Louise/Sofia: Tough Women Don't Try, They Do! Part 2

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Better late then never SidLer. It is a great clip; I love her more having seen it, such a bright smile and infectious, adorable laugh. You’d have to be completely crackers to not like a person like that.

SidLer said:
I love how she tugged the bottom of her shirt and suddenly sat up straight. :) Ive been paying so much attention to HER instead of what she's saying.
Nothing wrong with having a good perve (that was what you were doing wasn’t it?)
Yep 88Blackbirds, Im your resident perv. ;) Just take a look at Sofia. How can you be so straight when someone like her is walking this earth?

I did a 360-degree turn atfm. She looks absolutely radiant smiling like that. :) I notice that on the show she's mostly shown from a side profile, so we dont know how good her posture is. But its good alright! She still looks taller than Sara to me. Although Ive rewatched eppies and saw that Sara is taller, I still cant believe it. My mental picture of her is completely whacked. :p
Sofia did work with Nick again last night in "Happenstance" but I don't see it as them trying to pair her with him. (grits teeth from commenting any further...LOL) I think they are just using her and Brass back and forth between C.S.I.'s.

She did have the avatar glasses on but I rather like her in them. People are always going to find something they dislike about a character but there is never need for bashing. Always keep that in mind when posting anywhere.

In the scene she wore those was one of my favorite moments. They go back to speak with the father when they find out there may be another woman involved who could be a problem. The father starts stammering and does not want to go to the police station.

Sofia: (in that serious tone she can whip up) Are you resisting sir? (pretty close to what he said).

One time I would like to see someone say no and see her take them down.

They did however stick her with dealing with the victim who had the child again. The case was of course based on the death of twins who were adopted at birth and grew up totally different.

Sofia had the part of the case with Amanda, the twin who got married and had a kid. Course Sofia was the one to deliver the news to th father. All the while the kid is next to them asking for mommy and you can see Sofia eyeing the child. She has the perfect comforting ability to deal with people with children. She started out talking to the father standing up but soon sat down next to him to make the conversation more private and to let him know he had her full attention.
One time I would like to see someone say no and see her take them down.
Why would anyone say no to that woman?

Loved that scene with the guy and his boy. It's so cute that she gets to deal with the kids all the time, even though she wasn't really dealing with the little one this time, she was still showing concern over him.
Why would anyone say no to that woman?
So they can have her kick their butt. There's no woman better than one who kicks ass. ;)

LadySara, I too notice that theyve paired Sofia and Nick together in a lot of scenes. What are they trying to do? If theyre doing what I think theyre doing I dont like it. At all. I hope theyve been paired up at random and not because of something else. I love it when she works with Jim. Theyre the crime-fighting partners.

And thanks for the recap. "Are you resisting sir?" That sounds hot coming from her. Im such a perv. She's fantastic as usual. Compassionate.
I'm very disappointed that Sofia and Jim have only had maybe one scene together this season. What made me a Sofia fan last season was the chemistry between the two of them, especially in "I Like to Watch".

One thing I was looking forward to this season was seeing them work together and maybe Sofia still being a little protective (one of my favorite parts of WTG was the way she looked out for Jim) but noooooo...
I was pleased with the amount of Sofia and the variety of her character in Happenstance... The look she gives with the child near is very sincere and looks slightly regretful.

And she did a major super swagger walk when she was talking with the 'Horse Whisperer' mother of the twins. Full arm swing and a hop step! HOT.

(Ps, off-topic, loved the random labtechs. They ROCK MY SOCKS. not as much as Sofia, but darn close)
beaujolais said:
I'm very disappointed that Sofia and Jim have only had maybe one scene together this season. What made me a Sofia fan last season was the chemistry between the two of them, especially in "I Like to Watch".

One thing I was looking forward to this season was seeing them work together and maybe Sofia still being a little protective (one of my favorite parts of WTG was the way she looked out for Jim) but noooooo...

ITA beaujolais. I understand that TPTB have an obsession with a ship at the moment, but I'd at least like some Jim/Sofia continuity - even just friendship!
I think they are pairing her with Nick because they have the same or similar facial expressions when totally confused lol. Seriously, I think its just a random thing, we seen her paired a great deal with brass, then greg and nick, off and on with Catherine and Sara.

My fav part about the scene with the Hubby was at the door and she says "Are you resisting?" and he fineally answers after a pause with "Can I put my shoes on?" I thought at the time she was gonna lose it, makes me wonder how many times they had to do that scene. :lol:
ROFL. That sounds like a great scene, Destiny. I can't wait till I see it. And they do pair her around a bit (that sounds so wrong! LOL ).
Destiny, you scared me, I keep seeing that Nick picture a I think someone’s going to get in trouble.

UrielFalcon said:
And she did a major super swagger walk when she was talking with the 'Horse Whisperer' mother of the twins. Full arm swing and a hop step! HOT.
Ah, the swagger. Who here doesn’t love the swagger? It’s amazing how she can be so sexy without trying. I like it when she does it in Werewolves when her and Catherine go to talk to the sister; you get a real good view from behind.

In the meantime, i thought this might deserve a mention, I was searching around the Internet out of boredom (I still haven’t gotten used to the feeling of having absolutely no homework since Uni is finished for the year). There’s this website LesbianNation, every month they do a “women we love” top ten, Louise is currently number 4 for December for playing Sofia, she was number 5 in October and 9 in September. It’s a fan vote thing to so you know she must have had lots of lesbians voting for her, I’ve already done my part. It’s easy to see why, she’s does seem really butch but in a really sexy kinda way (you can’t deny it) and the lack of backstory makes speculating fun.

And I too also liked the random lab techs, Wendy and Mandy in the same episode, very nice.
There's never a wrong place to bounce and cheer for Mandy ;)

Back to Sofia:
I think they pair her with Nick so much to overshadow the chemistry between her and Sara, can't have that happen with the GSR. Ok, sorry, no more shipping or ship-bashing from me.

Tha swagger was absolutely brain-frying hot, have to agree with you all. It's so good to see her get so much screentime, I think no other detective ever has that many scenes, not even Brass.
Totally OT, but I find Wendy very pretty. She's lovely.

Back on topic. I love the chemistry (as partners and nothing more) between Sofia and Jim. Especially in ABRTI 1 and 2. They shared most of their scenes together and were there for each other in their time of need. They are very professional in their jobs. But it is clear that they are more than just colleagues, but also friends who can count on each other. When they work on cases together, theyre the dynamic duo. Jim's witty and Sofia's sassy. Perfect combo.

Nick and Sofia. I really hope they are paired together because of their similarities in facial expression like what D said. Umm, yeah, lets pray its that. :lol:

Swaggering Sofia. I like it, very bully-ish. She looks harmless with her blonde hair and lean frame, but when she starts swaggering toward you, that's your cue to run. Like the wind.

Oh yeah, voted! I wish they'd picked a diff pic though. That one looks a bit blur and she looks like she's slouching. But its fine, she's fourth. ^^
Hay, is there even a place on the sight for Wendy or Mandy (I seriously have trouble working out the difference between them sometimes), I was trying to see if there was a general labtech thread since they don’t have enough screentime to deserve there own (although Wendy should by now) but I didn’t see one.

SidLer said:
Back on topic. I love the chemistry (as partners and nothing more) between Sofia and Jim.
Yup, if there’s anything better then Sofia, its Sofia and Brass (or Sofia and Sara, or Greg). They can be serious together, they can joke together, it’s all good. Their chemistry is great and you can tell that as characters they really get along well.
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