Love or the inevitable: a sara/cath fic

lol calm down our loved ones wont be in the line of

listening to new fave band...whoooot!

Chapter 26 (i think)

Jayne released Cath's hand and grasped her gun. Ann Marie looked at Sara and released her hand also. Lady Heather and Lady Katherine continued to hold hands, basically because Heather snapped a pair of fluffy hand cuffs onto their wrists. "It's a dominatrix tag team." She said softly into Lady Katherine's ear. Soon, with a crack of the whip, They rushed into the room, with Lora at the head of the pack, her hair fluttering softly behind her. Feathers blasted through the air outside as Lora lifted her gun and fired. Boom. The imfamous duckman was gone.

"Well then..." Ann Marie said sarcastically. Lora looked at her and said "It's not my fault that Im a master at shooting a gun." Jayne stepped in and said "WELL MAYBE IT IS YOUR FAULT! YOU SHOULD HAVE LET US HAVE A SHOT AT HIM!" With that, Jayne once again got lightheaded and said "Ooohh..look at all the pretty ponies." She fell to the floor with a thunk. Cath rushed to her side and said "Does she do this all the time?" Ann Marie and Lora both look at each other and nod, with Ann Marie saying "Yeah, pretty much." Sara looked at Cath and winked. "We better go see who Duckman is." Cath smiled and said "I'll be waiting."

Lady Heather and Lady Katherine rushed outside and wrapped their whips around the squirming, and bleeding duckman. "Ya know," Lady Heather started. "That duck costume would make a great dominion suit." Lady Katherine smiled and said "You know...your right." Sara, Ann Marie and Lora rushed out towards them. "Okay, wait for it." Sara said as she prepared to reveal the duckman. Ann Marie growled and said "If it's Ecklie again, do I have permission to put a round in his head?" Sara smiled and said "Of course." Ann Marie giggled and said "Yes." Sara pulled back the mask, and they all gasped. Behind the mask was....

muahahahaha once again i must stop there!!!
Is s/he dead for sure?? :eek: But that'll mean the fic would end right? And I don't want it to end.. and why do I keep thunking to the floor :lol:
"Ooohh..look at all the pretty ponies."
That has me in stitches :lol: *dries tears*
haha kinda workin with what i do...i get ticked and i get lightheaded and say something stupid before falling thats the reason why you go thunk all the time. duckman...whoot! i mean....damn...lmao...listening to the hot keith urban...whoo...hes hot..lmao

Chapter 27

Greg's face was revealed under the duckmask. "Oh crap not again." Sara said softly. She tossed the mask aside and grabbed Greg by the collar. "What the he*l were you doing outside in a duck suit???" Sara said angrily. Greg frowned and said "Grissom sent me to check on you...when he suggested the duck suit I thought it was another initiation, me being the newbie and all." Sara looked up and plunked Greg down on the ground. "I guess that would explain why the team's denali is here." Greg waddled off to the truck and drove off in a huff. His week was not going as planned.

Sara, and the girls walked into the house and placed their guns back in the gun vault. "Sara?" Cath said softly. Sara turned around to see a crying Catherine. Sara frowned and said "Cath, hun whats wrong?" Catherine sniffed and said "I can't do this anymore." Sara took Cath into her arms and caressed her. "Dont cry, I'll always be here to protect will Jayne, Ann Marie, Lora, Lady Katherine, and Lady Heather." Cath lifted her head up and revealed a vibrant smile. Sara smiled and hugged her close. "That's my girl." She said softly. Lora smiled at the sight and said "We should all get some sleep shouldnt we?" Ann Marie nearly fell off her feet. Sara rushed over to her and grabbed her off her feet. "Careful." She said as she carried her to the nearest room. Lora looked over at Lady Heather and Lady Katherine and said "Do you need a place to stay?" Lady Heather shook her head and said "We have our portable dominion outside." The 2 dominatrix girls were still handcuffed together as they began to walk out of the house. "Anyone want to stay with us?" she said. Sara and cath looked at each other and said "Should we?" Lady Heather looked back and said "We have 2 king size beds." Cath instantly came to a response. "WE'LL TAKE IT!!!" Cath ran out to the portable dominion. As Lora walked to her room, Sara walked over to Ann Marie and picked her up. She carried her to the room that Jayne was sleeping in and was amazed to see her sprawled across the bed. "Good God...when she sleeps, she sleeps hard." Sara said jokingly. Ann Marie smiled and yawned sleepily. Sara laid her down next to Jayne, after pushing her leg outta the way. "Okay...have a good sleep Ann. I love you." She said softly as she placed a kiss on her forehead. Ann Marie smiled as Sara walked over to Jayne's side of the bed and said "Well...I love you Jayne, and so does Cath." Jayne turned over and said "Dont touch me." Sara smiled and placed a kiss on jayne's forehead. From low in Jayne's mouth, a growl. As Sara walked out of the room, and shut the door behind her, Ann Marie pushed jayne off the bed and said "Your snoring."

Sara walked out of the house and to the portable dominion. She walked in and saw Lady Heather and Lady Katherine already in bed. They were snuggled in close and already sleeping, fuzzy cuffs and all. Sara smiled at them and walked to the other side of the mini dominion. She opened the door to see Cath laying down, glasses on and reading a book. "This is a first." Sara said softly, to avoid waking the 2 girls in the other room. Cath smiled and took off her glasses, and put them down on the night table. Sara removed her shirt and jeans revealing a pair of black spandex shorts and a white wife beater. She crawled into the bed and slid under the covers. Cath put her book down, and laid down next to Sara. Sara smiled and held Cath close. Cath looked up into Sara's brown eyes and placed a kiss on Sara's lips. The time that they spent together was bliss. As they snuggled together and drifted to a deep sleep, they both knew that they were safe. But that safety wasnt gonna last forever.
:lol: Did you really have to kick me out of bed? I don't snore!! Honestly! I have whole conversation with myself in my sleep perhaps, but I do not snore lmao! But knowing me I'd probably slept on on the floor.. that does happen to me :D But you're forgiven Ann ;)

I love the idea of that portable mini dominion :devil:
lmao i wouldnt have to make stuff up if you would tell me what your like before i start writing the next chapter...lmao you did sleep on the floor!!!