Love or the inevitable: a sara/cath fic

hee hee...that hot fic had to be hidden from the parental figure!!! lol he reads my but here's the next look at my avee...i love it...its totally the duckman!

Chapter 31

Sara waddled to the mini dominion having shaken Jayne off her leg. Lady Heather and Lady Katherine were still flopped on the bed and managed to get back to sleep. Lady Katherine, being smaller in size than Lady Heather, curled up softly next to Lady Heather, who had her arm around her. Sara smiled at the sight, knowing that the dominatrix tag team was a kinky team. But they looked sweet then. She walked over to Cath and Rissa in the bedroom. Rissa had fallen asleep next to Cath. "Hey." Sara said softly as she handed Cath the bottle. "She fell asleep fast. I guess a wack to the head can do that to you." Cath said softly. Ann Marie came in silently and said "Jayne's chasing me around the house. Can I stay with you guys?" Sara smiled at her, and so did Cath. "Sure sweetheart." Cath said softly. She sat up and walked over to Ann Marie. She was greeted with a huge hug. Cath hugged her and whispered to Sara. "Take Jayne down and bring her here so she doesnt hurt herself." Sara nodded and said "Love you." Cath smiled and said "Love you too."

"Jaaaaayne....oh Jayyyyne!" Sara called in a sing song voice. "Sara help me!" Jayne screamed. Then she heard muffled screams. Sara followed the sound. She looked down at the floor. "Feathers." She said to herself. "He's back." The trail of feathers led Sara to the middle of the hallway. "Step back bit*h." Duckman said. Sara looked at the big yellow fluffy figure. He held a very sharp knife in his hand, and he had Jayne by the neck. Sara looked closely at her mouth and saw her mouth the words "help me please." Duckman pressed the knife against Jayne's neck lightly. "please." Jayne mouthed. Sara moved closer. "I said stay back!" He snapped. "Are you duckman?" Sara asked as she stayed back, trying to keep him from killing Jayne. Duckman laughed mockingly. "What the hel* am I wearing a duck suit for if Im not?" he said rudely. "Good point." Sara said softly.

Lora stuck her head out of the room to see what all the commotion was about. She was just interrupted from her beauty sleep. But instead of seeing the drunken Jayne, she saw the duckman holding a knife at Jayne's neck with sara a few metres away from them. Lora felt anger welling up inside her and she wanted to do something about it. She crept to her gun cabinet and grabbed her favorite gun. a P90. "oooh yeah." She whispered to herself as she loaded it. "Lets lock and load." She walked casually out of the door and pointed the gun at the duckman. "Its 4 in the f*%&# morning, are you sure you want to screw with a tired woman?" she said. Duckman dropped the knife and ran. Underneath all that tough exterior, duckman was scared of being shot. Lora chased after him, while Sara rushed over to the now sobbing Jayne's side. Jayne collapsed into Sara's arms and clunked her head on her shoulder. Sara wrapped her arms around Jayne and consolled her. "shhh...its okay. It's all over now." Jayne lifted her head and said "I was almost killed. Thank God you got here in time." Sara wiped the tears away and hugged her tight. This was a different side of Jayne that no one had ever seen. They sat there for a few minutes more, in each other's warm and safe embrace.

Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek! Poor Jayne! The evil duckman and his stupid little knives (if he's not careful I'm going to take one of those knives while he's sleeping and put him on a platter :D... *cough*). Thank goodness for Sara and of course Lora with the big-ass gun :D *sigh*
Seriously before I started reading the new chapter I scrolled down to see who replied and all I saw was:

Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek! Poor Jayne!
Man, I freaked out, I thought you'd killed me :lol:

And uhm.. your avvie.. yeah well.. :lol: It's friggin' cute.. but it just tried to kill me.. so I'm not too sure about that anymore :lol: I'll have traumas looking at it!!

