Louise/Sofia: A Lady With Attitude Pt. III

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atfm said:
That episode had The Ponytail. She was such a tough-ass cop in that one. ;) But she looked so troubled when the officer died under her surveillance. :(

OMG, I just recently rewatched that episode, and ...*thud*. Seriously, she does look troubled, but my oh my, it's the hottes "troubleed"-look I've ever seen :D. She was just incredibly beautiful, I love her with That Ponytail :D.

That"hey dumb ass" look!
Tee hee. I love that description. "The hey dumb ass" look. It aptly describes it. Good one, Muttmo!
Just stopped here by for the first time and can I say that Louise is a great actress! :D In Holland they are showing the English show 'The House of Elliot' where Louise plays one of the Elliot sisters :) And as Sofia in CSI she's great too and her Brittish accent makes me melt everytime when I hear it :lol: I'm sure I'll hop by more often :)
Mwahahaha! I love her "Hey, dumbass" look. That's so true. She gets that often ;)

CSI_Willows welcome to the thread! We love our Louise in here!

Louise is HOT!
Drumchik said:
4 and 20! It's been too long since you popped in here!
I know, I know, I’m being lazy (see, it even took me a while to reply to this), but it’s definitely not from any lack of interest, I just haven’t had much to say lately, what with the show on hiatus.

But yeah, how good was Sofia in Monster in a Box; finally, we get a new episode. Didn’t you just wanna hug her, and then maybe give her a hiding for going to Grissom for advice again, you know, considering how wonderfully empathetic he was the last time. :)

But then we did get that ‘troubled detective’ look, and how much does that rock.
That look does rock.

I guess the reason she went to Grissom again was that he was probably one of the first in the room after she found Cayman and he was the one who was a) most invested in the MCSK and b) the CSI assigned to the scene at the time.

Sofia rocketh :D
Hello from me, too, CSI_Willows. :) It's great to see more and more people joining this topic. Discussion was a lot slower a year ago and look how far we've come. *wipes tear away dramatically*

Sofia rocketh muchly. :D
Thanks for the lovely welcome people :D I think I'll start with my picture hunt for Louise pictures soon *smirks* She's so smoking hot :D :devil:
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