Love or the inevitable: a sara/cath fic

okay...someone dies...count on it!!! someone dies!!! and 2 members of the team are gone...muahahah!

Chapter 34

The drive to the hospital was a harsh one. Lady Katherine needed to get stiched up. "She needs her own room." Lady Heather said to the doctor, who agreed with her immedietly. Cath, Ann Marie, Jayne and Rissa were all in the same room, so instantly, Sara's protective instinct kicked in. "Cath?" she said softly, to avoid waking the 3 girls. "Cath I know you can hear me. Im so sorry for causing all this. Don't tell me its not my fault cause I know it is." Cath turned over and opened her bright blue eyes. She caught a glimpse of Sara's puffy red eyes with rivers of tears falling down them. Cath frowned and said "Please don't cry." Sara took Cath's hand and said "I caused this whole thing." Cath reached up and pulled Sara's neck down lightly. Sara rested her head on Cath's shoulder and sobbed. Cath stroked Sara's brown hair and comforted her. "Don't cry." Sara lifted her head and said "I love don't even know how much." Cath smiled and said "I love you too." And for the first time in a while, Sara and Cath shared their first kiss.

In the next room, Lady Katherine was laying in bed, nestled softly against Lady Heather's chest. In her hands, was a book. "You do know I had to lie to get in the ambulance with you, don't you know?" Lady Heather said softly. Lady Katherine snickered to herself and said "Wow...this book is really bad. Do you carry it everywhere?" Lady Heather smiled and said "Well, whenever Im away from the dominion yeah." Lora walked in carrying 2 cups of tea and 1 cup of coffee. "Lady Heather?" She said as she handed her the 2 cups of tea. "One's without sugar." Lora said with a smile. "Thank you very much, Lora." Lora smiled and walked out with her coffee. She was obviously packing, a just in case technicallity. "I should go check on the others." Lady Heather said, with her sugarless cup of tea in her hand. Lady Katherine looked up from the book, her face red from giggling to herself. Lady Heather walked up and brushed Lady Katherine's hair out of her face. "Be good. Don't get yourself in trouble. If you know what I mean." She said before she walked out of the room.

Lady Katherine continued reading. "Are you enjoying that book?" A voice said. "Crap." She said to herself. A full bodied feather figure walked from out of the closet, holding a Thompson. "I thought I wouldnt find you." He said. His voice cracked. Lady Katherine put her book down. "Please dont kill me." She pleaded. Duckman cocked his gun and a shot rang out in the hospital.

"Shi& what was that???" Sara said. Catherine had fallen asleep, and the 3 other girls were asleep too. So Sara, Lady Heather and Lora rushed to the other room. As they entered Lady Katherine's room, they were greeted by a crimson river of blood. Lady Heather dropped to her knees beside Lady Katherine and said "No." Sara knelt down beside her and placed 2 fingers on her neck. Nothing. "She's gone." She said softly. Lady Heather grasped Lady Katherine's lifeless hand and a tear streamed down her face. Lora sniffed and sara stood up to pull Lora into a hug. "It's okay. She's not suffering anymore." Sara said softly as she stroked Lora's silky brown hair. It seemed like the Duckman had hit a little too close to home. As Lady Heather wallowed in Lady Katherine's blood and held her hand tightly as if she didnt want to leave her, Sara's mid filled with thoughts. "We need to get this guy. He's killing our team."

HAHA JAYNE! NOW YOU CAN'T SAY THAT I DIDNT KILL SOMEONE!!! MUAHAHAHAHN! im currently working on a fic for myself (to keep me from going insaaaane) and its 21 pages and you guys are special to deserve this hahahahaha!
OMG? Really???? Is this true? First the chloroform.. and now.. the Duckman just killed Lady K?!?!?! :eek: aawww.. this is sad, (but keeps me on the edge of my seat.) Go Sara! Get the duckman!
lol sorry guys...i wanted to kill someone off since jayne was saying that no one got killed....wannted to throw some angst in english gotta get to work.
*holds Ann and squeezes in Hottie too* we have to pull through.. get through this together girls :( I'm still sad over it all.. but Katie, I think you're avvie just came true :lol: You created a MONSTER!! :eek:
hee i just wrote what came to my its not my fault that most things that come to my mind is all hostile things hee hee. goes..someone else "dies" lmao

Chapter 35

Sara and Lora both stood by the body of their fallen teammate. Lady Heather fought relentlessly to keep her hand in the hand of her partner. "NOOOO!" she said as the police dragged her away from Lady Katherine. One police officer took a hold of the dead dominatrix's hand and the other hand and pryed it from each other. Lady Heather's eyes flooded with tears and she began to sob uncontrollably when she was put on her feet. Sara took a hold of Lady Heather and embraced her. "It's okay. You treated her like she was your child. You taught her and she learned." she said as Lady Heather sobbed in her shoulder. Soon Sara was more shocked. Lady Heather acting like she had just lost a best friend. Lady Katherine was a best friend. The crime scene investigators walked in to process and soon the girls were shooed out.

