Louise/Sofia: A Lady With Attitude Pt. III

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If I were to be her friend/colleague (or more ;)) I'd call her Fia, although I still think Brass' Sofie was incredibly cute.

On the other hand, if she stood in fron of me in pant suit and blouse, dangling her cuffs suggestively in one hand, with the other firmly resting on her gun... I'd go for Detective Curtis.

Oh the images...:devil:
If she stood in front of me like that, I'd go for being speechless. ;)

Btw, anyone underage in here? ;)

I loved that Sofie from Detective Brass. Something tells me that no one else would be allowed to call her that ;)

But I do like 'Fia and a definite *thud* for the Detective Curtis image.

I think we should also petition for the return of the toothpick.
Drumchik said:

I think we should also petition for the return of the toothpick.

*thuds again*

Oh yes, that toothpick needs to come back :devil:

Oh yeah, we need the toothpick. Not that she isn't already drool-worthy, but with the toothpick? Damn. :D
If anyone has a larger, sharper image of her with a toothpick, I could make a background for the myspace page with it.
big groan :( ! What do I do until then? I rewatch all Sofie related episodes and speaking about toothpicks I watched "Wervolves" , the whole telephone boot scene :D, trying to catch goodc scene caps and so, instead using "pause", I just let the Dvd run at a slow pace. Lovely speaking tone! I laughed tears. But her sexy voice remains the same!!
On a serious note: She is not only hot :D, but an absoloutely extraordinary actress too. The way she portrayed her feelings looking at Alisons character was amazing. With no words, just using her eyes, her expression to convey her message of .... what? Shame? Uneasyness? Pity? And did you notice how she uses her hands to underline her emotional frame of mind? She's truly divine :)
Sorry, I'm blabbering but more power to her and toothpicks ;)

I just wached the "Wake Up Sugar" episode again. That was just...priceless :D

And yes mati, you're totally right with the way she can convey emotions without speaking. She does that in HoE as well. She and Marg are alike in that respect.
Hmmm...you know I just can’t resist toothpick talk.

I think there’s a chance it might make a return, they did it once and then just when you thought it was never gonna happen again...there it was again in Way To Go. Maybe they’re listening to us, or maybe they realised how much more Sofia rocks if they just take the whole butch cowboy thing and roll with it (that would explain the walk, among other things... ;)).

Drumchik said:
I just wached the "Wake Up Sugar" episode again. That was just...priceless :D
You know I can’t believe I actually forgot that episode was on the other week, I totally missed that bit. :(
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