Love or the inevitable: a sara/cath fic

DANG!! *thinks* Aaaaallrighty! Who needs CPR!! :eek:

Don't make them die, Katie! If you do.. I'll pull Calleigh's pretty blond hair out of her head.. ok, I won't actually, but still.. don't make them die! :(

Personal note for Rissa, which is not so personal, because it's posted here :lol: = I don't want to compete.. *pulls Rissa into hug*
if you havent not posting in the emily thread anymore...ive lost touch with my miami obsession...oh well...i love las vegas...and lady and cath but im not gonna get in the middle of you and rissa. :lol:
hee hee...

Chapter 41

The girls were loaded into 3 waiting ambulances. Lady Katherine with Lady Heather, Ann Marie with Sara, and Jayne with Cath. Rissa and Lora stood and in front of the mini dominion, watching as the ambulances drove away. "I don't even shoot that well." Lora said as she looked over at Rissa. "Jayne went with Cath." Rissa said with a scowl. Lora rolled her eyes and said "Get over it Rissa. Stop competing."

"Im detective Sofia Curtis." A woman said to Lora as she walked up to the 2 girls. "I need to ask you two a couple of questions." Rissa smiled and said "Anything to help." Sofia smiled back and looked at Lora. "Did you see anything prior to the shooting?" Lora shook her head and said "I didnt see anything, and if I did I would have taken him out already." Sofia raised a brow and said "You have a gun?" Rissa laughed and said "Of course she does...She has so many theyre covering the mini dominion!" Lora smiled and said "Yes...yes I do." Sofia smiled back and said "Now who would try to kill Sara and Cath?" Lora and Rissa looked at eachother and looked at Sofia. "Duckman." They said. Lora frowned and said "We're trying to get as many people to take the duckman on. We put our lives in danger for the greater good." Sofia smirked and said "Mind if I help?" Lora smiled and said "The more the merrier." The 3 climbed into the mini dominion and sped off down the road towards the hospital.

In the ambulance that carried Cath, paramedics worked desperately to stop the bleeding. Cath looked up at Jayne, who had tears flooding her eyes. A tear streamed down her face. Cath noticed it and slowly reached over to Jayne's hand and grasped it. Jayne looked into Cath's sky blue eyes. Mouthing the words, Cath said "Don't cry." Jayne nodded slowly and wiped the tears away.

Lady Heather cried softly as the paramedics stabilized her. Lady Katherine smiled and said "Please dont give up. It's not in your nature." Lady Heather smiled up at Lady Katherine and took her hand softly. Her ring glittered softly. Sara was struggling. She slipped in and out of consiousness, causing shock to go through the ambulance. Ann Marie watched as the heartrate monitor flatlined. "Oh God no." Ann Marie thought to herself. "She's losing the battle." Sara's hand flopped lifelessly at the edge of the gurney, as the paramedics started the defibulator. Sara was lost. But to Ann's surprise, Sara's eyes opened slightly. Ann Marie started crying. She had lost someone she loved so much, but she came back to her. Sara reached over to Ann Marie's hand and grasped it. She gave a comforting squeeze.

oops haha! someone died!!!
*nods enthusiastically* uhhuh uhhuh!!!

*holds Ann*.. ahh feck.. let's do a whole group hug, I think we need one regarding what we've all been through.. I'm glad Sara's back though *wipes forehead*
wheee i love my fic!!! its lasted longer than all the other ones that i made!!! All thanks to you chickas!!!

Chapter 42

After the ordeal that the girls suffered, they were in 3 seperate rooms guarded by 2 heavily armed swat members each. Lora and Sofia walked by every room, with their 9 mil at their hips and a tray of coffee and tea with them on every pass by. They had developed a new friendship.

