Louise/Sofia: A Lady With Attitude Pt. III

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.... and I went on y...t. and couldn't tear my eyes away from the vid (fantastic) made about her most infamous John Wayne swagger :D !!!!!! I'm sure you know which one I'm talking about. And the music was hot too!! More power to her.
I looooooooove her walk, it's freaking sexy. I think I could watch her walk for an hour straight, meaning a CSI episode solely composed of having Sofia walk down corridors, preferrably with Sara walking alongside her :devil:

Scratch that, I know I would nto survive that *fans self to keep from fainting*

RP (click to view bigger size)

*Edited: Picture exceeded the max size.*
what a beautiful pic thanks and you quite put an immage in my head ;) and by the way I'm watching now Grave danger (rerun) and it's a pitty L isn't in it. That would have been to cool
Who were you before, lovinsofia?

I can sort of see the resemblance of Louise and Lisa. Just a little. ;)

I love the pic of her in the doctor's overall (it is a doctor's overall, right?).

Jorja_Rain said:
for an hour straight

No pun intended, eh? :D
atfm said:

Jorja_Rain said:
for an hour straight

No pun intended, eh? :D

Come to think of it, I'd like to see her walk gay :p


mati, welcome and please keep in mind in the future that double posting (or rather back to back posting) is something we discourage here. Thank you. ;)

Everyone Posting Pictures Please keep in mind the rules (located on page/post one of this thread) for posting them or they will be edited.

1 Large pic 400x400 (No Bigger), or
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3 Small pics 115x115 (No Bigger).
^Sorry, I cropped them and thought they looked small enough, didn't check the size of each of them.

And yes,Drumchick she is one gorgeous woman :D . I just wish they'd make more use of her on CSI, or, if she does go to another show, they will put her in the same hot outfits,eg slacks and blouses *dies form the pure thought of clothes...on Louise, that is :p*


Okay I am not having it easy getting this to quote; but to answer the person who asked who I was before lovinsofia..

Well see that's the thing;not sure. I never write my screen name down, and most of the time I forget it. [just good old ADD] but this time I wrote it down, and pasted it to my screen.

So everyone looking forward to another season of Sofia?

PS: Does anyone know where I could find myself a copy of the movie Claim? I really would love to see it, but have only seen it on Dutch sites; and I don't speak Dutch. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks.. KC
Ops.. I'm truly sorry, didn't mean to do it. Next time I'll be more careful about it. My humble apologize. :eek:
Work sucks, keeps me away from the board all day...I'm missing out on conversations *whines*

Anyways, this wall was requested by my girlfriend and I was more than happy to comply to her wishes ;) :

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