LOST # 2 ~ 'We Don't Wanna Be Rescued!'

Ben is a terrific character. You really can never tell if he's telling the truth or lying, trying to help or hurt, etc.

Now, the one character that is the most awful, creepy one to me....Ethan! Gah! Just typing his name is scary!! Every time an episode starts and I see his name in the credits, I get the heebie jeebies because I know he's going to show up in that episode. He's just awful!

And of course, that means that the CSI: LV episode, "Snuff", creeps me out too since he's in it. :eek:
BabaOReilly said:
I also really like Ben, just because the guy who plays him does such an awesome job. He's just so unpredictable, menacing, and compelling at the same time... He's a cool character to watch.

Oh, and I also have a soft spot for Sayid. :)

I'm with you on both points. The guy who plays Ben is just an amazing actor. And Sayid. :drool: It's just I like his accent on the show and not his real life British accent, it so doesn't seem to fit him!
Sayid. :drool: It's just I like his accent on the show and not his real life British accent, it so doesn't seem to fit him!

I Love both his accents. I watched an interview on one of the dvd's of Lost and I heard his voice and did a double take on who it was. I love men with British accents, so I was drooling over it but it blew my mind that he had one.

Ben is a terrific character. You really can never tell if he's telling the truth or lying, trying to help or hurt, etc

Ben is very clever, too clever. The actor is amazing to pull off the role so well. I really don't know if he's a bad guy or a good guy that will just do anything to protect his people. I loved the part at the end when Kate realized it was him trying to get Arron and Jack was like "no he's not, he's with us" and then Ben said "No, she's right, it's me, sorry" :guffaw: something like that.
OK, so this is going to be a lame comment but... the whole time John was pushing the wheel, I was thinking "How does he know he shouldn't be pushing it in the other direction? These people are always so vague in their directions." :lol:

And they killed off the redhead. That's OK, she wasn't doing much for me. I hope they don't get rid of Miles though. Now HE'S entertaining. :)

I was so glad to see Jin back in the game. I love that guy! How great was it when Sawyer first recognized him? That was awesome! :D

And sadly, since everybody on the mainland split again, I'm guessing they're going to be dragging out this time change flashing stuff... sigh. They seriously need to be done with that already. I was over it 2 episodes ago.
twiztid4togo said:
Ben is a terrific character. You really can never tell if he's telling the truth or lying, trying to help or hurt, etc
Ben is very clever, too clever. The actor is amazing to pull off the role so well. I really don't know if he's a bad guy or a good guy that will just do anything to protect his people. I loved the part at the end when Kate realized it was him trying to get Arron and Jack was like "no he's not, he's with us" and then Ben said "No, she's right, it's me, sorry" :guffaw: something like that.

That man deserves an Emmy, he's fantastic!
I knew that Hawkins (?) woman was going to turn out to be Daniel's mom!

Now, what's this about Charlotte being on the island when she was a kid and remembering seeing Daniel there??

The smoke monster....eeeeee...that thing is scary!!!
Yay, they're finally back on the freaking island! Hopefully things will be getting interesting again. I don't really understand why Jin didn't recognize them at first... maybe he's nearsighted! :lol: Plus the van looked really new suddenly... they must have fallen during a timeflash to an earlier time.

I wonder where the others "landed"? And why did Sayid bring that woman with him- seems like a bad idea somehow? I'm also guessing Aaron was given to his grandmother before Kate left, although why that would upset her so much I don't know, so I might be wrong on that one.

OK, last question- will Locke return from the dead? Something tells me the Island will bring him back or something. I don't do spoilers, so I guess I'll have to wait and see. ;)
This season is amazing on every level.

Fantastic episode last night. It's good to see them back on the island. One of the questions my Grandma and I were asking during the episode was "Why didn't Jack ask Daniel's mom if they'll be able to return home from the island again?" :confused:

And who did Kate leave Aaron with. All these questions, and the more it makes me want to watch next week's episode!
I'm so glad that the return to the island wasn't dragged (drug?) out for an entire season.

And as for why Sayid had that woman with him, Ms Hawking told them they'd have recreate the conditions as best they could from the initial crash. So Sayid is now in the same place Kate was-with a US Marshall. Hurley had a guitar presumably mimicking Charlie.

But who was the dude sitting across from Hurley? He was the same guy that spoke briefly to Jack at the check in counter.
I don't understand why Hurley bought so many seats to keep a lot of people from dying if the plane crashed, but not ALL the seats. Plus the crew...they would die too. But....did the plane crash or did they just disappear from it as it flew over the island??

And the pilot. :lol: That was Frank, the helicopter pilot!

When I saw the van, I thought maybe they had landed in the past and it was going to be either Ben's dad or Horace Goodspeed (Nigel Crane).

I don't know about this season. Even tho we're getting answers, I don't find myself gasping and surprised like I have in the past.
Oh yeah, the pilot was Frank! I forgot about that. I really like Frank, I hope he comes down with them. And I hope the Arabic guy across from Hurley goes down too- I've had a crush on him since the movie "Three Kings"! :lol:

OK, enough about me. ;)

So, that woman with Sayid is a Marshall? I thought she was the woman he's been seeking for years, and that's how he ended up on the original Oceanic flight?

I'm guessing Hurley bought all the seats he could buy. Other people had probably already arranged their flights before these guys found out they had to be on this particular one.

Also, I agree- so far my only gasp moment was when Jin showed up again... still, they're keeping me interested for the most part, which is more than I can say for a lot of shows these days. :)
Claire wasn't talking about Aaron when she told Kate in her dream (No Place Like Home finale) not to "bring him back to the Island." She was talking about Locke.

What do you all think? I admit, that could be it. But it could also be a stretch.

I'm also thinking Miles is Dr. Chang's son.
Claire wasn't talking about Aaron when she told Kate in her dream (No Place Like Home finale) not to "bring him back to the Island." She was talking about Locke.

What do you all think? I admit, that could be it. But it could also be a stretch.

I'm also thinking Miles is Dr. Chang's son.
Dr. Chang? Or are you thinking of Dr. Marvin Candle?

I'm skeptical to think that Claire was talking about Locke. Of course, with Lost it's a total possiblity. But I still think she was talking about Aaron. I think that it was hallucination or something of Kate's.

Here's a little sort of spoiler that appeared in TV Guide. Damon Lindelof said that one of the three things is true. Of course, that doesn't mean that the other things aren't true also!
Creator Damon Lindelof told Sterling [Beaumon, aka young Ben] at least one of these three theories is fact: A) Ben is Locke's brother; B) Charlotte is the grown-up Annie (the little red-haired girl young Ben befriended on the island last season; C) Miles is Marvin Candle's kid."

Those sneaky creators! All three things are completely plausible. Here's my low down.

A) Locke is Ben's Brother.
Definitely a possibilty although they don't look much alike. We know that both their mothers were named Emily and they [the Emilys] did, IMO, look alike.

B) Charlotte is the Grown up Annie.
Possible, but unlikely. If I recall, Ben and Annie were about the same age. Ben and Charlotte don't seem remotely the same age to me. Although, we do know that Charlotte was on the island before...so...

C) Miles in Marvin Candle's son.
Possible and likely. We know Candle had a son. The timeline would fit with Miles' age, and frankly, they just sort of look alike.
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