Louise/Sofia: A Lady With Attitude Pt. III

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Okay, someone straighten me out. I thought Louise was married and had a kid. Am I totally off base here? That is always a possibility.
Sorry peeps...she is married. In 1998, she married Jon Stephen, a camera man.

Quote from TV.Com:
Louise: "Before I met Jon, I didn't really understand why people got married. I honestly believed I never would. It would have been so much more exotic to have been untraditional, and I just couldn't see myself being with one person for the rest of my life. But when I met Jon, I pretty much knew straightaway. But we met on set and that is a big no-no. You don't form relationships with people you're working with."
Check your facts, they split a couple years ago :p That kid is not her husbands, at least that's what I've read. Seeing as her boyfriend's name is Alessandro and her kid's named Alejandro (sp?), I guess it's pretty safe to say he's the father ;).
They did split up, but we don't know whether they actually got a divorce. Anyway, she looks rather radiant in the video, I'm loving it. :)
Agreed, let's not delve into her private life too deeply and rather discuss the awesomeness of her acting abilities and her extraordinary hotness. ;)
"Big sigh" I could drool forever!! ;)Thanks for the link, Muttmo, but I'm a little confused, because for the life of me I can't find the dancing part video (?) you were talking about :confused:
And thanks for the pics! They always give me a heart flutter
:) Anyhow, she rocks, semper fi
That gorgeous video is SO adorable! The kid is so cute and Louise looks so happy. Whoever they are, I'm glad that she's happy :D
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