Sara slept soundly as Ann Marie sat by and watched as she slept. She was so protective of her. As Sara slept, her mind was filled with dreams. There was something about Ann Marie that seemed so familiar. She turned over on her side and opened her eyes. Sara's brown eyes opened to a familiar set identical to her own. Finally, Sara figured out who this girl was. "Hey Ann." Sara said softly, as she tapped the bed beside her. Ann smiled and sat down. "How are you feeling?" She said as she hugged Sara softly, avoiding the wound on her shoulder. Sara smiled and said "Im doing fine." After a few minutes of silence, Sara decided to ask. "Um, Ann?" She said softly. Ann looked over in the direction of Sara and said "Yeah?" Sara smiled and said "Do you have any interesting birthmarks?" Ann nodded, and lifted up the side of her shirt slightly to show a moon shaped birthmark. "Oh my God." Sara said softly. "What? What's wrong?" Sara struggled to hold back tears as she asked, "What was your mother's name?" Ann dropped her head and said "I never knew my mom." Sara sobbed, and Ann covered her mouth. "Oh my God." She said.

i have to double post until i get to my loving comp in calgary....i hate mom;s comp!!! sorry lora!
aha! second half...again sorry lora!
"Im tired of competing." Jayne said to the clearly tired Rissa. Rissa crossed her arms and said "Im tired of it too. Truce?" Jayne nodded slowly and said "Truce." They both held out their hands and shook them, both with a smile on their face. Cath witnessed the newfound friendship development, and smiled. "Good girls! Im so proud of you 2!" She said as Rissa and Jayne crawled on top of the bed. Rissa yawned and Cath rested her head on her own shoulder. Rissa slipped to sleep right away. Soon, both Cath and Rissa were deep into sleep while Jayne stayed awake. "You better get lost before I bust a cap!" Lora's voice floated under the door and drifted over to Jayne's ears. "Candygram my as*!" Jayne smiled and walked to the door. "Something wrong?" She asked Lora who wielded her weapon insanely. Sofia walked over to Jayne and whispered in her ear. "She had 3 cups of coffee." Jayne nodded and said "Caffeine has that effect on her." Lora walked around in a circle and talked to herself. Jayne laughed and said "Keep an eye on the 2 girls in the room, Im going out for a heiney." Sofia smiled and said " I need to send someone to get you?" Jayne looked back and said "Nah, I'll take a cab."

Lady Heather and Lady Katherine sat on the bed and watched tv together. They didnt know about the impending doom that the team would soon experience. Behind the blinds and on the window, written in blood, was the words "I will be back, and this time, your all dead."

duh duh duuuuuuuuuh!!! hahaha!
i knew you would like it!!!! now girls dont hate me...i cant think of anything! i was about to update and i drew a blank...back to csi haha btw dont let this fic die...if you want to see how it ends then keep it alive...evil me resides in me!!!! hahahahaha
okay i got somethin...

Chapter 43

Sara and Ann Marie were in the hospital room, still shocked from the news. "So that means....?" Ann Marie started. Sara nodded and sat up. "You're my daughter." Sara said softly. Ann smiled at Sara and said "Why did you abandon me?" Sara dropped her head lightly and said "I was 16. I was scared, so I did the best thing I could." Ann Marie leaned in and hugged Sara. "Well Im glad that I found you." She said softly. Sara smiled, and wrapped her arms around her. Just as the hug broke, shots rang out in the hallway. "Stay here!" Ann Marie said. "Ann! No!" Sara said. Ann turned to Sara, drew her Colt and said "Ill be fine. Stay here." Around the corner Ann Marie turned. Back against the wall, she held her gun up, and cocked it. "A thompson." Ann thought to herself, as she recognized the shots. This was not good. The man quacked. The son of a bit*h was back again.

"What was that?" Cath said as she heard the shots. Rissa sat up and drew her pistol. "Time to kick some as*!" She pulled out a cell phone and dialed. "Jayne get down here now!" Jayne took a sip of her heinekin and said "Did the duckman hit again?" Rissa said "Yup." Before Rissa could even finish the word, a clatter of coins hit the table and a glass bottle hit the floor. Then they were cut off. Within 2 minutes, Jayne was at the hospital with her weapon cocked.

The team were all scattered throughout the area around the hospital rooms. Lady Heather stayed in her room, and Lady Katherine was with Lora and Sofia, armed with a bullwhip. "This is not happening again." She said to herself. Sofia looked at Lora and said "Dominatrix?" Lora nodded and said "Lady Heather's dominion." Sofia cocked her gun and said "on my count." Her fingers held the numbers. 1, 2....3! *bang* "We got someone down! Send for rescue!" Sofia's voice sounded out.

oooooh someone's hurt!