Love or the inevitable: a sara/cath fic

I hope it's not Mommy!
:lol: I'm sorry, but that just cracked me up!! :lol: I mean.. *holds Ann's hand* ohhh please.. let it be the Duckman.. I know that Lora and SoFia can aim well.. and we all know Lora doesn't like it when she's disturbed..

:confused: I paid for a heiney and dropped in then on the floor?? That's nuthin' like me!!! :eek: :lol:
you wont lose her!!!

Chapter 44

Crimson thick blood pooled around the body. Lora's gun smoked slightly, but she was shocked when she figured out who she shot. "Is everyone ok?" Sofia asked. Jayne dropped her eyes to the body and gasped. Sofia bent down next to the body and placed 2 fingers on the neck of the dead man. "He's gone." She said softly. Jayne and Ann Marie gasped and screamed "You killed someone, Lora!" Lora turned to the girls and said "Well I didnt mean to! He had a gun!" Sofia turned the body over and said "You might have done us a favor with this one." Lora, Jayne, Ann Marie, Rissa and Lady Katherine walked over to Sofia and the body. Sofia stood up and said "Paul Millander. Serial killer, was definetly armed and dangerous." Jayne pulled her cell phone out and said "I'll call Grissom." Sofia, Rissa, and Jayne walked away leaving Lora, Lady Katherine and Ann Marie alone. "He doesnt look like duckman." Lora said softly. Lady Katherine nodded in approval. "Wait look at this." Lady Katherine said, pointing to a piece of paper in his hand. Grissom walked up behind the girls with tweezers and picked up the piece of paper. "Holy crap Gris, you scared the hel* outta me!" Grissom smiled and said "Im very sneaky." He opened the piece of paper and examined the words. "Its the address to the hospital." He said. "Get the girls out of here and get back on the road. Now!" The girls took off like 3 lone bullets.

Cath awoke in the mini dominion. "Where are we?" She said, her voice clearly indicating her sleepyness. Jayne and Rissa were laying soundly beside her, but only Rissa was awake. Cath looked around and noticed that they were in the back room. Jayne was on her back sleeping soundly, and talking. Mr tails was in her arms. "Sea monkey has my sunday...hey what are you doing with that hammer?" She said between snores. Cath giggled lightly, and turned to Rissa. "Duckman hired a hitman for his own kill." Rissa said lightly. Cath frowned and said "Where are we going now?" Rissa shrugged. "All I know, is that we will do everything in our power to keep you and Sara alive." Cath smiled and said "Thank you." she placed a kiss on Rissa's forehead, before slowly falling asleep.

Sara and Ann Marie laid on the floor mattress and looked at each other. They had found who they were looking for. Sara found her daughter, and Ann Marie found her mother. "How did this happen?" Ann Marie asked. Sara frowned, and said "I was in a foster home, my oldest foster brother sexually attacked me and raped me." Ann Marie frowned herself and said "Why did you give me away? Didnt you love me?" Sara smiled and said "Of course I loved you. I was just 16 and I didnt have anyone to protect or support you and me. I just did the best thing I could." A tear streaked down Ann Marie's face, and Sara pulled her close. "I'll never leave you. I'll always be here for you." Sara said softly.

With the mini dominion on auto pilot, Lady Katherine sat in the driver's seat with Lady Heather in her lap. "If you keep moving it, it wont heal properly." Lady Katherine said softly. Lady Heather looked up at her and said "I shall move it to how I see fit." Lady Katherine laughed and said "Miracle whip, As long as I'm watching over you, you will keep that arm down, missy." Lady Heather laughed at her nickname and snuggled into her arms and fell asleep.

ANN HELPED ME WITH THAT NICKNAME FOR LADY H! SHES THE SHIZNAT! LOL sorry but im not sure if i want to continue this fic. I havent been acting like myself lately and if i continue it i might kill off some people once they enter canada...but if someone has objections to me cutting this off...please tell me.
wheee i still love this fic....jayne, rissa, and Lora! get your heineys in here now!!! lol :lol:

Chapter 45

The sky was dark and gloomy. "Crap." Lady Katherine said as she held Lady Heather in her arms. The rain poured down on top of the mini dominion, as Lady Katherine rested Lady Heather on the chair next to her and covered her up. Lady Heather's head flopped to the side and Lady Katherine snickered to herself. She walked out to the main part of the mini dominion to see all of the girls minus Sara, Jayne, Rissa, and Cath. "How are we doing on the war on Duckman?" She said as she walked into the middle of the group. She looked around and noticed that the majority of the team wasnt even listening. Ann Marie was still conked out on the floor, and Lora and Sofia were on the couch with a cup of coffee in their hands. Jayne, Rissa, Cath, and Sara were in the back bedroom still sleeping. Lady Katherine put her hand on her hip and said "Okay get up." When no one stirred, she smiled and said "Duckman's out front." Within a second, Sofia and Lora were on the floor, guns drawn. Lady Katherine jumped back shocked at the sudden moves. "Holy geez. Kidding." Lora got up and walked up and said "Never! Screw with the evils of DUCKMAN!" Lady Katherine said "Sorry. I was trying to get you out of your own little worlds." Ann Marie woke up and said "Good mornin all." Sofia looked over to her and said "Top of the mornin." her accent strongly voiced in the greeting.

