Louise/Sofia: Tough Women Don't Try, They Do! Part 2

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I agree about the Sofia/Brass chemistry. I wouldn't want to see them as a couple but they seem to play off each other quite well, a good team with witty lines.

I once naively walked into YTDAW, not knowing that it's more or less a GSR forum, and damn, there was a lot of Sofia bashing going on. Still is, I think, many people still seem to resent her, which I find somewhat childish. I really wonder how things would have gone hadn't TPTB brought her in as a potential love interest for Grissom. But either way, it's good to see how many people have grown to like or at least accept her. Spread the Sofia love. ;)
Well, as for me, I never felt that way about Sofia. She always seemed a great character and person to me. Though I didn't appreciate that much that love thing with Grissom. As about Brass, I don't expect to see them together in a romantic way, either, but Louise and Paul have good chemistry on screen, I think, Sofia and Brass seem to get along naturally. And that is pretty cool to watch.
I love Sofia. She rocks. That being said, I love Louise just as much.

I find that both Sofia and Catherine get bashed a lot. Wonder why? ;)
Sofia played a great part in tonight's episode, she had just as much screentime as Greg did I thought. Her character depth came out a lot tonight.
I have to say I have a new love for Sophia after tonights eppy. I've always thought she was a good actress, but I never really LIKED her. tonight she gave me a reason to.
I also wanted to pop in and give mad props to Sofia. I mean, I thought the shotgun scene was my fav Sofia scene this season, but tonight is climbing the charts fairly quickly.

Ooo, the look on her face when she pushed that door back open. I thought Sofia was about to slap Mrs. James sideways.
I too come here to give props to Louise/Sofia for this evenings episode.

I said she has big shoes to fill with the absense of all the other homicide detectives but.. boy she did a great job filling the shoes. I also loved her in Fannysmakin' with the shot gun. My husband was.. "who was that??" "She's HOT"

I have to say Sofia Rocks.. and please don't leave CSI ;)
It was a great performance by Louise in this latest episode. Sofia as a kick-ass, take no grief cop. When Mrs James threw the drink on her, she turned on the daggers and take-no-crap attitude. I also liked her little scene with Catherine and the paper origami flower. Cath said it was "corny" and Sofia said "it would probably work on me".
But did they need to have her flirting with the Undersheriff?!?! OMG that was gross. Please tell me they're not continuing with that storyline. That guy is an ass. Sofia can't be THAT hard up.
With all your comments, I'm really looking forward to this episode now. Okay, except for the flirting. Does sound gross. She can't flirt with someone who's not me. ;)
Wow, from what people have been saying it’s gonna suck waiting till near the end of the year to see this episode.

From what I read on the episode thread most of the people seemed to think she was just grossed out by the Undersheriff instead of flirting with him, which is good, I choose to take that interpretation. Actually what exactly was going on in that scene, can somebody fill me and the rest of the unlucky ones who haven’t seen it yet in, and the drink throwing scene, what did she do that was so cool?
I hope she was grossed out...if the guy is really as much of a jerk as people say he is, I sincerely hope Sofia would know better than to flirt with him. She's smarter than that. I'll get to see it for myself later and I'll come back with a more detailed description if nobody else has filled the blanks until then.
atfm said:
I'll get to see it for myself later and I'll come back with a more detailed description if nobody else has filled the blanks until then.
Oh, please do. It’s going too really bug me not knowing what happened since it seems to have been a pretty good Sofia episode.
I'll fulfil my Sofia duty. ;) I think the episode transcript will probably be up in a few weeks, too, so you could read that as well.
Ya totally, I am spoiler free but the under-sheriff made it sound like Sofia was up for a big promotion or something. Just another something TPTB are leaving open.
Or it could be that he is trying to pull an Ecklie, sort of a veiled threat that is deguised as a compliment, you have a real future. Without saying "unless you cross me". Ecklie probably trained from this guy the jerk.
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