Louise/Sofia: Tough Women Don't Try, They Do! Part 2

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Oh come on, those images have been in your head since a long time ago. :p I've been obsessed with engine oil since I knew what it was. Probably when I was 5. And Sofia goes well with engine oil. Give her messy hair and voila. Instant heart trauma. I've got my own ways of messing her hair up. But it's btn me and Sofia. I don't share. Nor do I kiss and tell. ;)
Jeez, get your minds out of the gutter, people. ;)

SidLer said:
atfm, that's what your nick stands for? Damn I thought it was something else! But at least I got the third word correct. :lol: Btw, I do more than just grin when I see Sofia. I bet you all do too. ;)

Yeah...what did you think it stood for? ;) Uh...*ponders* Drool? ;)
I can't get it out, it's stuck. And I like it that way. :p I thought your nick meant AtTheF*ckingMoment. In fact whenever I type your nick I say it in my head! Heh acronyms.

I've got a mop and a bucket ready when I go to this forum. And I lug them along when I go over to the Sara thread. And uhh, I also bring some other things. Can't tell. There are kiddies here. :p
That's sort of a funny mental image. ;) Well, you got the most important word right. I can be atthef*ckingmoment for you. :D

Come on, don't be shy. I think everyone in this thread is over 18. Then again, we wouldn't wanna spoil *my* innocent mind, would we now. ;)
I'm so with you on that, SidLer. Although I'm not that partial to drool buckets...kinda icky. But I do have a towel here to wipe the drool off ;)

And some other things that I'm hiding under the table so nne of my family will see :lol:
I should start selling drool buckets and towels here. I'll make a fortune. :lol: Is everyone in this thread over 18? There might be some 12 yr olds here, that's what I'm afraid of. Don't wanna spoil their angelic minds. Im above 18 but Ive got the mentality of a 9 yr old, so thats a whole different matter. :p Ok, who over here has an innocent mind?

**Zero hands raise up**

Yeah, I thought so. But seriously, are we all that dirty? :lol: I can be innocent too you know. Hehehehehehehe. I crack myself up sometimes.

Oh yeah, back to Sofia. :)
MiaCharlize said:
Innocent? One look:

and you expect anyones mind to remember the word innocent?

I don't think there is anything innocent about a mature sexy woman. Although innocent looks can get you what you you want sometimes. :devil:

No worries about my age. I left 18 many years ago but still young at heart. :p

I want to find out what movie or television show that picture come from or if it was just pubilicity picture.

*Off to a B-day party, you gals/guys keep the Sofia love going in here.*

Here is possible topic. If Sofia ever had the opportunity to return to the lab as a Supervisor(like Grissom)do you think she would jump on the opportunity. Remember she was acting Dayshift supervisor for awhile before she got demoted and was passionate about her work.
Interesting question. I don't think she would, she's too in love with the big guns. She's so much better as a detective and she seems to like it more. (Or maybe it's just me liking her more as a detective :p)
I definitely agree. She didn't want to be a CSI in the first place, she wanted to be a police officer. She was good as a CSI but she's awesome as a detective. ;)
In Bodies In Motion she says about becoming a CSI "I think my mum was more upset about that than I was". Being a CSI is too detached - Sofia is more about getting the bad guy. Its a lot more satisfying - and she chose to be a cop, she didn't choose to be a CSI.
That pic? Hot. Damn. I think that when a sexy woman tries to look innocent, the sexier she'll look. But there's nothing innocent about that pic there alright. ;) Dress Sofia up as a librarian and give her a pair of glasses. That's every man's fantasy isnt it? But not men only. :devil:

Sofia as a Supervisor, Detective or CSI... I think if she's offered the position of a super, she'll turn it down. She's competent and she can definitely lead a team, but that's not where she belongs and I don't think that's what she really wants. Remember in No Humans Involved when she was still a CSI and she chased after the suspect? Gris told her that that is not their job, then he found out that she was really chasing after his weapon. I think she's always wanted to be a cop or detective, to chase after the bad guys and let the CSIs chase after the evidence. She looks comfortable being a detective, and I've grown accustomed to Det. Sofia Curtis, not CSI Sofia.
I'm pretty sure she would stay as a detective... She wanted to be like her Mother, after all. Sides, suites her WAAY better. Her personality just isn't detatched.
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