Louise/Sofia: Tough Women Don't Try, They Do! Part 2

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I think they decided to get rid of the accent because it's very unusual for a British person to go to the US to become a cop. Especially a woman. On top of that, I think with Sofia they were going for the tough American chick, so I think the accent wouldn't have worked.

She's gotten good at it, but you can tell when Louise is tired, because that's when the accent usually rears its ugly head. The same thing happens to Hugh Laurie, who is an absolute genius with the American accent. But he's said in interviews it's very hard to mantain it when he's tired. With Louise it actually does sound like she's Australian, or went to boarding school/university in England. I prefer the Army brat theory, because considering her family history (her and her mother are cops) it would make a lot of sense if her dad was in the Army.
Aw thanks LSB. Really gotta love her in Burn Out. From the bus scene, you see not only she's tough but she also has a tender, soft side. I really love that smile on her face when she's talking to the little boy. :)

Very random post:

1. 88Blackbirds, I don't really notice the accent that much either but that could be due to the fact that I'm not a native speaker. And if I do notice it, it doesn't bother me. I actually like it, and it makes me chuckle whenever she slips. ;) I'm a sucker for accents.

2. EricaSJ, couldn't agree more about the smile - adorably cute. :)

3. I don't know if anyone saw this but I loved the look she gave the dog in Burnout when it kept on barking. ;)

4. I second the question about what BTA is, I'd like to see that interview, too.
LadySaraButterfly said:
You can find Hidalgo most anywhere to buy. PM me if you want further information. I liked how she played a sort of shady character Lady Davenport in that movie.

Drumchik said:
I just watched Hidalgo the other night. It was so weird seeing her as a "bad guy" LOL.

i was fortunate to have found a copy of Hidalgo but i haven't bought it yet guess i'm still waiting for her other movies to be released as well. yeah it was a bit weird to watch Louise as a character villain...but she was definitely stunning!! :D

LadySaraButterfly said:
I wouldn't mind being the toothpick. Ha!

hehe, funny that you're not the only one who i've read that said that...ahh, to be Sofia's toothpick :devil:

LadySaraButterfly said:
Another scene i adored and trying to cap a good picture of was when she and Cath were investigating the property (YES this is when the gun came out again). That is not the only part of it that was great. Like in another episode, she has a crew of guy cops behind her and she is leading the troops. One wave of her hand and they fall in behind her like soldiers. Nothing more sexy than a woman who can command.

Viva Sofia!

oh wow, i'll most definitely wait for that scene!!

Bullit_01 said:
Hey everyone, just stumbled across your thread. Thought I should speak up and represent the male Sofia fans ;)

hi Bullit_01!! it's certainly great to hear from you...a big warm welcome to the thread :)

LadySaraButterfly said:
I always love her stance when she shoves her hands in her pockets.

88Blackbirds said:
I too also love how she puts her hands in her pockets, she looks very intimidating and it reminds me of that scene for ABRTI, another nice little character trait.

yeah, it's a trait in her i find cute too :D

i found another screencap of her in "Burn Out" that has got to be my fave of her in the episode...thanks to beyond-imagination page:

sofia + gun
Drumchik said:
And if you're a member of BTA, there is an interview from a recent Early Show that Billy was on that includes an interview with Louise - It's funny seeing her dressed up as Sofia and talking in a British accent!
Any possibility you share that with non-members?

That scene was just so heart-melting :)
Shows once more how brilliant Louise is.

Has anyone else noticed how she does that nervous things with her hands? I don't know if its a character thing or something Louise does subconciously. I noticed it once and now every time I watch the show it drives me crazy! Although there are quite a few things about that woman that drive me crazy :devil: Please tell me someone else has noticed and its not just me...
I don't know if I'm thinking of the same hands thing but in one of the BTK episodes, she held her hands next to her body and sort of moved them around like she didn't know what to do with them. Looked like she really wanted to shove them in her pockets but someone told her not to. ;)
Its really noticeable in Werewolves when Sofia goes back to the house with Catherine. I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed, atfm. You know, with the toothpick as well, Sofia's got a couple of nice nervous habits going on there. You think our favourite detective is a little insecure? I'm only saying because I've noticed it more since ABRTI.
You're right, she did it there, too. I think she was rather uncomfortable in that situation, so the hand thing would completely make sense. If it really has become more after ABRTI, maybe that's a very subtle way (because I think most people don't even notice it) of letting us know the events left a mark on her.

I don't know, I like the thought of her having nervous habits. It makes her slightly nerdy. :D
Hot nerdy chick...Somehow it works...Maybe that could be the next thing - Hot vs nerd. Strangely enough I can only think of 'hot' examples at the moment. The "popping buttons" part in I Like To Watch is springing to mind. Although when Sofia dusts the phone booth in Werewolves - quite a nerdy thing to do to pass the time.
In Shooting Stars, when she was in the vet's office with Nick, she handed him a list with names, and it was alphabetised. If that's not nerdy, then I don't know what is. ;) Also, when she was a CSI, she used to talk to herself (though that perhaps rather qualifies as being geeky).
I just watched "The Early Show" clip that has William Petersen and a clip with Louise Lombard talking about a scene from the episode "Built to Kill". Seems like our actress gets nauseated during some of the scenes she films where blood is involved and had to stop shooting.

PM me and I can give you the info on how to view this clip.
I saw that, too. Can't really blame her, I sometimes have to look away during autopsies and I can only imagine what it would be like if you were standing right there, even if it's just makeup.
And can I just say how lovely she looked in that clip? ;)
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