"Move out of the way...need coffee." Jayne said groggily as she waddled to the mini kitchen. She plunked herself down on the couch next to Sofia. She plunked her head on Jayne's shoulder and Lora plunked her head down on Sofia's shoulder. Rissa walked out and flopped herself down next to Ann Marie. "Sara wants to see you." She said sleepily as she curled up in the blanket. Ann Marie smiled and walked to the bedroom, where she saw Sara laying on the bed and looking out the bed level window. Ann Marie walked over to the bed, and lay down behind Sara. A roll of thunder boomed. "I love thunder." Ann Marie said softly, as she crawled under the covers. Sara turned over to reveal huge tears crawling out of her eyes. They fell like the rain that fell outside. Ann Marie curled up next to Sara and looked her in her big brown eyes. "What's wrong?" she said softly. Sara sniffed and said "It was raining the day I had you." Ann Marie felt tears fall down her own cheek. Warm tears filled with sadness. Sara reached out to stroke them away and said "I looked into your tiny face, and stroked your tears away. And just as you started crying, you became quiet, and instantly fell asleep. You were a little angel." Soon Ann Marie was sobbing softly. Sara sat up and pulled her with her. She pulled her into a tight embrace and said "I love you, Ann. I dont know what I was thinking when I gave you up. I knew I would love you forever. I never forgot about you." Ann nodded into Sara's shoulder. Ann Marie lifted up her head and slid under the covers. Sara did the same and soon they were both asleep.

muahahaha i love this fic!!!!
:eek: what's wrong with me!! I'm always cheerful in the morning.. I do need my coffee though.. but I'm never in a bad mood!! Mornings are the best times of the day.

"Top of the mornin."
:lol: and the rest of the day to yerself :lol:
doods its ironic that its raining in calgary now...:( dood scary...

Chapter 46

After all the weather had passed, the girls were beginning to bug the heck outta Lady Heather and Lady Katherine. "Just go back and shut them up please?" Lady Heather said as she had her eyes on the road. Lady Katherine shook her head and said "No way. The last time i went back there, they gagged and whipped creamed me. You do it." Screams and bumps against the door sounded. "Oh God." Lady Heather said softly. "They're playing tag again. I had to tie some people up last time." Lady Heather said with a smile. On Lady Katherine's face, a smile eeked slowly, and soon a snicker sounded. Lady Heather pressed a button and said "That oughta shut them up." Lady Katherine smiled as the sound of the rowdy girls stopped. "Tv?" She asked. Lady Heather smiled and nodded.

"Are we there yet?" Jayne asked Lady Heather as the mini dominion slipped into auto pilot. "No." She said annoyed. Jayne, Rissa, and Lora had been asking that same question over and over for the last 2 hours. Lady Katherine frowned and pulled Lady Heather into the front of the mini dominion. She sat her down in the chair and stood behind her, and rubbed her temples. "Its okay. Calm down." She said softly.

"Im hungry." Jayne said, as she shifted while she sat down on Cath's knee. Rissa sat on the other one and was slipping into sleep. She hadnt said anything for a while, and now was the time to talk. Through the chattering voices of the other girls, Rissa looked up at Cath and said "Whats gonna happen if Duckman comes back?" All of a sudden the room went silent, and the heinekin that she was drinking was sliding down her throat slowly. It was 8 in the morning and Jayne was drinking a heinekin. Lora looked at Jayne and said "Thats mine! you got into my beer stash again!" Jayne smirked and said "What's yours is mine." Lora tackled her and sent her flying off Cath's knee. Rissa smiled at Cath, who said, "We're not gonna let Duckman do anything. I promise." Rissa smiled and watched as Jayne and Lora fought over the beer.

Sara opened her eyes to see Ann Marie still sleeping next to her. Her brown hair was messy, but she still looked cute. Sara leaned in slowly, and placed a loving kiss on her forehead before she fell asleep again.

hola chicas! liking the fic so far? ill continue sinoritas!