LOST # 2 ~ 'We Don't Wanna Be Rescued!'

Re: LOST#2: 'We Don't Wanna Be Rescued!'

Does anyone know when the new season is airing in the UK? Or have I already missed the start. :lol:

*ETA* Okay, scrape that question, I've just noticed the location of the previous poster! :lol:

God dammit, I can't believe i've missed it. Is it still airing on SKY? :D
Re: LOST#2: 'We Don't Wanna Be Rescued!'

Is it still airing on SKY?
*grimaces* Yes. And because of that I had to watch it online.

But yeah, it aired yesterday in the UK. Sky one 9 o'clock... I think. Not that I would actually know.
Re: LOST#2: 'We Don't Wanna Be Rescued!'

I've watched until 3.6 and now I saw 4.1 and I have no idea what their all talking about...! I guess I'll be watching the rest of season 3 first before continueing.. with the strike in Hollywood I still have something to watch I guess :p
Re: LOST#2: 'We Don't Wanna Be Rescued!'

Did anyone else notice?

Ecklie! :D

So what did you guys think of the epi?

I thought it was gonna be really confusing with the whole time travelling thing, but turned out it wasn't that hard to understand. Yay for Faraday for explaining is so well. :D

More thoughts, ideas?
Oh, who do you think "the friend" on the freighter is? :)
Re: LOST#2: 'We Don't Wanna Be Rescued!'

Yep, I noticed Ecklie! One of the guys on the boat was in "Still Life" too. I love finding "Lost" characters on "CSI" and vice versa. :)

A lot of folks think the "friend" is Ben's spy. Maybe it's Michael or Walt? Do we REALLY believe they went home on that little boat he gave them?
Re: LOST#2: 'We Don't Wanna Be Rescued!'

Wow I totally missed Ecklie!!

I liked this episode and was really hoping that Desmond wasn't going to die. I too thought that the time traveling thing would be hard to follow but it wasn't and found it very interesting. The friend --I have no idea who that is but I suppose it could be Walt --since he seems to be everywhere someone needs him to be, like Locke when he was shot--there was Walt telling him to get going.
Re: LOST#2: 'We Don't Wanna Be Rescued!'

Thoughts on last night's episode?

I'm more convinced than ever now that Michael is on the boat and working for Ben. If that turns out to be true, then I'm kind of disappointed that they made it so easy to figure out. It's so much better when they spring stuff like that on us!
Re: LOST#2: 'We Don't Wanna Be Rescued!'

Well lets see it was mostly about Juliet, but I kinda find her interesting so that wasn't disappointing. Now why did Locke let Ben go? I mean Ben did shoot Locke before why wouldn't he try to do it again--Locke must be getting dumber. Ben said he always has a plan, so that videotape could have been part of his plan for Locke to find. Seems to me that Ben will still get his way some way or another.
When LOST first aired in the 2004/2005 seaspm I gave it a go and watched upto S1E10 and then gave up (I know not very far) but it was on on a shitty day of the week and I missed loads of episodes. But 3/4 years later I've re-committed myself to it. My cable provider have S1,2&3 all stored on their 'On Demand' feature (Virgin Media) for you fellow Brits. I watched it again from the begining and I completed all 3 seasons in less then 2 weeks dedication I know but unfortunately the channel in the UK which airs Lost S4 is not available to me so I've had to resort to online viewing for it. But I have to tell you I have been completely hooked on it.

I'm totally in love with Sawyer and Jack, and like Miss Austin I cannot decide who I love the most :lol:

Also who do the non-spoiled think the Oceanic Six are? We know Hurley, Kate, Sayaed & Jack made up 4 of the 6. Who do the unspoiled think make up the remaining two spots?

I have a funny feeling it will be Sun & Jin. I can't see Sawyer making it back to civilization or Locke for that matter, I think Sun and Jin (being the quieter islanders) will last until the end.
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Also who do the non-spoiled think the Oceanic Six are? We know Hurley, Kate, Sayaed & Jack made up 4 of the 6. Who do the unspoiled think make up the remaining two spots?
*is non-spoiled* :D
I don't know if he counts as one of the oceanic six, but Aaron is there too, right? :confused:
Sun and Jin is a pretty good guess since they would wanna be in a real hospital to have the baby. I think Desmond will go back to the real world too, but as he wasn't on the Oceanic Flight, he wouldn't be one of the Oceanic Six either.

