Louise/Sofia: A Lady With Attitude Pt. III

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to bad we can't see her ears ;) and the more I look the more I have my doubts too. But with blond hair this actress would resemble her very much, well, at first sight anyway. Who is she? It's weird. Did they cast a twin? :confused:
Okay so appearantly it's not her. My girlfriend did some checking cause I was bugging her all day about how Louise is not that ugly. Anyways, it's some other show called "six degrees" or something. I'm really really relieved now :p

But well, the others did look similar to those "Judy" actors... That's what happens when the stupid network people only release miniature promopics of their shows, confusion on all ends...

*still wants Judy pictures,badly*
thats why I was confused.................She's not. It's from a different show. I dont beleive any of those people where on JGAG. I hate it when you go to google and you type something and ya get pics from something else cuz it on the same news pAGE or something
Well I doubted it from the start but the pic is so small that you really can't see much. I didn't know the others but there were also brunettes listed for "Judy" who looked like the ones in that other promo, as well as the black guy who looked similar... I don't know, I'm glad it's definitely not her but on the other hand I would've liked to at least see a promo pic for "Judy" if nothing else...
I guess there aren't even any promo shots since the pilot hasn't been picked up.

Speaking of promo shots - Louise should be in season 8's promo pictures this time, right?
Oh, there weren't? Wasn't there this picture of them crossing a street, Beatles style?

Anyway, CBS also needs to add her profile to its site.
yeah, they aren't very much updated! And they don' t seem to be in a hurry. Thinking about it. There isn't an official webpage about L, no sorry, there is one, but it's worse than CBS :rolleyes: We should run one! :D Sure it would be a blast, although I wouldn't have a clue how to create one, just the most basic notions how to do a webpage ;)
Anyhow, looking forward to next season, although I won't see it before the 2008 :( but I'll have you who will keep me updated :D
The promo pics for Season 7 were really odd. We had that one of them walking across the street, but I'm not sure it was actually promo.
Usually for promo we get a cast shot and a shot of G and C. And I think if they had had a season 7 promo, Louise would have been in it because she was promoted to main credits.

That being said, there was never any official release of Season 7 promos, so I guess it's up to CBS whether we receive Season 8 ones.

And Louise is VERY HOT!!
Yeah, you're right, I think that was only a billboard ad for the new season. I want promo shots! *stamps foot*
Hi folks
Just a thought that came to me watching the show. Sofia is a detective. I was wondering at which level? Brass is a captain and I don't recall that she was addressed in any way that could give a clou about her detective status. Just a curousity :)
I think the person might be referring to class grade detective (ie det. first grade [name]), and I am not sure whether or not they do that or if it just hasn't been mentioned.
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