Aren't you tired?" Ann Marie asked. Rissa shook her head and said "No I'm fine." Ann Marie took another sip of Lora's coffee and said "Cath's still with Jayne?" Rissa nodded and growled. "Yes...JAYNE." Ann Marie, sensing the hostility in Rissa's voice, backed away slowly.

Jayne awoke to the California sun, her dreams ending perfectly. Cath had stayed the night with Jayne because she had had her breakdown. She opened her crystal blue eyes and turned her head towards Jayne. "Good morning sunshine." She said to Jayne. Jayne smiled. "No competing anymore." She said. Cath smiled and said "No competing." They both sat up, but to Cath's surprise, Jayne's arms came around her slender shoulders into a loving hug. "You know I love you all equally." Cath said softly. Jayne nodded. As they began to stand up, bullets blasted through the room. One clipped Cath on her shoulder. "CATH!" Jayne screamed. She pulled her to the floor, and grabbed a piece of cloth to apply pressure with. Cath was going into shock. "Stay with me please." Jayne said.

first half...the other half will have to be double posted.
sorry Lora...i really have to do this cause im having so much trouble posting the one in a whole post...i think its the length or whatever...but it says something stupid like its a bad request...whatever...sorry again.

she had a clone calleigh

In the other room, Sara was on the floor, with Ann holding a blood covered cloth over her shoulder. She had been caught in the shoulder too. Rissa, and Lora tried desperately to keep Sara from slipping unconsious, while Ann Marie sobbed. She could barely keep herself from breaking down. In the front of the mini dominion, the vehicle came to a stop. Lady Heather had blood pouring out of her arm, and tears streamed down her face. She had been shot, once again, in the shoulder. "Im not going to let you go." Lady Katherine said. "You lost me once, I'm not gonna lose you now."

As the sirens came closer and closer, all 3 of the girls slipped farther and farther away. Soon, they would be lost in a sea of darkness, fighting death, but not seeing life anytime soon.

hey you you like me so far??? lol you probably hate me...muahahahah!