Another thought: Some time ago in one of the first flash forwards, there was a funeral of someone both Kate and Jack knew. So, it's probably safe to assume that it was someone from the Oceanic Six. But it looks like everyone was reluctant to go. So if it was Sun or Jin, why was there nobody there but Jack?
Aaron won't Q/F for the Oceanic Six as he wasn't a checked-in member of the flight. Desmond won't count either, and the same goes for any of 'The Others'. But If Kates 'son' Aaron was Claires Aaron then it seems as though Claire doesn't make it.

When Kate stood trial in one of the 'Flash Forwards' and Jack was on the stand as her character witness he said there were only 7/8 who survived the initial crash (can't remember which) but 1/2 didn't survive the first night. Then there was just the 6 of them who lasted the however many days they were on the island until they were discovered so everyone else minus Jack, Kate, Saiead Hurley and the unknown 2 die before they are rescued. But that won't count Ben, Julie]t, Charlotte, Miles, Faraday, Danielle & Alex. So any of them can make it back to civilazation, and as we know Ben does as Saiead works for Ben as an Assasin.

If the funeral which Jack attends is one of the Oceanic Six it would go against my theory of the remaining 2 of the 'Oceanic6' being Sun and Jin, because I can't imagine either one of them not going to each others funeral and they probably moved back to S.Korea. So if i'm sticking with my theory that S&J are in the Oceanic 6 then I guess the funeral could have been for Juilet. Her and Jack are getting close in 'real-time' on the island and I can see only him attending her funeral. But who knows.....as time goes on it gets stranger and stranger lol

If the person
Okay, so they tried to fool us into thinking Jin makes it! Date of death on his tombstone is the date of the plane crash. Sooooo....did he stay on the island and this stone had already been put up and visiting it is Sun's way of missing him?

Or did he die trying to get off the island with Sun? Either way, apparently the survivors are going along with the lie that he died in the crash. Why?

Jack's testimony....he told about the six who returned and then said two died. That means that somehow the rest of the world knows about two survivors who died before making it off the island (that is, they didn't die in the crash). So which two do they know about? And how did they die so that the rest of the world knows?
Hadn't realised this thread was alive again.

I have to say, the Sun/Jin episode was really well done. The mixture of flashbacks and flashforwards really had me convinced that we'd found out who the last two of the Oceanic Six were.

But no. Just Sun. How sad was the scene when she was by his tombstone?

I didn't notice the date of death on his tombstone, though. So maybe he is still on the island? If that's the case, my theory would be that he fought to get Sun off the island, but there was no space for him. Not that we actually know how they got off the island yet. But still.

I was going to theorise about the two people in Jack's testimony, but then I realised what I was about to say was incredibly stupid. It will probably be people who are already dead, rather than survivors, because that would mean they're not having to lie so much.

Random/interesting thought: don't know if this has been raised before but... does anyone else remember the first season episode 'Raised by Another' in which Claire was specifically told that the baby needed to be raised by her, and *only* her. Now we find out that Kate is the one raising Aaron once they get off the island.
Recipe for disastor/possible destruction of the world?
Thoughts, anyone?

Edit: By the way, I cannot stop laughing everytime Ecklie turns up. I don't know why. But I think it's really annoying the people I watch it with.
Random/interesting thought: don't know if this has been raised before but... does anyone else remember the first season episode 'Raised by Another' in which Claire was specifically told that the baby needed to be raised by her, and *only* her. Now we find out that Kate is the one raising Aaron once they get off the island.
Recipe for disastor/possible destruction of the world?
Thoughts, anyone?
Edit: By the way, I cannot stop laughing everytime Ecklie turns up. I don't know why. But I think it's really annoying the people I watch it with.

Oooo! Oooo! I hadn't remembered that about Claire and the baby. I hope the writers didn't forget it either.

The thing about the two dead that Jack mentioned...why not just say "everyone but us died in the crash"? There has to be something about those additional two that the rest of the world has heard about.

I agree about Ecklie. Creeps me out about as much as seeing Ethan in "Snuff". Yikes!