Louise/Sofia: A Lady With Attitude Pt. III

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atfm said: I did hide it, what's the tag for if spoilers can only be posted in the spoiler thread? Temptation to click on the spoiler thread is just as big. ;)
Very true, but we put that in there so that it doesn't get out of hand alot of people post one tiny tidbit and suddenly you see a whole bunch of spoiler codes and the discussion getting larger, etc. Here and there is one thing but occassionally we will post that reminder to make sure it doesn't go to far. no harm no foul. ;)
Jorja_Rain said: What would be the difference between posting a large picture preview and a wallpaper preview? I would like to know where that rule is stated, cos I couldn't find it myself.
In the "Board rules" under special forums you can see where they state in the "Fan Art/Fan Fiction" box it states what those forums are for. -- Fan art is considered "Creative" and are usually photos manipulated from its original into a nice banner, icon or generally fun picture by others using their creative minds. The rule is the common one of it belonging in the apporperiate forum. coming in here and posting a link to the thread that holds the fan art is fine or saying something like "I have a new photo I created in [thread name] in the Fan Art forum". Hopefully this helps.

If anyone has a problem with the rules please feel free to take it up in the QSF forum. ;)
*drags self into forum*

It's been along week. I'm working too damn much. I think I get to breathe again on................Wednesday, yeah I think thats right!

Sorry this thing is taking so long. I have the page started but no where near done.

Here is the link!

ok so I approved some people. If you ask to be a friend it messages me and i have to approve it, so it may take time.

But i will try to keep up with it.
Thanks Muttmo. It looks beautiful!

If you need any help approving people, just PM me. I'm online every day and I could help.

If you want, I know how to make backgrounds for myspace. We could have a gorgeous pic of Louise as the background.

Want me too?
I have an idea in mind it's just getting the time to put it toghether. but you all are more than happy to create stuff , i will rotate it out. just make sure to credit yourself in the corner or something. then email it to me.

you guys rock!!!!!!!
OK guys I need help. I need a cap of that scene where shes standing outside that guys truck, with cath and shes got the sunglasses on...............ya know the one. I dont have time to look for it. they spray the car and find blood all over the seat. she says something funy??????

I'm drawing a blank
I have yet to sign up to MySapce, but it's looking good so far. I haven't emailed you my icons yet, but I will. :)

I think you're referring to this scene:

*is officially dead now*

Those pics are just.............*thud*

Btw, which episode are they from? I draw a total blank here, I must have seen it, but I can't remember it for the life of me.
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