Louise/Sofia: Tough Women Don't Try, They Do! Part 2

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Thanks for that LSB (can I call you that?), it’s nice to know that the characters you like are smart and full of philosophical wisdom, I like her more and more every time we get to see her.

I can’t wait to see the episode (I’ll only have to wait about 6 months). I always quiet liked the few scenes we got earlier on in season 5 between Sofia and Greg, they’re sort of like the ones between him and Sara, they seem to be the only two who notice that Greg's is still new at all this (well that’s the impression I got)
88Blackbirds if you are having problems in the discussion threads, please do not hesitate to pm about it and we can talk, I did post in there asking that it if the ep is focused on one person then fine (ie all characters are helpping one character like Nick getting kidnapped), but if its a two case or character to try and balance it out. Any discouragement again do not hesitate to pm me about it, were trying to figure out a way to handle it all so that everyone can get in there. :)
IThat scene between Greg and Sofia was one of my favorite scenes of the episode, she gave him some great advice again. He is close to Sara, but it's almost as if he goes to Sofia for the advice regarding the job, I like that.
I've always thought that Sofia is a lot like and older sibling to Greg... She seems very protective of him, probably wanting to mentor him. After all, she was day shift supervisor, so I would see her want to guide and comfort in teaching.
Hey bob, I like sharp things too. ^.^ *takes out pencil*

Her court room scenes sounds great! The one with her and Greg too. I look at Sofia like she's everyone's *slightly* older sister. The protective and hardworking sibling. She gives advice, listens to you, process the crime scene when you're late (when your big sister sticks her nose in your stuff, it'd piss you off, trust me.) and stands by you no matter what. She backed Gil and Ecklie demoted her for that...and probably for other reasons too. I see the entire gang as this one big crime-fighting family actually. Gil and Cath are the mom and pops, Sara, Warr, Nick and Greg are their offsprings and Sofia is their hot daughter they adopted from England.
SidLer said:
Sofia is their hot daughter they adopted from England.

That’s a good one; can Brass be the cool uncle? He rocks every scene he’s in and him and Sofia have some really good chemistry, but not in a shippy way.
I just watched the Five US interview (anyone seen that?) and it was really cute and funny. She laughed a lot and I just had to make some screencaps:

Awww, cute. Louise laughing is just so pretty. Thanks for the caps.
I haven't seen it, does anyone happen to know where I can find it? Or at the very least let us all know what she said?
I would like the link also, great job on the caps. You can't look at her smile and not crack a smile of your own. Like I said before, extremely contagious. :D

Here is Sofia and Greg in Post Mortem.

I was grinning like an idiot the whole time I watched it. ;)

Cool, I have yet to watch Post Mortem, looking forward to that. :)
Thanks for the pics atfm; my favorite is number 5, what a gorgeous smile. Could I please get the link as well?

I just saw the screencaps for Post Mortem, that’s got to be the first time in a while we’ve seen her wearing something besides the shirt with rolled up sleeves.
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