Love or the inevitable: a sara/cath fic just having bad days cause im still working off the thing...and i cant think of anything to write sorta at school with a huge workload...and im not eating wont get off my back about payment...and im not getting any younger!!! (17 in april)

Just preventing from this going belly up.. don't want that.. I love this fish too much..

Jayne sat up and said "monkey."
:lol: never said monkey before.. the last waking-up-quote I said was: "I ran out of kiwis" :confused: and I don't even like kiwis, so who cares!
lol i wonder what chapter im there's a special person who's coming in soon lmao with lady heather!!!!

Chapter 24

"Wait a minute..." Lora said as she placed the shot gun in the gun cabinet. Cath's jaw dropped. "I do hope you have a legit license to have those." Lora smiled and said "Of course." Jayne snorted and said "okay well the team is to keep these 2 safe without getting ourselves killed." Lora nodded. Ann Marie came running down the hallway and said "There's someone at the door. Actually 2 people...and they look pretty...strange." Lora lifted a brow and said "hmmm..."

She walked to the door and opened it with a creek. "May I help you?" She said to the girls standing at the door. One girl was short, and had dark brown hair that was ear length. She wore a black feather boa around her neck and had black knee height boots on. The other one had dark brown hair also and wore a black cross choker on her neck and a black feather boa around her neck. But instead of black knee high boots, she wore red ones and a long black skirt, and a top that pushed her chest up some. "Is Catherine in?" The lady asked. Lora looked behind her and said "Catherine, Do you know these people?" Catherine looked at the two and said "Lady Heather, how did you track us down?" Lady heather looked at her smaller friend and said "Your a very hard woman to track down." Catherine smiled and looked at Sara. "This is Lady Heather. She has some pretty cool toys that we can play with." Catherine said with a wink. Sara smiled and said "oh really?" Lora invited the 2 in. Catherine motioned towards the shortie. "Who's your friend?" She said. Lady Heather looked down at the girl and said "Present yourself." The Girl smiled and said "Yes, Lady Heather. I am Lady Katherine, a student at Lady Heather's Dominion." Lady Heather looked at Catherine and Sara and said "She's becoming a mini me." Sara nodded and said "well Its great to meet you." Ann Marie walked up beside Sara and took her arm. "Hey bud...whats up?" She said. Ann Marie brushed off that comment and said "There's someone at the window looking in." Sara looked at Cath, who looked at Jayne, who looked at Lora. "Ladies..." Lady Heather said. "Arm yourselves." Lady Katherine pulled out a massive whip and armed herself. Lora rushed to the gun cabinet. "Whoooo nelly." Jayne said to herself as she was handed an AK-47. Ann Marie's eyes widened as she was handed a thompson. "Holy..." She said softly. Lora tossed cath a 92FS Beretta. "God I love this Gun." Cath said as she looked at it. Lora handed sara a Sig-Sauer P226. "Good God!" She said aloud. Lora looked at her and laughed before she armed herself with her baby. A Desert Eagle. They all cocked the guns and cracked their whips, while Lora Said "Lets get crackin."

lmao and if you dont know who Lady Katherine is...check my full name...lmao
*pops head in* Save the fic save the fic!

Don't worry Katie, it'll still be here when you get back.
lmao okay guys...after i beg for some pizza pops then ill update!!!

Chapter 25

The girls stood in a row in front of the room, where Ann Marie heard the sound. “It was in there.” She motioned. Her gun was held firmly in her hand. Lady Heather stood with her hand in Lady Katherine’s hand. The whips that they held were loosely held and they felt heavy under the heavy impending doom of the dreaded duck man. Ann Marie looked at Sara who smiled at her. Sara slipped her hand into Ann Marie’s and held it tight. Cath looked at Jayne who had a huge puppy dog face on. “No.” Catherine said softly. Jayne smirked and said “Everyone else is doing it!!!” Cath looked at her and said “If everyone else jumped off a cliff, would you do it too?” Jayne shot back. “Well if it was a small cliff, covered in grass and I wouldn’t be fatally killed, then maybe yes!” Cath smiled and said “That’s why I like you, you’re crazy.” Jayne smiled and placed her hand into Cath’s. Lora stood in front of the pack and cocked her gun, initiating the manhunt for the most hated man in Las Vegas. The rest of the team cocked their guns. Lady Heather smiled and said “Let’s kick some a$$.” Both she and Lady Katherine snapped their whips. The hunt was on.

short sorry.