In the other room, ann marie, jayne and cath were still out like a light. Unknowing about the true tragedy that occured just in the other room. Cath yawned as Sara slipped under the blankets next to her. Sara snuggled close and smiled. Cath felt so warm and safe. So alive. Lora laid down in the bed next to Jayne and smiled. "Jayne got into my heineken." She said with a small chuckle. Lady Heather sat in the chair next to Ann Marie's bed and cried to herself softly as the other girls slept on. She wiped her tears and sniffed. "I can't believe she's gone." She thought. Ann Marie sat up slowly and said "Lady Heather? Are you ok?" Lady Heather lifted her head and smiled uneasily. She got up and sat on Ann Marie's bed. "Im fine. Are you okay?" She said. Ann smiled and said "I could be better. How's Lady Katherine?" Lady Heather sniffed once again and said "She's not suffering anymore." Ann marie frowned and said "No...she isnt..." Lady Heather nodded and sniffed. "She was my best friend. I loved her like a sister. I can't believe she's gone." Ann Marie leaned in to give Lady Heather a hug. "It's okay." She said. Lady Heather laid down next to Ann Marie and softly, without any sudden or stupid moves, She slid her arm around Lady Heather's shoulder. Lady Heather sighed and grasped Ann Marie's hand. It wasnt Lady Katherine, but it still felt perfect.

awww!! i might use those healing powers of yours jayne!!
Wow! I finally read them and have caught up! :lol: This is so brilliant, I can't believe she's dead! I honestly didn't think you'd do it...........which makes it all the better! :D
awww! thankies guys for the good reviews!!! ill update tomorrow since i just EFFING DELETED THE WHOLE THING!!! eh ill update

Chapter 36

The autopsy of the dominatrix came, and Sara, Jayne and Lady Heather were at the side. "Are you sure you want to be here for this?" Doc Robbins asked, ready to do the first incision. Lady Heather took a hold of Lady Katherine's lifeless hand and nodded. A tear streaked down both Jayne and Lady Heather's cheek. Sara looked at Jayne and softly smiled. She took her hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. Jayne leaned over to Lady Katherine and stroked a strand of deep brown hair away from her face. Doc robbins pressed the scalpel into the skin and to his surprise, a deep red stream of blood came forth. Sara walked forward, leaving jayne's hand and walked towards the grey slab. With 2 fingers, Sara pressed them against Lady Katherine's neck, and stood silently. softly, oh so softly, a pulse pounded against her delicate fingers. "OH MY GOD SHE'S ALIVE! GET A MEDICAL UNIT IN HERE!" Sara said alarmed. Doc robbins ran to the phone, and Lady Heather released Lady Katherine's hand and began to cry. "Lady Katherine stay with me...Im not gonna give up on you." Sara said as she slipped her hand into the girl's hand. Lady Katherine, hearing sara's words, gave Sara's hand a reasuring squeeze.

In the hospital, Sara and Cath were talking to Rissa and Ann Marie. "So Lady Katherine died?" Rissa asked. "And now, she's alive?" Sara nodded as she crossed her legs on Cath's bed. "That is confusing much." Ann Marie said. Cath smiled and said "Girls, come over here." Ann Marie walked over to Cath's bed and Sara slapped her leg. Ann Marie sat in Sara's lap and sara's arms went around her protectively. Rissa sat next to Cath, but ended up clunking her head on the headboard. "Ow." Rissa said softly. Cath looked at her with her big blue eyes and said "Rissa, your a little clutz." Rissa smiled and said "It's been plaguing me for God know's how long." Ann Marie lifted a brow and said "What's your name?" Rissa looked at Ann and lifted her own brow. "Rissa....why?" Ann smiled and said " reason." Cath slipped her arm around Rissa's shoulder and brushed her hair out of her face.

In the other room, Lady Katherine was laying on her bed, looking up at the ceiling. "How did she survive?" Jayne asked. Lady Heather shook her head and said "I don't know." Lady Katherine's eyes filled with tears. Lady Heather noticed them and laid down next to Lady Katherine. Then, using Lady Katherine's nickname, Lady Heather spoke. "Katie kat, please tell me what's wrong?" Lady Katherine turned her head to face Lady Heather. "I was supposed to die." She said. Lady Heather sniffed and hugged Lady Katherine. As the tears began to fall, Lady Heather said "Your still alive, and I'm so grateful for that." Lady Katherine hugged Lady Heather tightly. Lora walked in with a tray of teas and coffees. "Hey...she's awake." Lora said softly as she handed everyone their tea and coffee. Jayne smiled and looked at Lady Heather. "They had a little talk." Jayne looked at Lora, who handed her a coffee. "This is a time to celebrate." Lora said. Her gun bulged from the side of her jeans. "Screw the coffee...have a heiney." Jayne said as she pulled a bottle of heineken out of her jacket. Lora, Lady Heather and Lady Katherine looked at Jayne as she opened the bottle and took at giant swig of it. "How the hel* did you get that in here?" Lora asked, wide eyed. Jayne smiled and said "It was in my pocket from st patty's day. want some?" The girls shook their heads and Lady Katherine began to snicker to herself.

The calm before the storm, peoples!!! jayne your too got your memory back FINALLY! Rock on sweetheart. Lora...your packin a gun...pretty wicked...awesome if im missing some people thank you for reading my fic up to this point...totally appreciate your support. the fic isnt done just a ton of typing left to do!!! lol