Louise/Sofia: A Lady With Attitude Pt. III

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How can someone look that good in shades?

By the way, great job on the myspace page! I added you as a friend.
I'm so lucky to have you all :D because living in Europe does mean that I wasn't able to see season 7 (should start on TV, September)and now I have a freeway ;) to great pics and free spoilers thanks to you!!!! Big hug and thank you thank you thank you. Looking forward to season 7 and 8


I used to have a handle on life..but it fell off. (A.)
OK I'm uploading photos now. I figured I make a seperate album for each thing. If you have caps you want to contribute zip them into a file and email them to me..............
please keep shows seperate from each other.


make sure you put loulo in the subject so I don't delete it on accident.

PS Louise Rocks!!!
*looks at pictures, twirls around and thuds*

That's our girl! Thanks for the pics!

Muttmo, I shall see if I can dig up anything fun to send across :D

ETA: I'm just uploading some more Louise in House of Eliott clips at YouTube :D
I came across avid awhile back.....it was a Sofia tribute to grissom's overture...............any ideas. can someone send me a link. i'd like to add it to the page. It was really good.

pm me!

sweet atfm.....sned em over~

found it!!!!!
Hi gang
I'll send the caps from the few movies I have with Louise, altough I have first to put them on PC :)I don't have much movies (yet) with her because not all movies can be found on the market here (yet, I hope). I have other caps from CSI, season 6, 1-12, but looking around I think you all have them. But would you be intrested too? I saw that you created files from her movies, not CSI related.
Speaking of merchandise.... I stumbled upon a few csi books. Do you know if all books feature Sofia Curtis? Maybe someone can give me a few suggestions? This way I can start with the most important ones, with Sofia in it :D ! Although I hope they don't mess up with her persona in the books :mad: More often than not writers can't grasp the essence of the TV ficional characters when they write about; it's a sort of broken continuity. Or so I see it.Can someone tell me also if the books are merely a retelling of the TV episodes or does they have an original story line? I hope I didn't go OT .
I'm not sure, so if I have, please ignore my post and I apologize now !! Thank you
thank you very much! For the caps I'll send them to your mail and for the movies, well before I'll go out and buy them I want to wait a little more and see if I can buy them here. This way I don^t have only the original language. But I'll gladly cry for help if the need arises. big hug
No problem.................
So I have an issue. apparently there is a limit to how many pics i can post on our new page so I need you guys to go through them and tell which ones to cut so i can add more. There a tons up there, it will take time but let me know.you can leave comments under the pics.

or if someone knows of a place where i can upload tons of pics at once and link them we can keep them all.

So I just found this. I dont remember seeing it up here yet.

You could upload them to photobucket and then link back to the myspace page

That was an interesting article. Its too bad it got shelved. Hopefully we'll see it sometime in the future.
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