But omg Katie, you're soooo good! It's like you really know me. I bounce around the house and then get myself into trouble and I do have a side that I rarely show.. which is the emotional and vunerable side :) I soooo much squeeeee this fic :D
Oh Jayne.. you and you're drama. :lol: I love it Katie, the chapter kept me at the edge of my seat, good thing Lora and Sara came on just in time.
and love the avvie, and I'll never look at ducks the same way again. :eek:
lol but im warning you...when i update tonite..someone else is going into danger!!! muahahahaha! eh ill update im sick so my writting might not be great today.

Chapter 32

Sara laid the clearly shaken Jayne on the couch and grabbed a medical kit from off the counter. Lora walked into the house and scuffled back to her bedroom to go back to sleep. She had managed to get one shot off. Sara smiled and tended to Jayne. "Im so sorry." Sara said as she cleaned the knife cuts on Jayne's neck. Jayne smiled lightly and said "It's not your fault." Sara placed a hand underneath sara's chin and lightly lifted her head. She cleaned those cuts and grabbed a few bandages. "Thank God they were shallow." Sara said to herself. Jayne smiled and said "I get duck bandaids dont I?" sara smiled and said "Of course." Soon a shot rang through the house. Lora was in her room sleeping, and the rest of the girls were out in the mini dominion. "Shi*" Sara said as she rushed out to the backyard. Lady Katherine was on the floor of the mini dominion, with blood all around her arm and leg. "Please help me." she said as Sara knelt beside her. Lady Heather knelt beside her too. "Where's Cath and Rissa???" Sara asked. Lady Heather shrugged and said "They never left the room." Sara walked slowly to the back bedroom. A flurry of thoughts filled her mind as she opened the door. She awaited the inevitable.

im sorry its so short...i couldnt think of much.
okies guys....we get to find out what happened to Rissa and Cath. (and i completely forgot....ann was in the room too!!!)

Chapter 33

Sara opened the door, turning the handle and pushing it open. She glanced in the room to see Cath, Ann Marie and Rissa on the bed, lifeless. "Shi&." Sara said upon seeing the 3 girls laying completely motionless on the bed. Sara rushed over to Cath's side. With 2 fingers, she took Cath's pulse. "Wait a minute..." Sara said to herself. She looked at Cath's chest and noticed the rise and fall of her breathing. Sara ran through the list of girls in her mind, then ruled out the ones that were sleeping, resting, hurt, tending to the hurt and currently passed out. "I guess that leaves just me." Sara said. She picked up a rag off the floor and sniffed it. Chloraform. Sara shook her head and said "He went to far." Ann Marie inched towards the edge of the bed and groaned. The duckman heavily dosed Cath and rissa, but Ann Marie got the low dose and it had worn off. Sara rushed towards her and caught her as she began to fall. "My head." Ann Marie said softly. Sara nestled Ann softly in her arms. She spotted the bottle of tylenol on the floor and opened the bottle. "Here." She said as she slid a pill into Ann's mouth. Ann swallowed and closed her eyes. Sara smiled and laid her in the bed again.

After the ambulance had arrived, the paramedics worked on Lady Katherine and tried to find the bullet strike. 3 streatchers were brought into the back bedroom, and cath, Rissa and Ann Marie were carried out with oxygen masks on. Sara walked with the paramedics into the ambulance. Jayne walked with Lora and hopped into Lora's hummer, while Lady Heather started a fight. "But I was with her when she was shot!" She screamed. "Only Family!" the paramedic said. Lady Heather though for a sec and said "She's my daughter!" The paramedic looked her in the eyes and said "Go ahead." Lady Heather crawled into the ambulance with sara and the 3 girls.

Outside of the ambulance, as it drove away, a feather. It had words inscribed on it. "Ill shoot to kill next time."

Yay :D.. I'm sorry guys, but finally.. finally, it wasn't me who got in trouble :lol: Ohhh I so hope I got to drive the hummer teeheee!!

I hope you guys are all ok... and IRL: Katie, I hope you get well soon!!! :)
I just reread the whole fic.. because I just don't want to start on my thesis :p and you know what :lol: On every page Katie says "bhuahahahahahah someone's going to die" and till now no one has died LMAO!!! :lol: But pleeeaasseeee, don't kill me :D