Love or the inevitable: a sara/cath fic

OMG!! I so missed that last chapter.. normally I'm being emailed when a new post arrives here, and this time I didn't get anything :eek: But I'm here.. *stops panting heavily*

YAY omg.. *squeezes Katie* I'm so happy you're back alive!! I knew my CPR would get you back eventually :)
Heh.. oh dear, me and my Heineken.. :rolleyes:
cpr...ya right lmao...your magic healing powers did the job lmao!!!

Chapter 37

"We can't stay in Las Vegas." Lora said to the group. The girls were out of the hospital and now they were at CSI. As they all listened, Sara held Ann Marie close to her, Cath held both Rissa and Jayne on her knees. Her arms were around both of their waists. Lady Heather held the now sleeping Lady Katherine against her chest. "It's not safe. I vote we should leave." Lora continued. Lady Heather spoke up. She was still shocked since Lady Katherine came to life, but she spoke. "I think we should go on a road trip. The mini dominion has a 30 person max." Jayne spoke up and said "Yeah!!! ROAD TRIP!" Cath rolled her eyes and said "Okay...let's go for it!"

The open road called to them. As they drove down the freeway, the rest of the team slept. Lady Heather was at the wheel and Lady Katherine curled up next to her in the passengers side seat. Lady Heather looked at her and said "Katie Kat, you should get some sleep." Lady Katherine looked at Lady Heather and said "I can't. I'm too scared." Lady Heather looked at her and smiled kindly. "You can stay with me if you want." She said. Lady Katherine smiled and said "Thank you."

A few seconds of silence filled the front of the mini dominion, before Jayne called out "WHERE'S MY MONKEY!!! YOU STOLE MY MONKEY!!!" Cath stirred and tried to calm her down. "Someone gag her." Lora said. Ann Marie giggled and Sara snorted. Finally Rissa took one of Lady Heather's gags and gagged Jayne. "AAAAARG!" Jayne screamed from out of the gag. Lady Heather laughed and said "I think you should go check on them." Lady Katherine smiled and got up. She walked to the back to see Jayne gagged and sleeping soundly. Cath sat with her and shook her head. "Geez." She said softly.

:rolleyes: thanks Lora and Rissa :rolleyes:

:lol: you crack me up Katie :lol: but yeah, who whole my monkey?? :confused: I love you fic so much, I want to live in your fic.. I have no responsibility or obligations whatsoever.. ahhh life! :D
who whole my monkey??
:lol: and I wasn't even drinking my Heineken when I wrote that :lol:

I knew it was you all along, Ann! :mad: *reaches out hand* Hand it back! Or.. Or.. Or.. I'll pull your hair... :confused: yeah, I couldn't think of anything else for the moment..

lmao you guys...your friggen funny!!!
But babe, it's your fic that brings out this side of me :D
Thank goodness you're alive Katie Kat.. and glad that I have my memory back.. :lol: And the monkey scene cracked me up! And yay for the Road Trip!!! This is a funr read!
Ann.. don't forget to feed it.. :( It likes fresh bread soaked in Cappuchino.. and don't start eating hay in front of it, it doesn't like it when you do that.. trust me I know!

Oh and did I mention it needs its anger-control-management-medicines every two hours?? :rolleyes:

Hmmm.. it must be in the name.. I already lost a pony to Ann Donahue in exchange for some Calleigh/Eric luvin', but we never got it and she still has my pony :(