LOST # 2 ~ 'We Don't Wanna Be Rescued!'

Is anyone else getting a little tired of the time jumping thing? So far it's not really helping to answer any questions. I mean, there's Jin after the boat explosion but back when Danielle came to the island? My head is spinning! :wtf:

But Sawyer was so sad when he was pining after Kate. Poor guy. :(
Is anyone else getting a little tired of the time jumping thing? So far it's not really helping to answer any questions. I mean, there's Jin after the boat explosion but back when Danielle came to the island? My head is spinning! :wtf:

I am! It's just getting rather annoying. The premier answered questions for me. Now I feel like I'm being taunted again.
Yeah, they need to stop that, and soon. I figured it would get tired pretty fast...

OK, so does anyone else think Miles resembles the guy from the video instructions? The Dharma Initiative dude? Maybe he was his son? And what's the red head's tie-in? Did she used to live on the island too? The 3 newcomers really wanted to stay there even when the survivors were all leaving, and I'm still wondering why? Obviously Daniel has the whole physics interest, but there's also this whole thing with his mom...

I'll say one thing, this show definitely keeps me guessing! :lol:
BabaOReilly said:
OK, so does anyone else think Miles resembles the guy from the video instructions? The Dharma Initiative dude? Maybe he was his son? And what's the red head's tie-in? Did she used to live on the island too? The 3 newcomers really wanted to stay there even when the survivors were all leaving, and I'm still wondering why? Obviously Daniel has the whole physics interest, but there's also this whole thing with his mom..

Ohhh! Never thought of that! He does look like that guy and then they showed that Dharma guy with a baby, nice catch!
I guess the time travel is just another way of showing things from the past, but without the flashbacks or flash forwards. And it makes it a bit more interesting to put the current characters in the scene from the past.

So it's answering some questions. Sort of. :lol: The fact that Widmore was on the island years ago is interesting. And I knew last night that the French people must be Danielle's group!

But...Jin is time traveling too then? How is that? He wasn't on the island when it moved.
I don't understand how Jin could still be alive, much alone on the island now. Unless the ship blew up and he was tossed through the air all the way to the island, eh. But yeah, there's no way he made it back to the island before it got moved, so why did he get caught in the time travel and not the survicors in the helecopter? Man they named this show right. Each week I get more confused and lost. They brought Jin back, I'd rather have Charlie and Claire back. Did they ever explain what happen to Claire? I feel like I missed something.
I guess it's possible that he got blown back towards the island, and not away from it, like the helicopter was travelling (past the ship the other way, I mean)? I can't remember how much time passed between the ship exploding and the Island starting to skip through time...?

I'd say on this show, they'll sneak a way in to make it possible. The other people were in the motor boat and they made it.

Edited to add: Yay Jin's alive! :D
I was pretty sure he was still alive, but because of the tombstone and the way Sun was crying over it with the baby. But, it seemed like maybe she knew he was still alive. I guess not tho from next week's preview. :)

Claire...something weird about her. She's with Christian (her/Jack's dad who may or may not be Jacob). So add to that family weirdness baby Aaron and who knows what we get?
Mine was Charlie and Claire :( I never liked Kate, ever. The fact that she has Claires baby Aron irks me. Not bad enough they killed off Charlier, but then they ..whatever to Claire. That long pause we had for a new season made me forget how pissed I was at the show :scream: Does anyone have any thoughts on what Sun is up to? And wtf, it was Ben trying to take Aron from Kate? I'm Lost! OH I do love me some Desmond, so as long as he's still around I'll be somewhat happy. I wasn't really paying much attention to the show and I didn't catch that chic was Rousseau. They kept showing her and I was like okay, w/e who is she. I guess since the show is so complicated I should pay more attention. :wtf:
Sun told Widmore that she was going to kill Ben because he was responsible for Jin's death, although really Widmore was even more so.

I did really love Charlie. And he died a hero. :) That moth episode with him and Locke was just awesome.

Jack irritates me more and more every episode. He's always whining about something, and he continued to deny that there was weirdness on the island, even tho he kept seeing evidence of it!

Kate...:mad: She's with Jack until he ticks her off, then she runs to Sawyer, then back to Jack!

Right now Desmond is my favorite. It was wonderful when he found Penny again. :)

And Bernard and Rose! Love 'em!!

Then there's Sawyer. :D
Thank you Smokey, I thought I was the only one that didn't care for Kate and thought the way she was with jack and sawyer was a bit...wrong. I agree about Jack too, he does whine about everything. I can't believe he went with lying about the ones they left behind because he fought everyone about everything else that went on.

Yes at least Charlie died a hero. Drove me nuts everytime time Desmond thought he was going to die. Glad he made as long as he did. I hope we get some ghost Charlie this season. We had that one anna chic from the other side of the island show up dead.

Desmond named his child after Charlie, I squueed! I love ya brotha....

Rose and Bernard are great, I hope they are okay.
First off, I love Hurley, Jin, Sawyer, Desmond... and now Miles. That guy just cracks me up.

And I'm betting Ben was after Aaron so Kate would start running again and it would be easier to coral her back to the island. That's pretty much what's happening already anyway, or at least it seems to be.

I also really like Ben, just because the guy who plays him does such an awesome job. He's just so unpredictable, menacing, and compelling at the same time... He's a cool character to watch.

Oh, and I also have a soft spot for Sayid. :)
I'm with you on not liking Kate. She just really drives me nuts! So does Jack anymore. Locke is getting there too.

As for who I like, I liked Charlie and Boone, sadly they are both gone. (But wasn't Charlie one hot ghost?!) I love Sawyer and Sayid too. Jin is great and Ben I didn't like for a long time and now I enjoy him. The actor is great.
My favorites are/were Charlie, Hurley, Claire, and Sayid.

I had a strange feeling that Jin was actually alive so I'm glad to see that that turned out to be true. Now Ben is claiming to have proof that Jin is alive....I wonder what kind of proof.