Love or the inevitable: a sara/cath fic

lol okay...but im getting writer's block pretty jkjk...ill make somethin happen...let me just get my music!!! btw jayne i love your sig...i want the scarf!

Chapter 30

"Oh God." Cath said softly as she lifted Rissa off the floor and carried her to the bed. Lady Heather bolted into the mini dominion and said "I heard a disturbance. What's wrong?" Lady Katherine was behind her panting. "Please take these off." She said breathlessly. Lady Heather looked at Lady Katherine and said "I can't find the keys." Lady Katherine collapsed from exaustion on the bed, and caused Lady Heather to fall down next to her. "You're just like Zoe." Lady Heather said. "oooookay.." Sara said softly. Cath looked at Rissa and said, "So you dont know who you are?" Rissa shook her head. Sara smiled and said "Stay with Cath. You probably have a wicked headache, I'll go get you some tylenol." Sara walked out and Rissa plunked herself down on the bed and laid down. Cath laid down next to her and began stroking her hair. Rissa smiled and Cath smiled back. "Are you a cop?" Rissa asked. Cath shook her head and said "well sorta...crime scene investigator." Rissa smiled. Her smile was vibrant and perfect. Cath laughed.

Sara walked into the house to see Ann Marie in the kitchen. "Hey girlie...what are you doing up so early?" sara said to her. Ann marie rubbed her eyes and said "Jayne crawled back onto the bed and kicked me out." Sara walked to Ann Marie and hugged her tightly. "She's running in her sleep too." Ann Marie said with a laugh. Sara laughed and said "I have someone you should meet." Jayne walked out of the kitchen and said "Hey!" Sara turned to Jayne, who had a bottle of heiniken in her hand. "Can you get some tylenol please?" Sara said to Ann Marie. She did as she was told and went to the bathroom. Lora slept soundly in her room, as Ann Marie walked past. "Oh and Sara? I suggest you run from Jayne. She's in a very....friendly mood." She said as she opened the medicine cabinet to grab the bottle of tylenol. Sara turned to Jayne, who put her bottle down and bolted towards Sara. "OH SHI*!!!" Sara screamed as she was being chased. Jayne tackled her and hugged her tight. Lora poked her head out of her bedroom and said "ITS 3 IN THE FRIGGEN MORNING!!! SOME PEOPLE ARE TRYING TO GET THEIR BEAUTY SLEEP!!! SHADDUP!" Ann Marie handed Sara the bottle of tylenol and said "I warned you about Jayne...You shoulda listened." Sara laughed.

like it? duckman makes an appearance next chapter!!! muahahaha
omg omg omg!! I'm officially in love with your fic, Katie!!! :D :D I can be such an arse sometimes.. :rolleyes: Hahah, I run in my sleep now too eh?? lmfao!! And omg.. you portrayed me with a Heineken in my hand lol.. well portrayed, I can not say differently :)
Jayne tackled her and hugged her tight.
Uhm.. I do that.. and yes, my niece knows exactly when I'm in that kinda mood.. she too starts running :lol: Sorry Ann, for kicking you out of bed.. again :lol:

:eek: Oh no.. the duckman! :eek: I totally forgot about him.. or is it a 'she'?? :eek:
Haha, you're horrible, Jayne! :lol: Nah, j/k, all is forgiven! :D Katie! You should have had me looking around for the Tylenol in the kitchen! You know how many headaches I get! :lol:
We know it won't go belly up! Love the new characters! Don't worry Jayne, I'm about three weeks late on posting here. But I am here!